Saturday, August 10, 2024

Why Did the Male Police Officer Hit Me? I Still Can’t Forget It

                            Honour of Survivors and part of Testimonial Therapy for healing 

"Why Did the Male Police Officer Hit Me? I Still Can’t Forget It"

My name is Sarita Patel, and I am 24 years old. I live with my husband, Krishnakant, and our two sons—one is 7 years old, and the other is 5. I have completed my education up to a BA and am a homemaker. We live in Palahi Patti Bhatpurwa Khurd, under Chola Pur Police Station in Varanasi district. My husband works as a laborer, and his earnings are what sustain our family.

I never imagined I would face such a day. It was February 22, 2024, a day that started like any other. My husband left early for work, and the kids went off to school. I was alone at home when, around 9:30 a.m., three police officers from the Gosaipur police outpost arrived. They were all in uniform. Upon arriving, they asked for the names of my husband and father-in-law. I told them that neither was home; they had both gone to work. Seeing the police made me anxious. I wondered why they were asking about my family members. I asked them what the matter was, but they didn’t give me any answers and just told me to send them to the police outpost when they returned. With that, the police left, but their visit left me filled with questions.

I immediately called my younger sister, Rinki, who is a constable in the UP Police. I told her that even though nothing had happened, the police were asking about my husband. We were still talking when, suddenly, six male police officers from Chola Pur Police Station barged into my house. The sight of so many police officers made me panic. They demanded to know where my husband and father-in-law were. My sister, still on the phone, told me to put the call on speaker so she could talk to the officers.

But before I could do anything, one of the officers, Rajesh Kumar Tripathi, slapped me three times on each cheek. The blows were so hard that I was left dazed, seeing darkness before my eyes. I started crying loudly, but the police left as quickly as they had come. After they left, I was at a loss for words. I couldn’t understand why this had happened. The tears kept flowing, and the question kept ringing in my head—why did the male police officer hit me? I still can’t forget the sound of his slaps; it echoes in my ears even now. A deep fear has settled in my heart. We haven’t done anything wrong, yet the police are harassing us for no reason.

There was a dispute in the village between Adarsh Public School and the Vishwakarma community, which led to an FIR. My husband and father-in-law have nothing to do with that dispute, and their names are not mentioned in the FIR. Despite this, the police are harassing us and searching for my husband and father-in-law. Because of the police’s actions, my husband and father-in-law are afraid to come home. They fear that the police might arrest them and falsely implicate them in some case. With them away, I am left alone to care for my two young children, living in constant fear.

I am scared all the time. Nothing feels right anymore. My mind is in turmoil. I can’t sleep at night, plagued by bad thoughts. I have lost my appetite and feel lethargic all day. Rajesh Kumar Tripathi’s face keeps flashing before my eyes. My face turned red from the slaps. Since that incident, I don’t feel like going anywhere or doing anything.

All I want is justice. The male police officer physically assaulted me, and I demand legal action against him. My husband and father-in-law are innocent and should not be harassed without cause.

                    पुरुष पुलिस ने मुझे क्यों मारा, यह मै आज तक नही भूल पा रही हूँ

मेरा नाम सरिता पटेल है |मेरी उम्र 24 वर्ष है|मेरे पति  कृष्णकांत है| मैंने बीए तक की शिक्षा ली है|मै घर गृहस्थ महिला हूँ,मेरे दो बच्चे है बड़ा बेटा 7 वर्ष और छोटा बेटा 5 वर्ष का है |मेरे पति बनी मजदूरी करते है| जिससे परिवार का पालन पोषण होता है|मै ग्राम-पलही पट्टी भटपुरवा खुर्द,थाना-चोलापुर,जिला-वाराणसी की मूल निवासिनी हूँ|

मुझे नही मालूम था की आज यह दिन भी देखना पड़ेगा| 22 फरवरी, 2024 की तारीख थी| रोज की तरह मेरे पति उस दिन भी सुबह ही अपने काम पर चले गये थे |दोनों बच्चे भी स्कुल चले गये थे|मै घर में अकेली थी| तभी तकरीबन साढ़े नौ बजे गोसाईपुर चौकी के तीन पुलिस वाले आये|वह सभी वर्दी में थे| आते ही मेरे ससुर और पति  का नाम पूछने लगे| मैंने उन्हें बताया कहा साहब पति और ससुर घर पर नही है काम पर गये है|उस वक्त पुलिस को देखकर मेरा मन घबराने लगा|पुलिस इन्हें क्यों पूंछ रही है|मैंने पुलिस से पूछा क्या काम है|इस पर वह कुछ नही बताये बस यह बोले जब वह लोग आयेंगे तो चौकी पर भेजना|यह कहकर पुलिस वापस चली गयी|पुलिस के जाने के बाद मन में तमाम सवाल उभरने लगे| 

मैंने अपनी छोटी बहन रिंकी को फोन किया| वह यूपी पुलिस में सिपाही है|मै उससे फोनकर बताने लगी की कुछ हुआ नही है तब भी पुलिस तेरे जीजाजी को पुंछ रही थी|अभी हम दोनों बहने बात ही कर रहे थे|तभी चोलापुर थाने की छ: पुरुष पुलिस वर्दी में धडधडाते मेरे घर के अंदर घुस आयी|उतनी पुलिस देखकर मै घबरा गयी|तभी पुलिस बोली कहा है तेरे पति और ससुर,उसी वक्त मेरी बहन ने  कहा फोन स्पीकर पर ले लो हम साहब से बात करते है| 

मै कुछ कर पाती| तभी पुलिस राजेश्र कुमार त्रिपाठी ने मेरे दोनों गा्ल पर कसकर तीन-तीन झापड़ मारा|झापड़ पड़ते ही मेरे आँख के आगे अँधेरा सा छा गया|उस वक्त मुझे कुछ समझ में नही आ रहा था|मै जोर-जोर से रोने लगी|अभी अपने आप को सम्भाल पाती तभी पुलिस वाले वहा से चले गये|उनके जाने के बाद किससे क्या बोलू मुझे कुछ समझ में नही आ रहा था|उस वक्त मेरे मुंह से बोली नही आंसू निकल रहे थे | पुरुष पुलिस ने मुझे क्यों मारा यह मै आज तक नही भूल पा रही हूँ| वह आवाज मेरे कानो में आज भी गूंज रही है| मन में एक दहशत सा बैठ गया है| हम लोगो ने ऐसा कुछ किया भी नही इसके बावजूद पुलिस बेवजह हम लोगो को परेशान कर रही है| 

गाँव में आदर्श पब्लिक स्कुल और विश्वकर्मा लोगो के बीच झगड़ा हुआ है|इस सम्बन्ध में FIR हुआ है| उस झगड़े से हमारे पति और ससुर का कोई कोई लेना देना नही है|FIR की कॉपी में पति और ससुर का नाम नही है|फिर भी पुलिस हमे परेशान कर मेरे पति और ससुर की तलाश में दबिश दे रही है|पुलिस के डर की वजह से मेरे पति और ससुर घर नही आ रहे है| उन्हें इस बात का डर है की पुलिस उनको गिरफ्तार कर किसी भी आरोप में फंसा सकती है| उन लोगो के न रहने से मै अकेली महिला अपने दोनों मासूम बच्चो के साथ हर वक्त भय में जीवन गुजार रही हूँ| 

हर वक्त डर सा बना है| कुछ भी अच्छा नही लग रहा है| मन में एक उलझन सा बना हुआ है| रात भर आँख नही लगती बुरे-बुरे ख्याल आते है| खाना खाने का मन नही करता दिन भर सुस्ती सी बनी रहती है| बार-बार पुलिस राजेश कुमार त्रिपाठी का चेहरा आँखों के सामने नजर आता है| उस वक्त मेरा चेहरा लाल हो गया था| इस घटना के बाद से कही आने जाने का मन नही करता है| 

मै यही चाहती हूँ कि पुरुष पुलिस ने मुझे शारीरिक यातना दी है| उनके खिलाफ क़ानूनी कार्यवाही हो,तथा मेरे पति और ससुर जो बेगुनाह है| उन्हें बेवजह परेशान न किया जाय|

Honor of Survivors and the Role of Testimonial Therapy in Healing

Objective: To acknowledge the dignity and strength of survivors and to utilize Testimonial Therapy as a vital tool in the healing process, ensuring that survivors' voices are heard, their experiences validated, and their trauma addressed with compassion and respect.

Honor of Survivors: Survivors of trauma, especially those who have endured violence or oppression, carry profound resilience. It is essential to recognize their strength and honor their experiences. Acknowledging survivors' stories is not only a form of validation but also an act of empowerment. It ensures that their pain is not forgotten and that their courage is celebrated. The dignity of survivors must be at the forefront of any therapeutic or support process.

Testimonial Therapy: Testimonial Therapy is a therapeutic approach that allows survivors to narrate their experiences in a structured and supportive environment. This therapy is particularly powerful because it transforms personal trauma into a public testimony, which can contribute to both personal healing and broader social justice.

Key Elements:

  1. Safe Space for Narration:

    • Creating a secure and empathetic environment where survivors can share their stories without fear of judgment or reprisal.
  2. Validation of Experiences:

    • Survivors' accounts are listened to with respect and their experiences are acknowledged as real and significant. This validation is crucial for their emotional and psychological healing.
  3. Public Testimony:

    • Where appropriate, survivors' testimonies are documented and shared (with consent) to raise awareness, foster understanding, and advocate for justice. This can also help in breaking the silence around issues like violence and oppression.
  4. Healing Through Expression:

    • By articulating their experiences, survivors can process their trauma, reduce feelings of isolation, and reclaim control over their narratives. This process can significantly contribute to their psychological well-being.
  5. Community and Support:

    • Engaging the community in supporting survivors through Testimonial Therapy fosters a collective responsibility for healing and justice. It reinforces the idea that the survivor is not alone in their journey.

Conclusion: Testimonial Therapy is more than just a therapeutic technique; it is a form of honoring the resilience and courage of survivors. By providing a platform for their voices, we contribute to their healing and promote a culture of empathy, respect, and justice.

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