Saturday, December 03, 2016

उत्तर प्रदेश के चंदौली जिले नई बाज़ार चौकी इंचार्ज द्वारा अमानवीय कृत्य किये जाने व लोगो द्वारा विरोध किये जाने पर गाली देने व झूठे केस में फ़साने की धमकी दिए जाने के सन्दर्भ में

सेवा में,                                  3 दिसम्बर, 2016

श्रीमान अध्यक्ष महोदय,

राष्ट्रीय मानवाधिकार आयोग,

नई दिल्ली |

विषय : उत्तर प्रदेश के चंदौली जिले नई बाज़ार चौकी इंचार्ज द्वारा अमानवीय कृत्य किये जाने व लोगो द्वारा विरोध किये जाने पर गाली देने व झूठे केस में फ़साने की धमकी दिए जाने के सन्दर्भ में |


      आपका ध्यान दिनांक 3 दिसम्बर, 2016 के दैनिक समाचार पत्र "जन्संदेश टाइम्स" के इस खबर "पंचनामा के लिए लाशो को पैर से रौंदता है यह दरोगा" की ओर आकृष्ट कराना चाहती हूँ | "वर्दी वाला गुंडा" के नाम से मशहूर है चंदौली की नई बाज़ार चौकी इंचार्ज, उत्तर प्रदेश के चंदौली जिले के नई बाज़ार चौकी इंचार्ज द्वारा ट्रेन से कटे व्यक्तियों के लाश पर पैर रखकर पंचनामा बनाने का विरोध जब वहां के स्थानीय लोगो ने किया to चौकी इंचार्ज द्वारा उनलोगों को गाली दी गयी और उन्हें झूठे केस में फसाकर जेल में बंद करने की धमकी दी गयी | जिससे वहां की जनता में दहशत का माहौल व्याप्त हो गया है |

      अतः आपसे अनुरोध है कि कृपया आप इस मामले को संज्ञान में लेते हुए त्वरित कार्यवाही करते हुए दोषी चौकी इंचार्ज के खिलाफ कानूनी कार्यवाही करते हुए उन्हें तुरंत उनके पद से बर्खाश्त करने की कृपा करे | साथ ही पुलिस के सभी आला अधिकारियो को निर्देश डे कि ऐसी अमानवीय कृत्य करने वाले सभी पुलिस कर्मियों के खिलाफ कार्यवाही की जायेगी |


संलग्नक :

  1. 3 दिसम्बर, 2016 के जनसन्देश टाइम्स में प्रकाशित खबर की प्रति |



श्रुति नागवंशी

मैनेजिंग ट्रस्टी

मानवाधिकार जननिगरानी समिति

सा 4/2 ए दौलतपुर, वाराणसी


Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Golden thread of misery

“The condition of most #weavers in #Varanasi has deteriorated due to the lowering of wages and increasing health problems,” says Lenin Raghuvanshi, who heads Peoples’ Vigilance Committee on Human Rights (#PVCHR), a non-profit.

Of late, Varanasi has been witnessing a new culture: the widening influence of gaddidar or broker. Idris Ansari, a weaver from Lallapura area, says Varanasi had four markets—Chowk, Lohta, Peeli Kothi, and Bajardiha. While Peeli Kothi dealt mainly with pure silk saris, the others traded in silk as well as synthetic and cotton saris. “We had direct access to these markets where we would meet the buyers, get a sense of the designs they like, and sell our products,” says Idris. But these days the gaddidar coordinates with the buyers, decides the design, and thereby controls the market. They also provide capital to poor weavers for buying yarns and other raw materials, he says, adding that 500-600 gaddidars control the entire trade in Varanasi. Last year, Idris had to sell off his handloom machine after he failed to repay his loan to a gaddidar.

Weavers get exploited because they depend on the gaddidar for the sale and marketing silk fabrics, says Raghuvanshi.

Historically, says Raghuvanshi, sari making as a craft flourished in Varanasi due to the humid weather on the banks of the Ganga, considered ideal for working on silk. “The trade prospered as a result of the syncretic tradition between the Hindus and Muslims. Hindus traded the saris, while Muslims weaved them,” he adds. Post Independence, the trade shifted from the rich to poorer communities, such as the Dalits, and the scope of the exploitation increased.

While activists like Rao and Raghuvanshi still believe a positive intervention by the Union textiles ministry can help save the sector, most weavers say they will be obliterated if they have to depend on the gaddidars. “I am educating my grandchildren so that they can negotiate well for our community with the brokers. For years, they took advantage of our illiteracy and that needs to be fixed urgently,” says Bibi.

Read full article:

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Wednesday, November 02, 2016

दीपावली की अगली सुबह

                  दीपावली की अगली सुबह
                                       कवि ज्ञानेंद पति
फिर छूटा एक पटाखा
बच्चों के आनन्दित शोर के शिखर पर
एक पल को करता उन्हें भी स्तब्ध
चिहुँक कर बुदबुदाये बूढ़े दादा
अपनी आराम कुर्सी में कसमसाये
उड़ गई चिड़ियाए
घरो - के मुंडेरों पर से
आकाश में मंडराई
और मुहल्ले में जो एक –  दो वृक्ष हैं नीम और बेल के
उन पर बैठ गई
एक गोरैया ने – इन्ही गर्मियों में जिसने खोली थी आँख
पर घर – घर घुस कर जिसने पिंजरे को पहचाना सीख लिया था
पूछा बगल के एक उम्रदराज कबुतर से
यह सब क्या हो रहा है
जो कागज की चिड़िया उड़ाते हैं खुश – खुश
और हवा में गेंद उछालते हैं
वे नन्हे – मुन्ने बच्चे बौराये क्यों हैं आज
कबूतर ने समझाया, सुन री गौरा
यह ऐसे ही होता है हर साल
रात – रात भर उड़ने का सपना देखने वाले बच्चो के कंधो पर
जब किसी सुबह उन्हें तेल मलती हुई माँए देखती हैं
उग रहे पंखो के निशान
घबडा जाते हैं बड़े  
विशेषकर वे जो बड़ों में बड़े हैं  
यदी परियों से प्रेम हो जाये बच्चों को
यदि देवदूत बन कर चले जायें वे छोडकर घर
पंख फैला सुनील आकाश में
तब क्या होगा इन बड़ों का
कल को कौन उड़ायेगा उनके बमवर्षक विमान
उनकी हथियारों की दुकान में कौन माल बेचेगा – खरीदेगा
उनका युद्ध लड़ेगा कौन
उनके साम्राज्य के संतरी कहाँ से आयेंगे
उनके तख्त के पौवे ही टूट जायेंगे
भट्ठा ही बैठ जायेगा उनका
बेमौत मरेंगे मौत के सौदागर
इसलिए खिलौना बंदूकें खिलौना टैकें खिलौना बमवर्षक बनाते हैं वे
बड़े प्यार से बच्चों के हाथों में रखते हैं
देखो तो, तड – तड स्टेनगन चलाते हैं खिलौना सिपाही, बटोरते वाहवाही
कल को बम चला सको इसलिए लो, आज ये बमबच्चे – ये पटाखे चलाओ
जितना ही भयावह हो विस्फोटक उतना ही आनन्द महसूस करो
खून में घुलाओं बारूद
दिमाग में हिंसा
भले ही बच्चों का खून उसकी हरियाली सूखने से पहले
विष से नीला पड़ जाये
और दिमाग उजला होने से पहले हो जाये काला
और उनमें भी जो देखो शिवकाशी के बच्चों को
आँसुओं गले तुम्हारी टिमकती आँखे
आतिशबाजी के कारखानों में
सुलगती उंगलियों जलती आँखों
पटाखे के पेट में भरते
बारूद में मिला हुआ अपनी जिन्दगी का बुरादा
शिवकाशी के वे एक लाख बच्चे
एक लाख तीलियाँ हैं
एक लाख जिंदगियां एक लाख तीलियाँ
काश कि माचिस की डिबिया में
बारूद की मुठ्टी में
बंद तीलियाँ न होती वे
तो हम उन्हें
अपने घोंसलों में शामिल कर लेते
चिड़ियों में शामिल कर लेते
यदि होते न मानव –  बच्चे वे
पंख देते आकाश में उठा लाते, जब धरती पर
उनके जीने की जगह नही, मरने की जगह ही बची है
प्रौढ़ पत्थर – ह्रदय आदमी में बचा ही नहीं एक करुण कोना
उस रात
घरों के रोशनदानों में बसेरा लेने वाली चिड़ियाए
नही लौटी वहाँ
अपने पंजो से पेड़ की टहनी ही पकड़े रहीं  
क्या जाने जो उनमें से नई चिड़िया के दु:स्वप्न में
पके पीले फल भी अचानक बम की तरह फटने लगे हों उस रात
और पुरनियाँ चिड़ियाए
मानव - शिशुओं की खैर मनाती रही हों  


Thursday, October 27, 2016

Anti-fire cracker campaign of PVCHR

दीप जलाकर दीपावली मनाएं 

जीवन जलाकर नही 
दीपावली की बहुत - बहुत शुभकामनाएं. 1993 से चल रहे पटाखा विरोधी अभियान में शामिल हों. मानवाधिकार जननिगरानी समिति, बचपन बचाओ आन्दोलन, मुंशी प्रेमचंद बाल पंचायत एवं सुप्रशिद्ध कवि ज्ञानेन्द्रपति की मुहिम में शामिल हों ।

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Social Marginalisation in Urban India and the Role of the State

For years, Varanasi's handloom silk industry has served millions of people: the industry has given livelihood to a large proportion of the local and regional population, and it has provided for the needs of consumers from all over the world for silk fabric. Recently, however, a number of problems have emerged which have led to a decline in the industry and, consequently, the lives of the handloom workers. These challenges facing the community engaged in making handloom silk fabrics include the huge influx of cheap Chinese silk material, the threat from the Surat silk market, the changing tastes of the younger generation, and 7 inappropriate trade policies. Discussions with handloom weavers living in Bazardiha locality of Varanasi revealed their concerns. A major threat to their livelihood is the growth in the number of power (electric) looms. Due to their weak economic condition, many weavers are unable to shift from handloom to power loom and thus fall behind in silk weaving and, thus, their daily earnings. Those using power loom earn, on average, up to 10 times more in a day. The second problem relates to the price at which design cards are sold in the market. Weavers use computer-generated design cards to print innovative designs on the silk fabric. Each card normally costs INR300 (US$ 4.73) and lasts for two to three years. Many users say that the cards are being sold at a prohibitive price of INR 900 (US$ 14.18). The weavers maintain that these cards should be made available at subsidised prices. Weaving by handloom workers is done within the house. The weavers work continuously for long hours and are highly dependent on stable supply of electricity. Often, though, power supply is erratic, leaving the work at a standstill. A visit to some houses showed the weavers' harsh working conditions, including poorly built and serviced structures situated in unplanned areas. Dissatisfaction was also expressed over the progress of government welfare schemes meant for handloom weavers. A handloom scheme was announced by the government as far back as in 2008 but the benefits did not reach the target groups. Again in 2014, an announcement was made for establishment of a trade facilitation centre and crafts museum to revitalise the traditional textile industry; this has yet to come to fruition. The workers suggest that social audit practices be used to ensure that such government schemes are implemented effectively
In Varanasi, government schemes aimed at the upliftment of the lives of handloom weavers have largely failed. Despite these initiatives‑such as granting identity cards, credit cards, and health insurance‑many workers are struggling to make a living. First of all, weavers are often unaware of the government schemes due to insufficient publicity. The city-based People's Vigilance Committee on Human Rights (#PVCHR) has expressed concern over the decline of the silk industry due to a variety of reasons, including unbearable input costs and exploitation by middlemen. A situation analysis of the life led by #handloom #weavers by PVCHR reveals presence of abject poverty, chronic malnutrition, changes in profession, and incidence of suicides. It has also been projected that if timely interventions are not made, the handloom silk industry faces more 9 hardships in the coming years. Failure in ensuring proper access to entitlements by the concerned authorities creates a general feeling of distrust in government. Such distrust can lead to unrest. This has been observed in Ahmedabad, for example, where the situation became extremely tense at the time of the slum demolition along the Sabarmati river because many families were not given a place to go prior to eviction. Anticipating conflict, the authorities 10 deployed a huge police force. With respect to Pune,  Cantú has identified a number of factors that, if left ignored, could generate spatial civic conflict, such as failure of government in reserving and/or acquiring land for low cost housing, slum demolitions and relocation to provide space for road expansion and parking, and lack of social inclusion provisions in the city's development plan. And in Varanasi, human rights activists caution that fundamentalist groups could exploit the unrest among handloom silk weavers to foment ethnic conflict.

Monday, October 24, 2016

#PVCHR and #Bazardiha

#Varanasi is one of the oldest cities in India, situated on the bank of holy river Ganges. City is mostly inhabited by hindus and Muslims. Hindus are in majority but Muslim population is also more than 1 million. #Mulim population is highly concentrated in different areas of the city. Most of the Muslim population is engaged in weaving work of famous Baranasi Sarees. 

Bajardiha is one of the most densely populated areas in Varanasi city. The total population of Bajardiha is more than 100,000 and most of them are weavers and living in appalling condition. In the concerned weavers’ community of Bajardiha there is only one government Primary school for children’s education, there is no hospital, no road, even there is no pavement in the locality. The sewer system does not work there. Everywhere in the area, stagnant and dirty water of sewer can be seen overflowing. The dump of rubbish is spread around the area which is not sanitary safe for the residents. Due to acute poverty and unhygienic conditions many people of this community, including children, are suffering from TB and Asthma. It is alleged that Varanasi Municipal Corporation is also responsible for the plight situation of the residents of Bajardiha. 

Due to breakdown of the economy in the market of Baranasi sarees, weavers' community of #Bajardiha have found difficulties to get job and the people are facing imminent problem of starvation. Thousands of weavers have been migrated to other cities leaving their families behind in search of livelihood; many others are involved in menial jobs to feed their families and children. 

In another community called Mirzamurad in Varanasi district named which is hardly 5 kilometers away from Varanasi city. People of neighbouring villages of Mirzamurad have also been engaged in weaving of sarees for last several years. Weavers of this area are also facing the same problem of loss of jobs due to breakdown of market. 

Most of the villagers in the area of Mirzamurad from different villages like Kardhana, Benipur, Mehdiganj, Ganeshpur, Islampur, Amini, Admapur, Mominpur, Kallipur, Chateri, Manapur, Thatara, etc are engaged in the weaving work. At the advent of summer season, weavers of this area were expecting that the market of Baranasi Sarees will gain momentum and with the increase in the sale of Baranasi Sarees they would be able to get job and their income will increase. But the weavers' expectations proved to be mistaken and their hopes to get out of the crisis of acute poverty even for a while seem to be broken. 

Dozens of weavers have already been closed their looms due to fall of demand of Baranasi Sarees and groping the dark in search of their livelihood. It is reported that in the State of Uttar Pradesh election campaign is going on and the candidates from different political parties contesting the election to get elected for State Legislative Assembly and their leaders are spending millions of rupees to win the election by any means but the sufferings of poor workers are not on the agenda of any political parties. 


Majority of the Muslim community in India is living in acute poverty. Muslims in India have deliberately been deprived of education and jobs in government services. Muslim population in India mostly resides in cities and has been involved in different economic activities to earn their livelihood.

It is ironic to know that Muslim population in India has been facing the negligence and indifferent attitude of Indian ruling authorities and local level administrations since independence of India. It has been the root cause of all sorts of backwardness and poverty among Muslim community. They have been subjected to acute exploitation and for this reason despite of hard labour majority of Muslim population has always been deprived of their essential requirements.

Recently Justice Sachar Committee, which was established to improve economic conditions and social welfare of Muslims and other minorities in India, stated that the conditions of Muslims in India are even worse than that of Dalit. Sachar Committee has also recognized the fact that the Muslim community is deprived of all basic amenities and living in horribly poor conditions.

Weavers, organized violence and initiative of empathy:
Few other initiatives:


Research and finding of PVCHR on Bazardia:

  •        Mention by in-depth study by think-tank ORF:
  •     Study published by Indiatogether:

Friday, October 14, 2016

One million solidarity to reconciliation against caste system and Neo dalit Movement

Lenin Raghuvanshi has called for the establishment of a neo-Dalit movement( to eliminate the caste system and overthrow feudalism, thereby establishing a society based on equal dignity for all humankind. The neo-Dalit movement – combining Shudras and ati-Shudras (dalits of all kinds) with progressive people born in different castes from all regions – would formulate a popular movement against the ‘culture of impunity’ and the existing caste system.

His idea of reconciliation against caste system and Neo dalit movement is a process of conflict transformation for sustainable peace based on dignity, justice, fraternity, liberty, rule of law   and pluralism.

Implementation of idea of reconciliation and Neo dalit process is giving positive result in nearly 200 villages of eastern part of UP in India.

We launched a signature campaign as online and offline for support of reconciliation against caste system and NeoDalit Movement.

Please support campaign for one million solidarity to reconciliation against caste system and Neo dalit Movement.

With Kindest regards,
Sanjay Rai
Founder, AIM

#pvchr #neodalit #dalit #dignity
On facebook:

Monday, October 10, 2016

For Indian activist, 13-year-old’s death after 68 days of fasting is absurd,-13-year-old%E2%80%99s-death-after-68-days-of-fasting-is-absurd-38817.html

For Indian activist, 13-year-old’s death after 68 days of fasting is absurd
by Nirmala Carvalho
Aradhana, who died of cardiac arrest, fasted to bring luck to her economically troubled family. Parents organised a funeral to venerate their daughter as a "holy child". Now they are being investigated for culpable homicide.

Mumbai (AsiaNews) – The death of a 13-year-old Jain girl after 68 days of fasting "is a heinous violation of human rights and of the dignity of a human being,” said Lenin Raghuvanshi, executive director of the Peoples' Vigilance Committee on Human Rights (PVCHR).

The noted Indian activist spoke to AsiaNews about the death of Aradhana, a girl who died who refused water and food as part of chaumasa, a ritual that marks the fourth holy month in the Jain religion.

The eighth grade student died of cardiac arrest in Secunderabad, Telangana. According to investigation, she fasted to bring luck to her financially-strapped family after her father's jewelry business suffered losses. During the fast, she only drank a few drops of water, according to a precise schedule.

Aradhana’s death has sparked bitter protests from activists, incensed at her parents, guilty in their eyes of failing to protect their daughter.

For their part, the parents, Lakshmichand Samdhariya and his wife Manisha, organised a funeral for their daughter as a bal tapasvi, a holy child. At least 600 people attended the service.

Police in Hyderabad are investigating whether the girl was forced to fast by parents, who have been charged with culpable homicide not amounting to murder (causing death by negligence) and cruelty to children (under the Juvenile Justice Act).

Prolonged fasting is a common practice in Jainism, and has been condemned by human rights advocates. For Lenin Raghuvanshi, "When religion is used for greed and power grabbing, we see misery, like in this case". Instead, "We must stop the use of our children in the name of religion and greed."

Friday, September 23, 2016

Before intervention of NHRC, there is intervention by Chief Minister of UP against

Breaking impunity against police torture  :

आवेदन का विवरण

शिकायत संख्या


आवेदक कर्ता का नाम:

डा0 लेनिन रघुवशी

आवेदक कर्ता का मोबाइल न०:



मुरादाबाद पुलिस ने युवक को पिलर से बांधकर बेरहमी से पीटर,वीडियों वायरल हाेने से हो रही फजीहत के संबंध में।

नियत तिथि:

27 - Sep - 2016

शिकायत की स्थिति:


अग्रसारित विवरण-


सन्दर्भ का प्रकार

आदेश देने वाले अधिकारी

आदेश दिनांक

अधिकारी को प्रेषित


आख्या दिनांक



आख्या रिपोर्ट



अजय कुमार सिंह(विशेष सचिव मुख्यमंत्री कार्यालय )

07 - Sep - 2016

प्रमुख सचिव/सचिव -गृह एवं गोपन

कृ0 मा0 मुख्‍यमंत्री जी को प्रेषित ईमेल संख्‍या 118075 में उल्लिखित प्रकरण में तत्‍काल कार्यवाही किए जाने एवं कृत कार्यवाही से अवगत कराये जाने की अपेक्षा की गयी है।

अधीनस्थ को प्रेषित



प्रमुख सचिव/सचिव (गृह एवं गोपन )

21 - Sep - 2016

वरिष्ठ /पुलिस अधीक्षक-मुरादाबाद,पुलिस

कृपया नियमानुसार कार्यवाही करके तत्काल आख्या/ प्रस्ताव भेंजे।

22 - Sep - 2016

निस्तारण हेतु लंबित

To,                                                                                             22, August, 2016  
Honourable Chairperson,
National Human Rights Commission,
New Delhi.
Respected Sir,
Therefore it is kind request please take appropriate action at earliest.
Thanking You,
Sincerely Yours,
Dr. Lenin Raghuvanshi
Peoples' Vigilance Committee on Human Rights
SA 4/2 A Daulatpur, Varanasi - 221002
Mobile No: +91-9935599333
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Sunday, 21 August 2016
मुरादाबाद पुलिस ने युवक को पिलर से बांधकर बेरहमी से पीटा, वीडियो वायरल होने से हो रही फज़ीहत

मुरादाबाद: एक तरफ प्रदेश के पुलिस मुखिया अपनी पुलिस से ऑपरेशन विश्वास चलाने का हुक्म दे रहे हैं, तो दूसरी तरफ प्रदेश की मित्र पुलिस अमानवीय हरकतों में जुटी हुी है। ताजा घटना मुरादाबाद के कांठ थाने की है। जहां पुलिस ने एक युवक को बांध कर बुरी तरह मारा है। घटना का वीडियो सोशल मीडिया पर वायरल हो गया है।

अमानवीय पिटाई
-मुरादाबाद के कांठ थाने की पुलिस ने एक युवक को नशे की हालत में पकड़ लिया।
-पुलिस ने उसे अर्द्धनग्न करके एक हॉस्पिटल के बरामदे में पिलर से बांध दिया।
-इसके बाद पुलिस उसे बेरहमी से पीटती रही और वह आजाद होने के लिए चीखता छटपटाता रहा।
-युवक को हथकड़ी लगा कर करीब घंटे भर तक बुरी तरह मारा गया।

प्रशासन में हड़कंप
-थाना छजलेट निवासी युवक का नाम जितेंद्र बताया जा रहा है।
-किसी ने पुलिस की इस शर्मनाक घटना का वीडियो सोशल मीडिया पर डाल दिया।
-यह घटना तब हुई है जब बुलंदशहर और आसपास पुलिस उत्पीड़न पर सवाल उठे और डीजीपी ने सर्कुलर जारी करके पुलिस से लोगों का विश्वास हासिल करने के निर्देश दिए हैं।
-इसलिए वीडियो वायरल होते ही प्रशासन में हड़कंप मच गया और उच्चाधिकारियों से जवाब देते नहीं बन रहा है।

बहरहाल, एसएसपी नितिन तिवारी ने पूरे मामले की जांच के आदेश दे दिए हैं।
-डीआईजी ने कहा कि जांच में दोषी पाए जाने वाले पर सख्त कार्रवाई की जाएगी।
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