Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Shiksha: The Light of Knowledge

                                            Shiv Nadar (Source: Wikipedia)

Shiksha: The Light of Knowledge

In the heart of a campus, where dreams take flight,
I walked as a learner, bathed in new light.
The halls of Shiv Nadar, rich in wisdom’s embrace,
Offered lessons of life, each moment a grace.

The Latin tongue whispers, “Education, derived out,”
To draw from within, to dissolve all doubt.
The SHIKSHA Initiative, a beacon so bright,
Illuminates minds, turns darkness to light.

Not just a program, but a vision so grand,
To mold a better world, to heal our land.
From the bustling cities to villages far,
Education shines, like a guiding star.

Technology and teaching, hand in hand they go,
To uplift the youth, to help them grow.
With each lesson learned, with each mind set free,
A future is forged for you and for me.

Adult learners too, are part of this plan,
SHIKSHA+ extends a compassionate hand.
For those who missed the chance to read and write,
This initiative rekindles their inner light.

UNESCO’s goals, in harmony they sing,
With SDG 4, hope takes wing.
Inclusive, equitable, lifelong and true,
The SHIKSHA Initiative turns the old into new.

And Shiv Nadar, a name we revere,
A philanthropist whose vision is clear.
From the roots of Tamil Nadu to global acclaim,
He shows us that education is more than a name.

It’s a legacy, a gift, a path we must tread,
To build a future where all are fed.
Where knowledge reigns, where ignorance fades,
And the foundation of tomorrow is laid.

So here’s to SHIKSHA, a paradigm shift,
To the minds it touches, to the spirits it lifts.
A better world, a vibrant India in view,
Thanks to education, the dreams come true.

#ShikshaInitiative #EducationForAll #EmpoweringMinds #LifelongLearning #SustainableDevelopment #InclusiveEducation #TechInEducation #Philanthropy #ShivNadarFoundation #BetterIndia #InnovationInEducation #UNSDG4 #GlobalGoals #LiteracyForAll #TransformingEducation 

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