Saturday, February 24, 2018

Justice and hope prevail

सारा (काल्पनिक नाम) पत्नी अब्बास निवासी -कुन्द्र्की,बिलारी जिला मुरादाबाद के तीन छोटे -छोटे बच्चे है|  सारा का पति कुछ माह पूर्व किसी मामले मे जेल चला गया उसी दौरान सारा अपने पति से मुलाकात करने जेल गयी तो वहा उसके पति ने लियाकत नामक व्यक्ति से मुलाकात करायी जो मदद के नाम पर सारा को गढ तहसील के पीछे एक मकान मे बंधक बनाकर जबरिया आठ माह तक लियाकत व उसके साथ 5-6 अन्य व्यक्ति रोजाना शराब पीकर दुराचार किया करते थे, उसी दौरान उक्त लोगो ने सारा की डेढ़ वर्षीय पुत्री के रोने पर जमीन पर पटक कर मार डाला और दफन भी कर दिया|

सारा आठ माह बाद किसी तरह उक्त लोगो के चंगुल से निकल पाई लियाकत हिस्ट्रीशिटर है उसका असमौली व डीडौली आदि थाना क्षेत्रो मे काफी आंतक है तदुपरांत सारा अपने प्लाट पर आयी तो दबंग शफीक खां उर्फ़ बंटी से बैनामा कराने को कहा तो उक्त शफीक ने सारा के समक्ष एकरात गुजारने की शर्त दी जिसकी शिकायत सारा ने 20 जून 2011 को उच्च अधिकारीयों से की जिस पर कुन्दर का दरोगा अख्तर अली सारा के पास आया और कार्यवाही करने के नाम 500 रूपये ले गया और सारा के पक्ष मे कोई कार्यवाही नही न कर विपक्षी को लाभ पहुचाने का काम किया इस तरह से उक्त प्रकरण मे सारा को उसके पति अब्बास,लियाकत व कुन्दरकी के दरोगा अख्तर अली द्वारा मानसिक व शारीरिक रूप से प्रताड़ित किया गया जो अमानवीय कृत्य दंडात्मक है|

अख़बार में प्रकाशित खबर पर मानवाधिकार जन निगरानी समिति ने राष्ट्रीय मानव अधिकार आयोग,नई दिल्ली और पुलिस महानिदेशक को 1 अक्टूबर, 2011 को शिकायत की|

24 जनवरी, 2018 को  अनु सचिव, उत्तर प्रदेश शासन ने पत्रांक संख्या 8/2018/105 आईआर/छ-मा०-1/17-3(467)/14 में अपर पुलिस महानिदेशक , उत्तर प्रदेश पुलिस मुख्यालय, इलाहाबाद  गृह (मानाधिकार) – 1 में लिखा की उपर्युक्त विषयक राष्ट्रीय मानव अधिकार आयोग,नई दिल्ली के पत्र संख्या -43 290/24/56/2011 दिनांक 4-7-16 की छायाप्रति संलग्नक करते हुये मुझे यह कहने का निर्देश हुआ है संस्तुति के अनुपालन मे श्री राज्यपाल महोदय सारा श्री मती सारा,पत्नी अब्बास,निवासी ग्राम व थाना कुन्दरकी,जनपद मुरादाबाद हालपता निवासी ग्राम -बिचौला,थाना बिलारी,मुरादाबाद को रु0 1,00,000/-(रुo एक लाख मात्र )की धनराशी अंतरिम सहायता के रूप मे भुगतान किये जाने की सहर्ष स्वीकृति इस प्रतिबंध के साथ प्रदान करते है की धनराशी की प्रतिपूर्ति हेतु प्रकरण मे दोषी पुलिसकर्मियो के विरुद्ध नियमानुसार विभागीय कार्यवाही सुनिश्चित करके तदनुसार दोषी पुलिसकर्मी पर वसूली का दंड अधिरोपित करके नियमानुसार वसूली कर लेखा शीर्षक “0055-पुलिस -105 -राज्य मुख्यालय पुलिस की प्राप्तिया -01 -राज्य मुख्यालय पुलिस की प्राप्तियां के अंतर्गत राजकोष मे जमा करायी जाये एंव कृत कार्यवाही से शासन को शीघ्र अवगत कराया जाये |

2-उक्त धनराशी का भुगतान श्रीमती सारा को किया जायेगा |उक्त धनराशी के भुगतान से सम्बन्धित साक्ष्य /रसीद 10 दिन के भीतर मा0 आयोग एंव शासन को उपलब्ध करायी जाये |

3-इस सम्बन्ध मे होने वाला व्यय चालू वित्तीय वर्ष 2017 -2018 के आय -व्यय मे अनुदान संख्या -26 गृह विभाग (पुलिस)के अधीन लेखा शीर्षक “2235”-सामाजिक सुरक्षा तथा कल्याण -60-अन्य सामाजिक सुरक्षा तथा कल्याण कार्यक्रम -200 -अन्य कार्यक्रम आयोजनेत्तर -10 -पुलिस द्वारा मानवाधिकार हनन के प्रकरणों मे मृतक/घायल के आश्रितों/ पीड़ितों को आर्थिक सहायता -42 -अन्य व्यय के नामे डाला जायेगा |
4 – यह आदेश गृह (मानवाधिकार)अनुभाग -1 के पत्र संख्या -3608/छ-मा0-1/14-21 (विविध)/13 दिनक 13-11-2014 मे प्राप्त वित्त विभाग की सहमति के आधार पर जारी किये जा रहे है |

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

In Uttar Pradesh, cops fire to win awards

Lenin Raghuvanshi of People’s Vigilance Committee of Human Rights (PVCHR) says that such encounters damage the rule of law and criminal justice system. “This also leads to politicisation of criminals as fearing police action, they join the ruling party. They continue their criminal activities under the patronage of local leaders,” he added.

Links for news: 

The high number of encounters in Uttar Pradesh in recent days has raised an eye-brow with opposition parties calling it planned murders
Uttar Pradesh under ‘Yogi’ Adityanath resembles the wild wild west, rather than a scene of calmness usually associated with ascetics. The police records are an eye opener; it speaks volumes about the penchant of policemen to kill in fake encounters.

In the last 10 months (up to February 3) 1,143 encounters took place in Uttar Pradesh in which 38 top criminals were killed and 298 others were injured and around 3,000 criminals were arrested. Besides, the police have imposed National Security Act (NSA) against 167 criminals and seized assets worth nearly ₹150 crores in this period. Four police officials have also been killed and 257 others injured during these encounters.

In the most recent shoot-out, four young men who were returning from a wedding reception on February 3 were stopped by a trainee police inspector Vijay Darshan at a busy crossing in Noida at 10.30 pm. They were told that their crime was playing loud music in their SUV. The police opened fire at Jitendra Yadav, 25, a gym owner, who was at the wheel and received a bullet injury on his neck. His condition is still unstable.

The three others who were in the car said that the inspector had threatened them with “encounter” because killing them would give him an out-of-turn promotion. In the FIR Dharmendra Yadav, who was in the car, wrote that Inspector used the word “encounter” and “out of turn promotion” when he opened fire. The police, in a jiffy, suspended the erring inspector.

“Such behaviour from a police officer is unacceptable,” says Love Kumar, Superintendent of Gautambudh Nagar. But, the message is that the recent encounters in the name of controlling crime are nothing but cold-blooded murders where trigger-happy police officers have gunned down criminals just to get promotion.

The National Human Rights Commission Chairman Justice S Rafat Alam has sought a report from the Gautambudh Nagar SSP saying the report which has appeared in a section of media seems to be a violation of human rights. In his February 5 order, he asked the SSP to file report within 15 days.
Majority of these encounters have been reported from western Uttar Pradesh with 449 such cases reported from Meerut zone followed by 210 in Agra. Around 200 cases are reported Bareilly zone and 98 from Kanpur zone.

Such a high number of encounters has raised an eye-brow with opposition parties calling it planned murders. Samajwadi Party spokesman Rajendra Chaudhry said, “This seems to be a planned cleansing with an eye on the 2019 Lok Sabha elections. The police have become trigger happy because of the award associated with the killings.”

The SP leader is not off the mark. The Yogi government has now authorised the Director General of Police to declare an award of ₹2.5 lakh and the district police chief can announce an award of ₹25,000 for any wanted criminals. This has everyone wondering if the government had announced these payments to allure policemen to kill people in the name of controlling crime.

Senior police officers such as HR Sharma defend police action saying such efforts are necessary to control crime. The ADG (Law and Order) Anand Kumar said that the police is targeting only those who are creating problems. “We ask them (criminals) to surrender and if they open fire then the police retaliates. In these firings, many cops have been injured too,” he said.

The police justification will not stand court scrutiny. In a majority of the encounters where criminal has been killed, there is a clear modus operandi. A criminal is arrested but he escapes from police custody. After a few days, the police traces and kills him in an encounter. However, the accomplice of the dreaded criminal always manages to escape.

This happened in Saharanpur too, where the police claimed to have gunned down a wanted criminal Shamshad in an encounter. Three days before this encounter in September 2017, Shamshad had absconded from police custody in Gagalhedi area. The SSP announced an award of ₹12,000 after his escape. The report says Shamshad sustained bullet injuries. One of his aides managed to escape. The police claimed that Shamshad had threatened a local doctor Piyush Sanawar and demanded ₹15 lakh. A similar pattern was followed in the case of Sunila Sharma, for whose head an award of ₹15,000 was announced. He too fled from police custody and was killed in an encounter in Gomti Nagar in Lucknow.

In Azamgarh, the police claimed to have gunned down a criminal Sujeet Singh aka Budhwa, who had a cash reward of ₹50,000 on his death. Police said that Budhwa escaped from police custody while being taken back to Rampur district after being produced in a Mau court in connection with a robbery on August 11. In this encounter the aides of Budhwa escaped. Police claimed that Budhwa was injured in a gun battle with the police and on his way to hospital the injured criminal confessed that he was involved in the heist of an SBI bank in Mau, a bank robbery in Madiyaho (Jaunpur) and half-a-dozen other robberies.

Lenin Raghuvanshi of People’s Vigilance Committee of Human Rights (PVCHR) says that such encounters damage the rule of law and criminal justice system. “This also leads to politicisation of criminals as fearing police action, they join the ruling party. They continue their criminal activities under the patronage of local leaders,” he added.

#UttarPradesh  #NSA  #fakeencounter  #YogiAdityanath #UPPolice  #pvchr #u4humanrights

Wednesday, February 07, 2018

Re: kind and urgent request please provide monetary support for providing medical treatment to dalit child

Dear Friends,

I want to bring in your kind attention towards the 2 years Saajan Musahar, who diagnosed with Wilm's tumor ( in Banaras Hindu University (BHU) on 31st October, 2017.  

Saajan Musahar is the youngest child of Sangita and Lalta Vanwasi. Saajan has three sister Ravita, Reema and Kavita. He is resident of village Birbhanpur (Musahar ghetto) in Araji Line block of Varanasi district. Saajan fathers collect wood from the nearby forest and sell. He hardly earns 1000 INR to 1500 INR per month which is not sufficient to meet the two ends.  His all sisters are enrolled in nearby primary school and the foods from MDM (Mid day meal) are sufficient for them as whole day meal. Saajan family doesnot have any ration card.

For the treatment of Saajan her mother sold her Jewellery (anklet and chain) and took debt of one lakhs twenty thousand rupees Rupees on interest from money lender and little money from the relatives.

Saajan mother complained on tehsil diwas to get the possession of the land allotted to her. She demanded either sell the land or provides the treatment to her child. The land was allotted to them but on that land the people from Patel community made temple. The matter was taken by the Dainik Jagran newspaper and one humble person presents there brought child to NRC center in Pandit Deen Dayal Hospital.

First Saajan got treatment by untrained doctor and when his condition started deteriorating then he was taken to hospital in Mohan Sarai and then to BHU.  In BHU he was admitted for eight days in trauma center.  Even, one of the doctors managed to get 15,000 INR to the father's bank account. But due to scarce funds his family had left the hospital half way through the treatment.   Saajan relatives were also influencing his mother to reach to Ojha and sokha for the witch hunting of the disease.  Saajan parents lost heart and he sat at home and handed over everything to God.

Yesterday Saajan was referred from NRC center in Pandit Deen Dayal Hospital to BHU later after lots of efforts he had admitted to BHU's Child care treatment and getting further treatment there. Now, Sajan weight has increased exponentially from 8 kg in October, 2017 to 12 kg in February, 2018.  In BHU the doctors estimated for 2, 50,000 INR for the treatment of Saajan Musahar. On the appeal of PVCHR Parul Sharma and Swedish donor had raised 1, 20,000 INR and 50000 INR from Ravi Mishra Visual activist and his associates.

Therefore it is a kind and urgent request please provide monetary support for providing medical treatment on the given below bank detail. Please also write letter to Prime Minister of India and Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh for providing support to Saajan Musahar.

Name of bank
UCO bank
Address of Bank
Pandeypur, Varanasi, U.P India
Bank account number
Foreign contribution
National Contribution
Bank account name/beneficiary
Jan Mitra Nyas
UCBAINBB106 (mention please transfer to account no. 1170, UCO Bank Pandeypur, Varanasi)
Address of Bank
Pandeypur, Varanasi, U.P India

Thanking You

PVCHR urgent appeal desk

Saturday, February 03, 2018

NHRC order in the case of Kasganj

Case Details of File Number: 2399/24/78/2018
Diary Number
Name of the Complainant

Name of the Victim

Place of Incident

Date of Incident
Direction issued by the Commission
The Commission has received a complaint from Shri Lenin Raghuvanshi, a human rights defender, requesting the Commission to intervene into the matter relating to incident occurred in Kasganj district of Uttar Pradesh, where people belonging to two communities clashed with each other. The complainant has alleged that four persons namely Rahul Yadav, Atul Yadav, Nishant Yadav and his father, Raju Yadav all residents of Railway Road Sahab Bala Pench, Kasganj, Uttar Pradesh were illegally detained by the police as they opposed the rioters who were burning the shops in the area. It is further mentioned that Rahul Yadav and Atul Yadav are kept at Kasganj police station but there is no information about Nishant Yadav and his father Raju Yadav. The complainant has further mentioned that few days before, one person had mentioned on ‘Tweeter’ to the Government of Uttar Pradesh and other authorities, about troubled situation of Kasganj but no action by the authorities was taken and the violence resulted in the killing of one young citizen, Chandan Gupta and loss of property. Transmit a copy of the complaint to the DGP, Uttar Pradesh calling for a report in the matter, within four weeks.
Action Taken
Action Taken Report Called for
Status on 2/3/2018
Response from concerned authority is awaited.

Link of petition: