Sunday, September 01, 2024

"Police don't file the complaint so easily," says activist Shruti Nagvanshi.

"Police don't file the complaint so easily," says activist Shruti Nagvanshi.

In every corner of our society, the challenges faced by women due to inadequate infrastructure and societal neglect are alarmingly prevalent. While rural women grapple with the absence of toilets, forcing them into vulnerable situations, urban areas lack basic safety measures like proper lighting, CCTV surveillance, and secure public transport. In cities like Mumbai, men entering women's compartments on local trains is a frequent issue, and in Delhi, deserted roads at night heighten commuting dangers.

The story of women's safety is not just about missing infrastructure; it's also about systemic failure. Activist Shruti Nagvanshi, who has been tirelessly working to support victims of rape and sexual assault in Eastern U.P., points out that police often dissuade women from filing complaints, advising them to protect their dignity instead. This attitude, combined with fear of social stigma, especially among marginalized communities, leads to severe underreporting of crimes. Despite this, recent data shows a worrying 4% increase in crimes against women, highlighting the gravity of the situation.

Nagvanshi stresses that societal and cultural factors play a huge role in this crisis. Cases that gain media attention often involve political or social factors, while countless other victims suffer in silence. This systemic failure needs urgent attention and action to ensure safety and justice for all women.

#WomensSafety #EndViolenceAgainstWomen #JusticeForAll #SafePublicSpaces #ShrutiNagvanshi

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