Saturday, June 28, 2014

आयर मुसहर बस्ती में कुपोषण ग्रस्त बच्चे मौत के नजदीक…..

वाराणसी ! हरहुआ ब्लाक के अन्तर्गत आयर मुसहर बस्ती में पाखंडी मुसहर का लड़का पवन जिसकी उम्र 2 वर्ष 4 माह है गंभ्भीर कुपोषण से ग्रस्त प.दीनदयाल हास्पिटल, वाराणसी में भर्ती है | इस बच्चे का वजन 4.5 kg  है | 
पाखंडी मुसहर ईट –भट्टे पर ईट बनाकर माह के 12 सौ से 16 सौ रुपये की आमदनी पर अपने परिवार का किसी तरह भरण- पोषण करते है इनके पास कोई राशन कार्ड नहीं है और न ही रहने के लिए घर-जमीन नहीं है । मनरेगा का जाबकार्ड बना है लेकिन उस पर भी कभी काम नहीं मिला जिससे पाखंडी मुसहर अपने परिवार का भरण- पोषण के लिए भट्टा मालिको से कर्ज लिए और पिछले 8 माह से पाखंडी मुसहर परिवार सहित ईट –भट्टे पर ईट बनाने का काम करने लगे और  भट्टे पर बच्चे के देख-रेख हेतु ICDS की सेवाये व स्वास्थ्य सुविधाये व पर्याप्त भोजन न मिलने से पवन कुपोषण के ओर जाने लगा | 
विदित हो कि 2 वर्ष पहले वाराणसी में राष्ट्रीय मानवाधिकार आयोग व बाल सरंक्षण आयोग की जन सुनवाई में आयोग द्वारा यह निर्देश दिया गया था कि प्रत्येक ईट-भट्टों पर आंगनवाडी केन्द्र खोला जाय जिससे भट्टे पर काम करने वाले मजदूरों के बच्चों को स्वास्थ्य-पोषण की सुविधा मिल सके | लेकिन इस मामले पर राज्य सरकार और प्रशासन ने कोई कदम नहीं उठाया और आज तक किसी भी भट्टे पर ICDS सेंटर नहीं खुला | जब पाखंडी मुसहर का परिवार भट्टे से अपने गाँव लौट कर आये तो मानवाधिकार जननिगरानी समित के कार्यकर्ताओं ने बच्चे का तुरन्त स्वास्थ्य जाँच किया जिससे पता चला कि बच्चा IV ग्रेड में है इस बच्चे को तुरंत प.दीनदयाल हास्पिटल में किसी तरह भर्ती कराये | अभी भी बच्चे की स्थिति गंभ्भीर है | मानवाधिकार जननिगरानी समिति के कार्यकर्ता द्वारा जून 2014 में स्वास्थ्य एंव पोषण की स्थिति का सर्वे किया गया जिसमे गम्भीर कुपोषित बच्चे निम्न है -
क्रम संख्या
आयर गाँव के टोले का नाम
गम्भीर कुपोषित की संख्या
आयर मुसहर बस्ती
आयर नई बस्ती
आयर मुस्लिम बस्ती
आयर ख़ास बस्ती
आयर चमार बस्ती
भैठौली चमार बस्ती
भैठौली मुस्लिम बस्ती

सम्पर्क -
श्रुति नागवंशी (मैनेजिंग ट्रस्टी) - Mob. +91 9935599330
शोभनाथ (बालाधिकार कार्यकर्ता) - Mob.  +91 9452762898
आनन्द प्रकाश (एडवोकेसी कोऑर्डिनेटर) – Mob.  +91 9956380627 

Friday, June 27, 2014

In India, a pervasive paranoia blocks progress on human rights

In India, a pervasive paranoia blocks progress on human rights

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Indigenous knowledge and logical thinking

Indigenous knowledge and logical thinking are both important factors for humanity and humane relationship. Logical thinking without indigenous knowledge is like a way to materialistic machine without human touch and feeling. Indigenous knowledge without logical thinking is way to go subjective thinking of many discriminatory attitudes.  But Indigenous knowledge and logical thinking jointly are going to save world based on dignity, pluralism, justice, diversity, rule of law, humane sensibility, biodiversity, sustainable peace and ‘pro-humane & pro-environment market’.     

Human rights are the base of everything we do

H.E. Harald V,King of Norway rightly says, In a globalized world, where we all are interdependent, we need each other in our common struggle for lasting peace based on justice and dignity of all. Let us never forget that it is after all easier to wage war than to make peace. As our great explorer Fridtjof Nansen once said: “We do not get war unless people want it themselves. War is not an effect of a natural catastrophe. It is a result of man’s will. It is their own shame.” He further emphasized, Today’s human rights dialogue focuses on what makes us human. It is one of the most important topics in the world. Human rights are the base of everything we do.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

PVCHR Staff orientation Meeting on ICPS Scheme by the Ms. Nirupama, District Child Protection Officer, Varanasi

Orientation workshop of PVCHR staff on Integrated Child Protection Scheme (ICPS) by the Ms. Nirupama, District Child Protection Officer, Varanasi. — at People's Vigilance Committee on Human Rights (PVCHR).

Photo by: Rohit Kumar as initiative of PVCHR: life and struggle of Neo Dalit Movement through camera of born Dalit against caste system

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Libraries of Europe and PVCHR works

Testimonial therapy. A pilot project to improve psychological well being among survivors of torture in India in Library of University of Berlin(,which is also available at U.S. National Library of Medicine : Please visit: 

"Justice, liberty, equality:Dalits in independent India"" of Lenin Raghuvanshi  in Bavarian Library of Germany.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Call for a Neo Dalit Movement

After that, I will take time to propose a way to change this situation by calling for the creation of a "neo-Dalit" movement – combining shudras and anti-shudras from all regions. I will also try to explain why this popular movement seems to be the best way to remove this "culture of impunity" and how opinion leaders from all communities have a great role to play on this major gathering.

I would add that I am writing this article because I believe that many problems that India faces today are linked together and therefore cannot be separated, both in understanding and resolution. For that reason, I believe that the most effective way to resolve them is to address the problem in a comprehensive approach that takes into account the political, economic and sociological and seeks solutions which take care of those different "linked problems", based on a popular movement.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

It's not only media, but the residents of PM's constituency too feel there's lawlessness in UP

Noted social activist from the city Dr. Lenin Raghuvanshi while acknowledging the deteriorating law and order in the state says, "Mind of caste and patriarchy with colonial legacy of administration and police system in the absence of modern social audit are main reasons (of lawlessness). For change, we need political will of state and non state actors." - See more at:

Thursday, June 05, 2014

To fight back the culture of rape.

Police reform,sanitation facility ,political will of state and society against patriarchy and mind of caste, are few key factor to fight back the culture of  rape.

In the absence of a modern social audit system, the keepers of the law often unleash a ‘police raj’, especially in rural India. A crippled National Human Rights Commission and its state subsidiaries with limited recommendatory control and a dysfunctional Legal Aid System depict a gloomy picture indeed.

It has been 66 years since India — the largest democracy in the world — attained independence. Yet, justice for all is still a far cry in the country where the caste system continues to determine political, social, and economic lives of a billion people. Money and muscle power, together with political string-pulling, often result in denial of justice for the hapless ‘have-nots’, especially the Dalits (untouchables), ravaged by poverty and illiteracy.