Thursday, May 31, 2012

Please vote for Dr Lenin Raghuvanshi/PVCHR

Please vote for Dr Lenin Raghuvanshi/PVCHR, my organisation, for the Human Dignity Award.

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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Please Vote for reconciliation movement:Neo Dalit Movement against caste system

Please Vote to reconciliation movement against caste system

Lenin Raghuvanshi Submitted by: Tanweer Ahmed Siddiqui

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It has been 65 years since India — the largest democracy in the world — attained independence.
Yet, justice for all is still a far cry in the country where the caste system continues to determine political, social, and economic lives of a billion people.
Money and muscle power, together with political string-pulling, often result in denial of justice for the hapless ‘have-nots’, especially the Dalits (untouchables), ravaged by poverty and illiteracy.
Atrocities and extortion on the Dalits, fake encounters, refusal to register complaints against the well-heeled, arbitrary arrests on false charges, illegal detention and custodial deaths are in commonplace.
In the absence of a modern social audit system, the keepers of the law often unleash a ‘police raj’, especially in rural India. A crippled National Human Rights Commission and its state subsidiaries with limited re-commendatory control and a dysfunctional Legal Aid System depict a gloomy picture indeed.

In a unique way, Lenin Raghuvanshi, a veteran human rights activist, fighting the case-studies primarily drawn from Uttar Pradesh, registering the highest rate of crime against the Dalits, chronicles how with implicit support from the administration, the Dalits are tortured and subjected to humiliation by the higher castes, like being garlanded with shoes, their faces blackened or being forced to ride an ass; yet, in most of the cases, violence, deaths or custodial tortures that are committed against the marginalised and deprived castes go unrecorded.
Ironically, even after having shed the colonial yoke, its legacy continues in the administrative framework of our independent India marked with widespread corruption which has rendered many government-sponsored schemes in rural India a failure.
Lenin Raghuvanshi, an Ayurvedic physician by profession, has been working for the rights of bonded and child labourers and other marginalised people in Varanasi and eastern part of Uttar Pradesh, India. In 1996, he and his wife Shruti founded People’s Vigilance Committee on Human Right (PVCHR), a community-based organisation, to break the closed, feudal hierarchies of conservative slums and villages by building up local institutions and supporting them with a high profile and active human rights network.

He has become the symbol of nonviolent resistance among millions of Dalits fighting for dignity. For his commitment in favour of marginalized people, he has periodically suffered death threats.
Already an Ashoka Fellow, Lenin was the President, United Nations’ Youth Organisation (UNYO),Uttar Pradesh (India) Chapter. Lenin’s work has been recognised with Gwangju Human Rights Award for 2007. In 2009, in collaboration with the Rehabilitation and Research Centre for Torture Victim (RCT), Denmark, Lenin developed Testimonial Models for torture survivors in India. City Council of Weimar in Germany selected Lenin Raghuvanshi for the International Human Rights Award for 2010.

Children abused in orphanage of Odisha: Chief Minister's intervention sought by activists through open letter

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

उत्तर प्रदेश के बदायू जनपद के लालपुर पुलिस चौकी मे 17 वर्षीय किशोरी के साथ बलात्कार के सन्दर्भ मे !

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Detention Watch <>
Date: 2012/5/29
Subject: उत्तर प्रदेश के बदायू जनपद के लालपुर पुलिस चौकी मे 17 वर्षीय किशोरी के साथ बलात्कार के सन्दर्भ मे !
Cc:, Lenin Raghuvanshi <>

                                                                                                                     दिनांक - 29 मई, 2012.
सेवा मे,
           श्रीमान अध्यक्षा महोदया,
           राष्ट्रीय महिला आयोग,
           नई दिल्ली - भारत !
विषय -  उत्तर प्रदेश के  बदायू जनपद के लालपुर पुलिस चौकी मे 17 वर्षीय किशोरी के साथ बलात्कार के सन्दर्भ मे !
         हम आपका ध्यान उत्तर प्रदेश के  बदायू जनपद के लालपुर पुलिस चौकी की ओर आकृष्ट कराना चन्हुंगा, जहा 17 वर्षीय किशोरी के साथ पुलिस के मुखबिर व वहा उपस्थित सिपाही का दोस्त ने उसे अपनी हवस का शिकार बना डाला  और वही  सिपाही घटना के वक्त पुलिस चौकी के गेट पर खडा होकर पहरा देता रहा ! 
         पीडिता किशोरी रामपुर जिले के खजुरिया थाना अंतर्गत गांव कायमगंज  की निवासनी है, जो बडे सरकार की दरगाह पर जियारत करने आयी थी ! रात होने पर वह अपने वृद्ध रिश्तेदार के साथ एक तख्ते पर सो गयी, उसी दौरान सम्बन्धित पुलिस चौकी के गश्ती करते सिपाही गण पहुंच गये और चौकी ले आये ! पुलिस किशोरी और रिश्तेदार के छोडने के एवज मे 20 हज़ार रूपय्रे की मांग भी रखा था !
           विदित हो की जिन लोंगो पर जाय्ररीन की सुरक्षा का जिम्मा था, वे ही समाज मे असुरक्षा और अवयवस्था को जन्म देते है ! इस तरह की मामला हमेशा सुनने और देखने को मिलती है !
           अत: आप से अनुरोध है की मामले मे त्वरित हस्तक्षेप करते हुए सम्भावित दोषियो के खिलाफ न्यायोचित कानूनी कार्यवाही की जाए, एवम पीडिता व गवाहो को सुरक्षा तथा मुआवजा  प्रदान कराने का आदेश पारित करने के साथ मामले मे उच्चस्तरीय जांच कराने की कृपा करे !  
डा0 लेनिन,
मानवाधिकार जननिगरानी समिति,
सा 4/ 2 ए. दौलतपुर, वाराणसी - 221002
मो. - +91-9935599333.
ई - मेल -,
Please Visit :-
बदायूं : उत्तर प्रदेश के बदायूं जिले में शर्मसार कर देने वाली घटना में पुलिस चौकी में एक नाबालिग लड़की से कथित रूप से बलात्कार किया गया। इस मामले में तीन पुलिसकर्मियों को निलम्बित करके गिरफ्तार कर लिया गया है।

पुलिस अधीक्षक रतन कुमार श्रीवास्तव ने आज यहां बताया कि रामपुर की रहने वाली 17 वर्षीय लड़की कल अपने नाना इकराम अली के साथ 'बड़े सरकार' की मजार पर चादर चढ़ाने आयी थी। रात ज्यादा हो जाने पर वह मजार परिसर में ही ठहर गए। उन्होंने बताया कि इसी बीच वहां शहर कोतवाली अंतर्गत लालपुल पुलिस चौकी पर तैनात पुलिसकर्मियों ने इकराम अली और उसकी नातिन को कथित रूप से आपत्तिजनक स्थिति में देखा और दोनों को चौकी परिसर में ले गये। बाद में वे पुलिसकर्मी गश्त पर चले गए।

श्रीवास्तव ने बताया कि रात करीब तीन बजे सुमित नामक पुलिस रंगरूट अपने साथी गोपाल के साथ आया और रिहाई के लिये अली से कथित रूप से धन मांगा जिसमें असमर्थता जताने पर गोपाल उस लड़की को पुलिस चौकी के अंदर बने कमरे में ले गया और सुमित बाहर से दरवाजे की कुंडी लगाकर पहरे पर बैठ गया। उन्होंने बताया कि कमरे में लड़की के चीखने की आवाज सुनकर आसपास मौजूद स्थानीय लोग पहुंच गये और गोपाल तथा सुमित को पकड़ लिया।

श्रीवास्तव ने बताया कि इस मामले में सुमित, पुलिस चौकी में तैनात सिपाहियों औसाफ अली और माजिद तथा बलात्कार के आरोपी गोपाल को गिरफ्तार कर लिया गया है। उन्होंने बताया सुमित, औसाफ अली और माजिद को निलम्बित कर दिया गया है। श्रीवास्तव ने बताया कि पीड़ित लड़की को चिकित्सीय परीक्षण के लिये भेजा गया है। (एजेंसी)
बदायूं की पुलिस चौकी में किशोरी से रेप
अमर उजाला ब्यूरो
बदायूं। रामपुर के एक गांव से आई एक किशोरी के साथ रविवार की रात लालपुल की पुलिस चौकी में एक युवक ने बलात्कार किया। युवक सिपाही का दोस्त बताया गया है। युवती बड़े सरकार की दरगाह पर जियारत करने आई थी। हादसे की खबर लगते ही लोग जुट गए और रात ही में पुलिस चौकी घेर ली। हंगामा सोमवार सुबह तक चलता रहा। एसपी के आदेश पर दो सिपाहियों और एक रंगरूट को निलंबित कर गिरफ्तार कर लिया गया। पुलिस ने तीनों के साथ ही रेप के आरोपी युवक को भी गिरफ्तार कर चारों को न्यायिक हिरासत में जेल भेज दिया।
हादसे का शिकार किशोरी अपने रिश्ते के नाना (मां के खालू) के साथ रामपुर के एक गांव से यहां आई थी। रविवार रात उसके रिश्ते के नाना और किशोरी बड़े सरकार की दरगाह परिसर में एक ही तख्त पर सोए थे। वहां दूसरे जायरीनों को दोनों को साथ सोने पर कुछ संदेह हुआ तो उन्होंने शोर मचा दिया। इसी दौरान पुलिस चौकी के गश्ती सिपाही माजिद हुसैन, औसाफ अली एवं सुमित के अलावा उसका दोस्त गोपाल निवासी मोहल्ला ब्राह्मपुर वहां पहुंच गए। सिपाही दोनों को चौकी ले आए। आरोप है कि पुलिस ने किशोरी और उसके रिश्तेदार को छोड़ने के लिए 20 हजार रुपये मांगे। रुपये नहीं देने पर दोनों को चौकी में बैठाए रखा गया।
सिपाही माजिद और औसाफ रात करीब 12 बजे फिर गश्त पर चले गए। इसी दौरान रंगरूट सुमित की मौजूदगी में उसके दोस्त गोपाल ने चौकी के ही कमरे में किशोरी के साथ बलात्कार किया। सोमवार को सुबह 11 बजे लालपुल पुलिस चौकी के सामने भीड़ ने रास्ता जाम कर दिया। एसपी रतन श्रीवास्तव के आदेश पर पीड़ित किशोरी की तहरीर पर सदर कोतवाली में आरोपियों के खिलाफ मुकदमा पंजीकृत कराया गया।


On the complain of PVCHR activist in one case National Human Rights Commission ordered compensation of Rs. 4163283 to the next kin of deceased person and 150000 Rs to the injured person

Case Details of File Number: 1227/7/10/2012

Diary Number 32199
Place of Incident MOUGAL MAJRA
Date of Incident 8/22/2011
Direction issued by the Commission A similar linked Case No. 2620/7/10/2011 has already been closed by the Commission vide proceeding dated 01.03.2012. The present case No. 1227/7/10/2012 be clubbed with Case No. 2620/7/10/2011 and be closed. PROCEEDING DATED 1-3-12 IN CASE NO. 2620/7/10/2011 ENCLOSED. This proceeding shall be read in continuation with the earlier proceedings of the Commission dated 16.11.2011. Er. R.P. Malhotra claiming himself to be State Convenor of BJP, Human Rights Cell, Haryana has drawn the attention of the Commission on the basis of a news report published in The Tribune dated 23.8.20911 titled "5 workers charred to death". It was reported in the news clipping that four persons died on the spot and fifth one in the hospital due to serious burn injuries caused by explosion in Bharati Fireworks Factory at Mougal Majara Village in District Karnal. On the said petition, the Commission vide its order dated 12.9.2011 directed that a notice be issued to SP, Karnal, Haryana calling for his report. SP, Karnal vide communication dated 30.9.2011, reported that the investigation of this case was got done through Dy.SP, Karnal. Thereupon, a crime No. 229 u/s 304/308/34 IPC and 9B Explosive Substance Act has been registered at PS Kunjpora. Two accused Pankaj and Harishchand Bharati have already been arrested. The investigation of the crime is still going on. SP, Karnal was again directed to submit a detained report intimating the outcome of the investigation. He will also inform whether any compensation has been paid to the next of the kin of the victims by the owner of the factory? If so, what amount has been paid. SP, Karnal vide communication dated 30.12.2011 has reported that the prosecution branch has changed the offence from u/s 304/308 IPC to u/s 304A/337 IPC against the accused persons. The investigation of the case is still going on. The next of the kin of the deceased and injured victims have been awarded compensation as follows:- 1) Bittoo - Rs. 5,09,921/- 2) Dilip Kumar - Rs. 5,04,560/- 3) Ram Avtar - Rs. 4,14,843/- 4) Shanti Devi - Rs. 4,68,475/- 5) Gauri Devi - Rs. 4,77,057/- 6) Ramesh Ram - Rs. 3,89,712/- 7) Shakunti Devi - Rs. 4,02,050/- 8) Arvind - Rs. 4,92,105/- 9) Shankar - Rs. 5,04,560/- Each injured person has been awarded compensation of Rs. 1,50,000/-. The compensation awarded to the next of the kin of the deceased and injured persons are sufficient to meet the needs of justice. The criminal case registered against the accused persons is still going on and it will take its own time. The machinery of law has already been set in motion. No further intervention of the Commission is called for. The case is closed.
Action Taken Concluded and No Further Action Required (Dated 5/2/2012 )
Status on 5/29/2012 The Case is Closed.

Note: For further details kindly contact National Human Rights Commission, Copernicus Marg, New Delhi, PIN 110001 Tel.No. 23385368 Fax No. 23384863 E-Mail:

Monday, May 28, 2012

Testimony Ceremonies in Asia: Integrating Spirituality in Testimonial Therapy for Torture Survivors in India, Sri Lanka, Cambodia and the Philippines"

Dear all,
I am happy to inform you about the online publication (with open access) of the article "Testimony Ceremonies in Asia: Integrating Spirituality in Testimonial Therapy for Torture Survivors in India, Sri Lanka, Cambodia and the Philippines". The article is based on the action research work of Dr.Inger Agger of RCT,Dr.Victor Igreja,Dr.Rachel Kiehle And Dr. Peter B.Polatin of RCT  have done together. The article will later appear in print in the journal Transcultural Psychiatry. You are welcome to distribute it. Below you will find the link to the article.

With warm regards,

Hatred does not cease by hatred, but only by love; this is the eternal rule.
--The Buddha
"We are what we think. With our thoughts we make our world." - Buddha
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डाॅ. लेनिन ने मुकदमा वापस लेने की लगाई गुहार

Open letter to Chief Minister of Government of Odisha: Voice of children of Lesser God


25 May, 2012


Chief Minister

Government of Odisha



Sub: Voice of children of Lesser God


The three interns Ms. Linnea Karlsson, Ms. Sara Arrhusius and Ms. Josefine Jacobsson, from Stockholm Sweden worked at the orphanage Manoj Manjari Sishu Bhawan (MMSB) in Orissa during 2010- 2011.

They witnessed the cruel abuse of the children during their stay at MMSB and the children themselves professed to being brutally molested psychologically and physically. They have on a regular basis been beaten and threatened with ropes, saw blades and stones throughout their childhood. Children are molested everyday by people like Baikunta Mishra and Babula. More people in Orphanage are involved in the abuse.

On that injustice the follows actions:

1.   Sara Arrhusius writes a general report that briefly touches on the problems at MMSB. The report is sent to the Secretary and board members of Manoj Manjari Sishu Bhawan at the time (period between 2008-2010) and Gunilla Frankman. It was also intended for the board of MMSB.


2.   Josefine Jacobsson and Linnea Karlsson send a first testimony to PM Pyrimohan Mohaptra (Founder Patron and Life Member Manoj Manjari Sishu Bhawan, Keonjhar since 1973)   after he has asked us to send information through e-mail about the children's situation at MMSB.  In the testimony they mentioned (to maltreatment of the children and then especially the boys. We have seen fresh bruises, wounds and scars from the abuse. Linnea has at some

occasions seen beating, heard punches and we have both witnessed psychological abuse.) We know that this is not just accidents but actions committed by the Super Intendent Mr. Mishra on a regular basis. As you know the French and Swedish organisations and Adoption centre in Sweden do not accept this kind of treatment of children and it is now your responsibility, when you are informed, to deal with this problem.


3.   Linnea Karlsson, Sara Arrhusius and Josefine Jacobsson send separate testimonies to Swedish Adoptions centre and PVCHR.



On 8th March, 2011 Peoples' Vigilance Committee on Human Rights (PVCHR) sent letter to National Human Rights Commission with a request to protect these children and do investigation in the matter at earliest. The commission directed the matter to Orissa Human Rights Commission.


On 6th August, 2011 Orissa Human Rights Commission in case no. 674 of 2011 No. 9503/OHRC in the ordered sheet that "A letter dated 30th May, 2011 has been received from the petitioner seeking information of the action taken on the order of the commission dated 28th April, 2011. Evidently the order of the commission dated 27th May, 2011 where the case was concluded had not been received by the petitioner by 30th May, 2011. On the verification of paper, it is seen that the said order of the commission has been complied on 16th July, 2011. By now he should have received the copy of the order. So no further action seems necessary." but before the order sheet PVCHR never received letter from Orissa Human Rights Commission for the comment.

On 11th March, 2011 letter was sent to National Commission for Protection of child right. NCPCR in letter dated 6th June, 2011 File no. OR-17011/21/975/2011-Comp stated the matter was enquired by the Collector and the district Magistrate, Keonjhar. Report in this regard has been received which categorically denies of any such incidence of misbehavior at the institution. It has also been reported that the children are happy with the arrangement made for them by the institution. The enquiry was not conducted through independent agency as the founder of MMSB Shri PM Pyrimohan Mahopatra had a strong linkage in Orissa.

The 10th of March 2012 when the annual board meeting was held, the children stood up and begged for the board members to listen. They wanted to complain about their situation but were prevented from doing so. Seeing no other solution 16 children left the orphanage in protest and went to the railway station with the intention to commit suicide. We know these children very well and we cannot even imagine the extent of the desperation they most have felt when they decided to take action at the time of their final exams. After the incident local media has monitored the case.

Late in the evening police arrived to the railway station. They took the children with them and violated their authority and Indian law as they battered them. In the morning they were returned to the orphanage. This police violence against children is of great concern but the very exposed situation of these children, and then especially these 16 children, is a direct threat to their safety. We fear for their lives.

Then on the 10th May, 2012 an article published in Times of India "Sexual harassment charge against orphanage secy" that Iinmates and staff of Manoj Manjari Sishu Bhawan, an orphanage in Keonjhar, on Wednesday brought allegations of sexual harassment, physical torture and misappropriation of funds against the secretary of the institute. They lodged a complaint with the State Commission for Women and have also written to the state government. It has become difficult for women to work in the institute because of the atrocities of the secretary. We informed the collector, district social welfare officer and police about it. When no action was taken we decided to lodge a complaint with the State Commission for Women," said Parbati Jena, another employee. "The same secretary was dismissed by collector following an enquiry into alleged physical torture of inmates in 2008. But using his power he joined the institute again last year," said Jena.

Chairperson of state commission for women Jyoti Panigrahi said, "I received the petition filed by the inmates and staff of the institute. We would make a field visit and conduct an enquiry if required."

The children that has just left MMSB and are moving around in the different villages for fear of being detected by the Satya N Mishra and the others working for him. Since they are living outside they are not protected by the coverage of media and anything could happen to them.

This story came in many print and electronic media in Sweden,,,,,

Therefore it is a kind request to immediate conduct enquiry through independent agency and provides security to the children. As one hand the Odisha Government is doing Tribal advocacy for making Mr.P.A Sangama as President of India but other hand what is the strategy of Orissa Government for the tribal children such as sexual abuse of Tribal Children in Orphanage.


Thanking You


Sincerely Yours



(Dr. Lenin Raghuvanshi)

Secretary General



Hatred does not cease by hatred, but only by love; this is the eternal rule.
--The Buddha
"We are what we think. With our thoughts we make our world." - Buddha
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अपराध संख्या 357/07 सरकार-बनाम-डा0 लेनिन रघुवंशी आदि, अन्तर्गत धारा-505 बी0 भा0द0वि0 थाना-फूलपुर, जिला-वाराणसी केस नम्बर-2049/10 सप्तम् ए0सी0जे0एम0 वाराणसी को वापस लेने के सम्बन्ध में।

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: PVCHR ED <>
Date: 2012/5/28
Subject: अपराध संख्या 357/07 सरकार-बनाम-डा0 लेनिन रघुवंशी आदि, अन्तर्गत धारा-505 बी0 भा0द0वि0 थाना-फूलपुर, जिला-वाराणसी केस नम्बर-2049/10 सप्तम् ए0सी0जे0एम0 वाराणसी को वापस लेने के सम्बन्ध में।
To: Akhilesh Yadav <>

04 मई, 2012
सेवा में,
माननीय श्री अखिलेश जी,
उत्तर प्रदेश शासन,

विषय: अपराध संख्या 357/07 सरकार-बनाम-डा0 लेनिन रघुवंशी आदि, अन्तर्गत धारा-505 बी0 भा00वि0 थाना-फूलपुर, जिला-वाराणसी केस नम्बर-2049/10 सप्तम् ए0सी0जे0एम0 वाराणसी को वापस लेने के सम्बन्ध में।

            प्रार्थीगण निम्नलिखित निवेदन करते हैं:-
1.         यह कि प्रार्थी डा0 लेनिन रघुवंशी एक सामाजिक कार्यकर्ता है एवं मानवाधिकार जननिगरानी समिति का महासचिव/अधिशासी निदेशक है। प्रार्थी को मानवाधिकार के क्षेत्र में किये गये कार्य को देखते हुए दक्षिण कोरिया से 2007 ग्वान्जू एवार्ड, ह्यूमन राइट्स 2008 आचा पीस स्टार अवार्ड (यू000) 2010 वाइमर अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय मानवाधिकार पुरस्कार (जर्मनी) जनमित्र गाँव की परिकल्पना के लिए वांशिगटन स्थित अशोका फाउण्डेशन ने ''अशोका फेलोशिप'' प्रदान किया।

2.         यह कि प्रार्थी डा0 लेनिन रघुवंशी व उसकी पत्नी श्रुति रघुवंशी व उनकी साली अनुपम नागवंशी व संगठन में उस समय कार्यरत प्रेम व कलावती के विरूद्ध अपराध संख्या 357/07 अन्तर्गत धारा-505बी0 भा00वि0 थाना-फूलपुर, जिला-वाराणसी में एक प्रथम सूचना रिपोर्ट दिनांक 9/12/2007 को 17:00 बजे राजेन्दर प्रसाद त्रिपाठी पुत्र-स्व0 राजनारायण त्रिपाठी निवासी-बेलवां, थाना-फूलपुर, वाराणसी द्वारा दर्ज करा दिया।

3.         यह कि उक्त प्रथम सूचना रिपोर्ट रंजिश वश साजिशन प्रार्थी व उसके संगठन पर नाजायज दबाव डालने के उद्देश्य से दर्ज करायी गयी।

4.         यह कि प्रथम सूचना रिपोर्ट के अवलोकन से प्रथम दृष्टया यह स्पष्ट हो जाता है कि प्रार्थी व अन्य के विरूद्ध 505बी0 भा00वि0 का कोई अपराध नहीं बनता है। प्रथम सूचना रिपोर्ट रंजिशन एवं साजिशन मनगढ़त झूठे कथानक के आधार पर दर्ज करा दी गयी है।

5.         यह कि प्रार्थी डा0 लेनिन जो जिला बंधुवा निगरानी समिति का सदस्य भी हैं, उन्हें श्रम प्रवर्तन अधिकारी को राजेन्द्र प्रसाद तिवारी पुत्र श्री राजनरायन तिवारी निवासी ग्राम-बेलवां, थाना-फूलपुर, जिला-वाराणसी के विरूद्ध शिकायत किया था और उसकी शिकायत पर दिनांक 23/4/2002 को 10:00 बजे राजेन्द्र तिवारी के ईंट भट्ठा के प्रतिष्ठान की जाँच किया गया, तो श्रमिक गहरू पुत्र-सुखदेव, ग्राम-बेलवां, बडे़पुर, थाना-फूलपुर, वाराणसी बांडेड लेबर के रूप में ईंट भट्ठे के रूप में पाया गया, उसका बयान उप जिलाधिकारी पिण्डरा द्वारा लिया गया, जिसमें उसने बताया कि राजेन्द्र तिवारी उसे काम न करने पर धमकी देता है, किसी अन्य जगह काम करने नहीं देता, उसकी मजदूरी नहीं देता है। श्रम प्रवर्तन अधिकारी वाराणसी श्री ओ0पी0 गुप्ता द्वारा राजेन्दर प्रसाद तिवारी के विरूद्ध थाना-फूलपुर, वाराणसी में अ0सं0 114/02 अन्तर्गत धारा-374 भा00वि0 में दिनांक 23/4/2012 को थाना-फूलपुर, वाराणसी में रिपोर्ट दर्ज की गयी, जिसकी विवेचना अधिकारी द्वारा विवेचना के बाद आरोप पत्र न्यायालय में प्रेषित किया और उक्त मुकदमा सप्तम् ए0सी0जे0एम0 की न्यायालय में लम्बित है।

6.         यह कि उसी विद्वेष व रंजिश वश राजेन्द्र तिवारी द्वारा थाना स्थानीय से मिलकर प्रार्थी व उसकी पत्नी व उसके कार्यकर्ता के विरूद्ध उक्त मुकदमा अन्तर्गत धारा-505बी0 भा00वि0 थाना-फूलपुर, वाराणसी में गलत तरीके से दर्ज करा दिया।

7.         तत्कालीन मुख्यमंत्री माननीया बहन मायावती ने समिति के कुपोषण उन्मूलन अभियान के खिलाफ प्रेस बयान दिया। जिसके तुरन्त बाद जिला प्रशासन ने मिलकर समिति के लोगों पर राजेन्द्र तिवारी से फर्जी मुकदमा लिखवाकर चार्जशीट लगा दी। जिस पर माननीय उच्च न्यायालय ने स्टे आर्डर दे रखा है।

8.         यह कि उपरोक्त परिस्थितियों को मद्देनजर रखते हुए मुकदमा संख्या 2049/10 व अ0सं0 357/07 सरकार-बनाम-डा0 लेनिन रघुवंशी आदि, अन्तर्गत धारा 505बी0 भा00वि0 थाना-फूलपुर, वाराणसी का अभियोजन वापस लिया जाना न्यायसंगत है।

            अतः श्रीमान् जी से विनम्र निवेदन है कि मुकदमा संख्या 2049/10 अपराध संख्या 357/07 व सरकार-बनाम-डा0 लेनिन रघुवंशी आदि अन्तर्गत धारा-505बी0 भा00वि0 थाना-फूलपुर, वाराणसी का अभियोजन वापस लिये जाने का आदेश कृपा कर, पारित करें, ताकि न्याय हो।

1. चार्जशीट की प्रतिलिपि।
2.  एफ0आई0आर0 की प्रतिलिपि।                                         
3.  अन्य।
(डा0 लेनिन)


Hatred does not cease by hatred, but only by love; this is the eternal rule.
--The Buddha
"We are what we think. With our thoughts we make our world." - Buddha

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Honor Ceremony with Lenin Raghuvanshi

Lenin Raghuvanshi is a Dalit rights activist from Varanasi, India. In 1996, he and his wife, founded People's Vigilance Committee on Human Right (PVCHR), a community-based organization, to address the injustice of the Indian caste system. He has become the symbol of nonviolent resistance among millions of Dalits fighting for dignity. For his commitment in favour of marginalized people, he has periodically suffered death threats. His work has been recognized with awards like Gwangju Human Rights Award (2007), the ACHA Star Peace award (2008) and the International Human Rights Prize of the city of Weimar (2010).

Women and children of the Dalit caste, survivors of atrocity and police torture at the Honour ceremony organized by PVCHR, non-governmental organization founded by activist Lenin Raghuvanshi. Regarded as "untouchables" the Dalit people belong to the lower caste of the caste system in the Hindu culture.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Open letter to Prime Minister of India


Hon'ble Prime Minister,

Government of India

New Delhi

Sub: Voice of children of Lesser God

The three interns Ms. Linnea Karlsson, Ms. Sara Arrhusius and Ms. Josefine Jacobsson, from Stockholm Sweden worked at the orphanage Manoj Manjari Sishu Bhawan (MMSB) in Orissa during 2010- 2011.

They witnessed the cruel abuse of the children during their stay at MMSB and the children themselves professed to being brutally molested psychologically and physically. They have on a regular basis been beaten and threatened with ropes, saw blades and stones throughout their childhood. Children are molested everyday by people like Baikunta Mishra and Babula. More people in Orphanage are involved in the abuse.

On that injustice the follows actions:

1.   Sara Arrhusius writes a general report that briefly touches on the problems at MMSB. The report is sent to the Secretary and board members of Manoj Manjari Sishu Bhawan at the time (period between 2008-2010) and Gunilla Frankman. It was also intended for the board of MMSB.


2.   Josefine Jacobsson and Linnea Karlsson send a first testimony to PM Pyrimohan Mohaptra (Founder Patron and Life Member Manoj Manjari Sishu Bhawan, Keonjhar since 1973)   after he has asked us to send information through e-mail about the children's situation at MMSB.  In the testimony they mentioned (to maltreatment of the children and then especially the boys. We have seen fresh bruises, wounds and scars from the abuse. Linnea has at some occasions seen beating, heard punches and we have both witnessed psychological abuse.) We know that this is not just accidents but actions committed by the Super Intendent Mr. Mishra on a regular basis. As you know the French and Swedish organisations and Adoption centre in Sweden do not accept this kind of treatment of children and it is now your responsibility, when you are informed, to deal with this problem.


3.   Linnea Karlsson, Sara Arrhusius and Josefine Jacobsson send separate testimonies to Swedish Adoptions centre and PVCHR.



On 8th March, 2011 Peoples' Vigilance Committee on Human Rights (PVCHR) sent letter to National Human Rights Commission with a request to protect these children and do investigation in the matter at earliest. The commission directed the matter to Orissa Human Rights Commission.


On 6th August, 2011 Orissa Human Rights Commission in case no. 674 of 2011 No. 9503/OHRC in the ordered sheet that "A letter dated 30th May, 2011 has been received from the petitioner seeking information of the action taken on the order of the commission dated 28th April, 2011. Evidently the order of the commission dated 27th May, 2011 where the case was concluded had not been received by the petitioner by 30th May, 2011. On the verification of paper, it is seen that the said order of the commission has been complied on 16th July, 2011. By now he should have received the copy of the order. So no further action seems necessary." but before the order sheet PVCHR never received letter from Orissa Human Rights Commission for the comment.

On 11th March, 2011 letter was sent to National Commission for Protection of child right. NCPCR in letter dated 6th June, 2011 File no. OR-17011/21/975/2011-Comp stated the matter was enquired by the Collector and the district Magistrate, Keonjhar. Report in this regard has been received which categorically denies of any such incidence of misbehavior at the institution. It has also been reported that the children are happy with the arrangement made for them by the institution. The enquiry was not conducted through independent agency as the founder of MMSB Shri PM Pyrimohan Mahopatra had a strong linkage in Orissa.

The 10th of March 2012 when the annual board meeting was held, the children stood up and begged for the board members to listen. They wanted to complain about their situation but were prevented from doing so. Seeing no other solution 16 children left the orphanage in protest and went to the railway station with the intention to commit suicide. We know these children very well and we cannot even imagine the extent of the desperation they most have felt when they decided to take action at the time of their final exams. After the incident local media has monitored the case.

Late in the evening police arrived to the railway station. They took the children with them and violated their authority and Indian law as they battered them. In the morning they were returned to the orphanage. This police violence against children is of great concern but the very exposed situation of these children, and then especially these 16 children, is a direct threat to their safety. We fear for their lives.

Then on the 10th May, 2012 an article published in Times of India "Sexual harassment charge against orphanage secy" that Iinmates and staff of Manoj Manjari Sishu Bhawan, an orphanage in Keonjhar, on Wednesday brought allegations of sexual harassment, physical torture and misappropriation of funds against the secretary of the institute. They lodged a complaint with the State Commission for Women and have also written to the state government. It has become difficult for women to work in the institute because of the atrocities of the secretary. We informed the collector, district social welfare officer and police about it. When no action was taken we decided to lodge a complaint with the State Commission for Women," said Parbati Jena, another employee. "The same secretary was dismissed by collector following an enquiry into alleged physical torture of inmates in 2008. But using his power he joined the institute again last year," said Jena.

Chairperson of state commission for women Jyoti Panigrahi said, "I received the petition filed by the inmates and staff of the institute. We would make a field visit and conduct an enquiry if required."

The children that has just left MMSB and are moving around in the different villages for fear of being detected by the Satya N Mishra and the others working for him. Since they are living outside they are not protected by the coverage of media and anything could happen to them.

This story came in many print and electronic media in Sweden,,,,,

Therefore it is a kind request to immediate conduct enquiry through independent agency and provides security to the children.


Thanking You


Sincerely Yours


Dr. Lenin Raghuvanshi

Secretary General



Mobile No: +91-9935599333