Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Alleged Police Harassment and Intimidation Following a Peaceful Protest in Response to Utility Issues


की कॉपी मांगे तो बोले नही दे सकता आदेश नही है ह‘मसे साईंन करवाकर चले गये, जाते वक्त बोले जमानत करवा लो नही तो दुसरी पुलिस आएगी तो मार कर खराब कर देगी’’

मेरा नाम सुरेश गिरी गोसाई है| मेरी उम्र 57 वर्ष  है|मेरे पिता जयराम गिरी है| मै अशिक्षित हूँ | नमकीन और कुरकुरे की फेरी लगाता हूँ| मेरे पास कोई खेती बारी नही है | इसी से जो कुछ आमदनी होता है तो खर्च चलता है| मेरे तीन बेटे सूर्यभान 37 वर्ष,चन्द्रभान 32 वर्ष और उदयभान 25 वर्ष है| सभी विवाहित है| मै कलवारी बाजार,थाना- मडिहान ,जिला-मिर्जापुर का मूल निवासी हूँ|

मुझे नही मालूम था की आज इतना बड़ा हादसा होगा| 2 जुलाई 2023 की तारीख थी| कई दिन से लोग बिजली के लिए परेशान थे| पानी की समस्या हो गयी थी| कई बार बिजली विभाग में कम्प्लेन किया गया| लोग अधिकारी के यहा गये | कोई सुनवाई न होने पर लोगो ने तय किया की शांतिपूर्वक चक्का जाम करेंगे| तभी इस समस्या से निजात मिलेगी | मेरे गैर मौजूदगी में मेरे दरवाजे के आस पास लोगो ने चक्का जाम किया |

जिस पर पुलिस आयी| लोगो ने अपनी मांग बतायी| लेकिन पुलिस ने उसका कोई हल न नही निकाला| बेवजह लाठी चार्ज करने लगे | मौके पर बिजली विभाग और तहसीलदार फुलचंद यादव जी आये | गाव वालो ने अपनी मांग रखी| जिस पर बिजली विभाग वालो ने लाईट ठीक कर दिया | चक्का जाम खत्म हो गया| तहसीलदार साहब ने गाव वालो को आश्वासन दिया की कोई मुकदमा नही होगा|मै मौके पर नही था|

 दुसरे दिन सुनने में आया अख़बार में यह घटना छपी है| अज्ञात में मुकदमा भी किया गया है | हम शामिल नही थे तो हमे किसी बात का डर नही था| हम अपने काम में लगे थे | अभी सितम्बर महीने के दुसरे हफ्ते में राम अवध सिपाही मेरे घर आये हमसे बोले तुम्हारे और बेटो के नाम पर मुकदमा है| यह सुनकर मै घबरा गया| मैंने कहा हम तो मौके पर नही थे | मेरे घर के आस पास था | इस वजह से बच्चे घर के बाहर खड़े थे|

राम अवध से मैंने कहा पुलिस हमारा नाम कैसे जानी| इस पर उसने कहा अगल बगल के गाव वालो ने नाम दिया है| यह सुनकर मेरा दिल घबराने लगा| हमारी गलती क्या है| जो हम लोगो के खिलाफ इतना बड़ा आरोप लगा है| रामअवध ने बोला अपना और सूर्यभान,उदयभान का आधारकार्ड दे दो |

मेरे पास आधार कार्ड था उसकी कापी दिया| दोनों बेटे बाहर मजदूरी करते है| उनका आधार कार्ड उनके पास है| राम अवध ने बोला उन्हें बुला लीजिये नही तो पुलिस उठा ले जाएगी|जब हमने पूछा कौन सी धारा लगी है तो बोले नही मालूम मै इतना पढ़ा लिखा नही हूँ| FIR की कॉपी मांगे तो बोले नही दे सकता आदेश नही है| हमसे साईंन करवाकर चले गये | जाते वक्त बोले जमानत करवा लो नही तो दुसरी पुलिस आएगी तो मार कर खराब कर देगी| राम अवध चले गये लेकिन मेरा दिल जोर-जोर से धडकने लगा | दोनों बेटो के पास फोन किया बोले चले आओ, वह सब बोले पैसा नही है| कर्ज उधार लेकर पैसा भेजे तो वह आये | तब से घर पर ही है| दोनों मजदूरी करते है| डर से घर पर है | तीन लोगो का जमानत करवाना है|

जमानतदार कहा से लाये | आमदनी इतनी होती है की पेट भरना मुश्किल होता है| जमानत कहा से कराए | इसी फ़िक्र में जी रहे है| फेरी पर जाता हूँ लेकिन भय बना रहता है|

इस घटना की वजह से हमारी जिन्दगी पर बहुत असर पड़ा है| हमे इस बात की तकलीफ है कि जो मांग जनता ने की थी वह बेजा नही था| लेकिन पुलिस ने उसे गलत तरीके से दिखाकर हम बेगुनाहों का जीना दूभर किया है| रात को नीद नही आती कुछ भी खाने पीने का मन नही करता है| बहुत बड़ी आफत आ गयी है| भविष्य की फ़िक्र लगी है|

मै यही चाहता हूँ कि इस पुरे मामले की निष्पक्ष जाँच हो जिससे हम बाईज्जत बरी हो |मुझे न्याय और सुरक्षा मिल सके|

The narrative provided by Suresh Giri Gosai sheds light on the precarious situation faced by him and his family in the aftermath of a tumultuous incident. The account outlines the challenges stemming from persistent issues of water and electricity shortages, which led the community to resort to peaceful protest. Despite the assurances made by the Tehsildar that there would be no case against anyone, Suresh and his family were shocked to discover that they had been implicated in a case filed against them.

The lack of transparency in the process, highlighted by the authorities' refusal to provide a copy of the FIR and their subsequent warning to secure bail or face further harm, underscores the vulnerability and fear experienced by the family. Suresh's account of the emotional and psychological toll on his well-being, along with the financial strain resulting from the need to arrange bail for his sons, provides a poignant glimpse into the far-reaching consequences of such incidents on marginalized communities.

The plea for a fair investigation and the hope for justice and security underscores the need for equitable treatment and due process within the legal system. Suresh's narrative serves as a powerful testimony to the challenges faced by individuals and families in asserting their rights and seeking redressal in the face of adversity and systemic injustices.

"When asked for a copy of the FIR, they said they couldn't provide it, claiming there was no order. They made me sign and left. As they were leaving, they said, 'Get bail, or else another police will come and harm you.'

My name is Suresh Giri Gosai. I am 57 years old. My father's name is Jayaram Giri. I am uneducated. I run a street food stall selling salty and crispy snacks. I don't have any farmland. Whatever income I earn is spent on expenses. I have three sons, Suryabhan, 37 years old, Chandrabhan, 32 years old, and Udaybhan, 25 years old. They are all married. I am originally from Kalwari Bazaar, Thana-Madhihan, Mirzapur district.

I didn't know that such a big incident would occur today. The date was July 2, 2023. People had been troubled by the electricity problem for several days. There was a water problem. The electricity department was complained to several times, and people went to the authorities. When no action was taken, people decided to peacefully block the road. That was the only way to get rid of this problem. In my absence, people blocked the area near my door.

The police arrived at the scene. The people expressed their demands, but the police didn't come up with any solution. They started charging without any reason. The officials from the electricity department and Tehsildar Phoolchand Yadav also arrived. The villagers expressed their demands, upon which the electricity department fixed the light and the roadblock was removed. Tehsildar assured the villagers that there would be no case. I wasn't there at the time.

The next day, it was heard that this incident was covered in the newspaper, and a case had been filed against the unknown. We weren't involved, so we weren't afraid of anything. We were busy with our work. In the second week of September, Ram Avadh Police constable came to my house and said that cases had been filed against me and my sons. Hearing this, I was frightened. I said we weren't at the scene; we were near my house. Because of this, the children were outside the house.

I asked Ram Avadh how the police knew our names. He said that the people in the neighboring village had given our names. Hearing this, my heart started racing. What was our mistake that such a big allegation was made against us? Ram Avadh asked for my and my sons' Aadhaar cards. I had my Aadhaar card, and I gave him a copy of it. Both my sons work as laborers outside, and they have their Aadhaar cards with them. Ram Avadh said to bring them, or else the police would take them away. When I asked which section was applied, he said he didn't know; he wasn't educated enough. When asked for a copy of the FIR, they said they couldn't provide it, claiming there was no order. They made me sign and left. As they were leaving, they said, 'Get bail, or else another police will come and harm you.' Ram Avadh left, but my heart started beating loudly. I called my sons and told them to come back. They said they didn't have any money. They sent money after borrowing, and then they came back. Since then, they have been at home. Both of them work as laborers. We are at home due to fear. We need to arrange for bail for three people. I wonder where to arrange for bail. I am living in this worry. I go to the stall, but fear remains.

This incident has had a significant impact on our lives. We are troubled that the demand made by the people was not fulfilled. The police have falsely shown it, making us innocent suffer. I can't sleep at night, and I don't feel like eating or drinking anything. A great calamity has befallen us. I am worried about the future. I just want a fair investigation of this entire matter so that we can be acquitted. I hope to receive justice and security."

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