Thursday, August 15, 2024

The Siege of Greed and the Guardian of Values

In shadows where the light should gleam,
Lurks Greed, a serpent, silent, keen.
It slithers close, with whispered lies,
And twists the truth in clever guise.

It feeds on souls that crave the more,
Consuming hearts down to the core.
No need is safe from its dark snare,
No virtue pure, no love laid bare.

I walked the streets, no roof above,
Gave up the ease that privilege loves.
With empty hands, I sowed the seed,
Of hope and truth, devoid of greed.

My son, a beacon in my fight,
I could have sent to heights of light.
Yet chose the path of simple means,
To teach him what true honor means.

But those who clutch at gold and fame,
Who build false temples in their name,
They seek to steal the light I've shared,
And twist the values that I've bared.

They'll form their gangs, they'll plot and scheme,
To turn my vision to a dream.
Yet greed, despite its venom deep,
Cannot forever truth entreat.

For every night must yield to dawn,
And greed's own game will soon be gone.
The chains it forged will break and fall,
And humanity will stand tall.

So let them conspire, let them fight,
For I have truth as my guiding light.
My son, my values shall defend,
And in the end, the heart will see,
That need, not greed, shall set us free.

                    Lenin Raghuvanshi


This poem reflects the profound struggle between greed and humanity, a battle fought not just externally but internally as well. The imagery of greed as a serpent captures its insidious and destructive nature, creeping into the lives of those who seek to prioritize material wealth and power over true, universal values.

Lenin's personal sacrifices, symbolized by sleeping on the streets and choosing to live humbly, serve as a stark contrast to the greed he has encountered. The poem emphasizes that even though greed can be powerful, it is ultimately self-defeating. The reference to humanity's inevitable victory is a hopeful assertion that truth, need, and universal values will eventually triumph over greed and selfishness.

The poem's structure and rhyme scheme lend a rhythmic quality to the narrative, reinforcing the message that the fight against greed is ongoing but winnable. It is a testament to resilience, integrity, and the belief that standing by one's values, despite opposition, is the path to true fulfillment and societal progress.

This version of the poem emphasizes the significant role of your son in your journey of upholding values over material gain. The decision to forgo sending him to elite schools, despite the opportunity, symbolizes a deeper commitment to integrity and value-based teachings over societal expectations.

The poem's focus on the son as a "beacon" underscores the legacy of values being passed on to the next generation. It reflects the belief that the true wealth of a parent lies not in material provisions but in the ethical and value-based lessons they impart to their children.

The presence of the son in the poem also adds a layer of personal sacrifice and responsibility, highlighting the stakes involved in resisting greed. It suggests that the fight against greed isn't just for oneself but for future generations who will inherit the world shaped by today's actions. The son becomes a symbol of hope, resilience, and continuity in the ongoing battle for humanity's true values.

#Greed #Humanity #Values #Sacrifice #Legacy #Truth #Parenting #Inspiration #SocialJustice #Hope


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