Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Fighting Modern Slavery: The Journey of Astha Mahila Evam Bal Vikas Sansthan


Astha Mahila Evam Bal Vikas Sansthan (AMEBVS) is a beacon of hope for thousands of marginalized women, children, and Dalits in Uttar Pradesh, especially along the Indo-Nepal border. Since its inception in 2007 and formal registration in 2014 under the Society Act 1860, AMEBVS has focused on tackling human trafficking, child abuse, and domestic servitude—critical issues in some of India’s most vulnerable communities.

A Vision to End Modern Slavery

AMEBVS envisions a world where every individual has the right to survival, protection, development, and participation. The organization is driven by the mission to inspire breakthroughs in the treatment of children, migrant laborers, and women, working to empower the most underprivileged—especially the Musahar and Dalit communities. Through capacity building, self-managed organizations, and collective action, AMEBVS is leading the fight for socio-economic growth, self-reliance, dignity, and gender justice.

Key Interventions and Geographical Reach

Operating across five blocks in Jaunpur, three blocks in Sonbhadra, and two blocks in Varanasi, AMEBVS covers a vast area, reaching 16,830 households across 530 villages. Its efforts encompass multiple thematic areas, including education, adolescent health, child protection, anti-human trafficking programs, and women’s empowerment.

One of the major highlights of the past year is the “Surakshit Jivan Program” in Jaunpur, supported by prominent organizations like the Child Right Center (CNLU), UNICEF, and Bachpan Bachao Andolan. The program, now successfully phased out, focused on child rights, education, and community empowerment.

Empowering Women and Youth

AMEBVS has made significant strides in empowering women through various initiatives. The creation of Self Help Groups (SHGs) in the project intervention areas is one such initiative. These SHGs work on livelihood generation programs, equipping women with the skills they need to become self-reliant. Programs such as mushroom cultivation in Jaunpur and vocational training for adolescent girls are examples of the hands-on approach taken by the organization. By providing women with opportunities to contribute to household incomes, AMEBVS is not only addressing economic disparities but also promoting gender equality.

Moreover, adolescent vocational training programs aim to provide young girls with essential life skills and education on health issues. These programs help adolescent girls form a strong foundation, enabling them to take control of their futures.

Fighting Child Marriage and Human Trafficking

AMEBVS has been an active advocate against child marriage, particularly in the Musahar community. In the last year alone, the organization has intervened in 11 child marriages. By focusing on education and community mobilization, AMEBVS strives to eliminate this harmful practice and protect young girls from a future of exploitation.

Human trafficking remains one of the most pressing challenges in the region. AMEBVS works tirelessly to raise awareness and fight against modern-day slavery through community programs and direct interventions. The organization collaborates with local authorities and other NGOs to implement anti-human trafficking initiatives, making communities safer for women and children.

Advocacy and Collaborations

Collaboration lies at the heart of AMEBVS’ approach. Over the past year, the organization has worked with various national and international bodies. For instance, its participation in the National Action & Coordination Group for Ending Violence Against Children (NACG-EVAC) is a testament to its commitment to ensuring a violence-free environment for all children in South Asia. Additionally, the Bhiksha (Alms)-Free Kashi Campaign has raised awareness about the eradication of beggary, reinforcing the organization’s multi-faceted approach to social change.

A Future of Hope and Dignity

Looking ahead, AMEBVS will continue to fight for justice, equality, and dignity. The Director, Mr. Santosh Kumar Pandey, along with the dedicated team of frontline workers and volunteers, is committed to scaling up the impact. Whether through expanding educational programs, strengthening livelihood opportunities, or fighting against entrenched social evils like child marriage and human trafficking, AMEBVS remains a pillar of support for vulnerable communities.

As AMEBVS moves forward, it will keep drawing strength from the communities it serves, continually working towards a future free from exploitation and discrimination—a future where women, children, and Dalits can live with dignity, self-reliance, and justice.


Astha Mahila Evam Bal Vikas Sansthan’s journey reflects resilience, innovation, and dedication to social justice. Their ongoing initiatives have already transformed many lives, but the fight is far from over. With community support, policy advocacy, and effective partnerships, AMEBVS is poised to continue its work as a leader in combating modern slavery, fostering empowerment, and promoting lasting change.

Appeal for Support: Astha Mahila Evam Bal Vikas Sansthan

Astha Mahila Evam Bal Vikas Sansthan (AMEBVS), registered under the Society Registration Act of 1860 (Section 21) in 2014, is a vital force in the fight against modern slavery, human trafficking, child abuse, and domestic servitude in Uttar Pradesh, especially along the Indo-Nepal border. Since its inception in 2007, AMEBVS has been a beacon of hope for marginalized women, children, and Dalit communities, driving change through education, empowerment, and advocacy.

Contact Information:

Why Support AMEBVS?

AMEBVS operates across five blocks in Jaunpur, three blocks in Sonbhadra, and two blocks in Varanasi, covering 530 villages and reaching 16,830 households. Their efforts include:

  • Empowering Women and Youth: Through Self Help Groups (SHGs) and vocational training programs, AMEBVS is promoting economic self-reliance and gender equality.
  • Fighting Child Marriage and Human Trafficking: AMEBVS actively intervenes to prevent child marriages and combats human trafficking through community programs and partnerships with local authorities.
  • Advocacy and Collaborations: AMEBVS collaborates with national and international bodies to ensure a violence-free environment for children and works towards the eradication of beggary.

How You Can Help:

Support from individuals, organizations, and communities is essential to continue and expand this vital work. Your contribution can help AMEBVS in:

  • Expanding educational and vocational training programs for women and youth.
  • Strengthening initiatives against child marriage and human trafficking.
  • Providing essential resources for frontline workers and volunteers.
  • Advocating for policy changes that protect vulnerable communities.

Together, we can build a future free from exploitation and discrimination—a future where every individual can live with dignity, self-reliance, and justice.

Join the Fight Against Modern Slavery: Contact AMEBVS today to learn more about how you can support their mission and contribute to meaningful, lasting change. 

Astha Mahila Evam Bal Vikas Sansthan (Annual Report 2022-23) by pvchr.india9214 on Scribd

CV of SANTOSH KR. PANDEY by pvchr.india9214 on Scribd

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