Friday, February 26, 2010
India: Death threats, harassment and intimidation against human rights defender Mr Aftab Alam | Front Line
Death threats, harassment and intimidation against human rights defender Mr Aftab Alam
Voice of voiceless: INDIA: A "disturbing" spate of police violence against journalists
Anti- Torture Initiative in India
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Scoop: No To Torture, Establishment Of Rule Of Law
Varanasi Weavers facing starvation death
Technology for torture prevention advocacy of PVCHR
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
"Police Torture and Testimonial therapy"
Police Torture and Testimonial therapy
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
Picasa Web Albums - Frank - Besuch von Lenin in Remscheid
간디부터 샤밀라까지
저는 지난해 5·18기념재단에서 자원활동가로 활동하고 국제인턴파견 프로그램에 지원하여 인도 바라나시의 PVCHR에 파견된 노경묵이라고 합니다.
제가 인도에 온 목적은 인도의 인권상황에 대해 배우고 느끼기 위해서였습니다. 그리고 2007년 광주 인권상을 공동 수상한 이롬 샤밀라(Irom Sharmila)씨에 대해 보다 더 많은 것을 배울 수 있다는 점과 레닌(Lenin Raghuvanshi)씨의 단체에서 일할 수 있다는 소식에 보다 더 큰 기대를 가지고 있었습니다.
처음 인도에 도착해서 느낀 점은 한국과 비교했을 때 너무나 판이하게 다른 상황이었습니다. 길가에 경찰들이 하는 일은 한푼이나마 더 벌기 위해 노력하는 릭샤꾼(자전거 인력거)들을 교통정체의 이유로 막대기로 후려치는 장면이었습니다. 사무실에 도착하여 천천히 알게 된 인도의 인권상황은 보이는 것보다 더 심각했습니다.
그 와중에 이롬 샤밀라라는 인권활동가가 약 10년 동안 단식투쟁을 하고 있다는 점과 경찰은 그녀를 자살기도의 혐의로 감옥에 수감시키고 있다는 점, PVCHR에서는 이롬 샤밀라씨를 지원하기 위해 여러 활동과 캠페인 등을 진행하고 있다는 것을 알 수 있었습니다.
이에 저는 지금 진행중인 캠페인을 한국에 알리고 인도의 인권상황이 보다 나아질 수 있기를 바라는 마음에서 이 글을 전합니다.
간디부터 샤밀라까지
지난 2010년 2월 16일 PVCHR(People’s Vigilance committee on Human Rights)과 JPF(Just Peace Foundation)의 공동주관으로 “간디부터 샤밀라까지” 캠페인의 5번째 회의가 인도 바라나시 비스와주에띠 커뮤니케이션 센터에서 열렸습니다. JPF는 마하트마 간디가 암살당한 1월 30일부터 이롬 샤밀라가 태어난 3월 14일까지 이 캠페인을 진행하려 합니다.
이롬 샤밀라는 2000년 11월 2일 마니푸르(Manipur)주의 임팔(Imphal)에서 10명의 시민을 사살한 말롬 학살(Malom Massacre)사건에서 자살기도 혐의로 체포되어 교도소의 삼엄한 일급 경비구역에 수감되어 있습니다. 그녀는 이 사건 이후로 1958년에 재정된 군사 특별 권한법(Armed Forces Special Powers Act)의 폐지를 요구하는 단식투쟁을 하고 있습니다. 국제 엠네스티(Amnesty International)는 2000년 1월 29일 샤밀라를 수감시킨 상황에 대해 국제법 위반행위라는 성명서를 발표했습니다. JPF 또한 샤밀라를 수감시킨 것은 마하트마 간디의 정신을 고살하는 처사임을 믿어 의심치 않고 있습니다.
이 캠페인은 인도 정부의 지반 레디 위원회의 비라빠 몰리(Veerappa Moilly)가 연합의장으로 취임 중인 행정개혁위원회(Administrative Reform Commission)뿐만 아니라 현 부통령 하미드 안사리(Harmid Ansari)가 이끄는 신뢰 구축 연합(Confidence Building Measures)에서 또한 지속적으로 권고하고 있는 군사특별권한법의 폐지를 외치고 더불어 수감 중에도 단식투쟁을 멈추지 않는 샤밀라를 지지하고 지원하기 위함입니다.
군사특별권한법은 작년 동계 개정기간에 개정 법안이 국회 회의 안건으로 채택되었으나 정작 회의 중에는 언급되지 않았습니다. 하지만 2010년 2월 22일에 있을 예산 회의에서 언급되기를 기대하고 있습니다.
여러 단체와 시민들이 참여한 이 회의에서는 “이롬 샤밀라의 목소리를 들어주세요”라는 팜플렛을 제작하여 세계 여성의 날인 3월 8일부터 14일까지 전 주에 배포하며 서명운동을 전개하기로 결정하였습니다.
2010년 1월 30일부터 시작된 이 캠페인은 마니푸르(Manipur)의 수도 임팔(Imphal)에서 시작하여 아루나쩔 프라데쉬(Arunachal Pradesh), 델리(Delhi)를 거쳐 현재 바라나시에서 개최되었습니다. 다음 회의는 방갈로어(Bangalore)를 거쳐 케럴(Kerela)에서 계최될 예정입니다. PVCHR과 마니푸르의 민중단체인 와이드 앵글(Wide Angle)은 이 문제에 대한 편지를 두 의회에 보냈습니다.
편지 원문 URL :
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Broken system: dysfunction, abuse ... - Google Books
To empower and to built pro-people, pro-victim human rights institution of India.
Bad, very bad, people in this country have not been taught to protect their rights
Saturday, February 20, 2010
INDIA: Again Vinod Kumar Gupta and his father Ram Lal Gupta were illegally detained and faced the police brutality in the custody
Update Appeal
INDIA: Again Vinod Kumar Gupta and his father Ram Lal Gupta were illegally detained and faced the police brutality in the custody
19th February, 2010
Issue: Arbitrary detention, threat to life, blatant violation of laws, failure of rule of law, custodial torture, right to life with dignity
Dear Friends,
Peoples' Vigilance Committee on Human Rights (PVCHR) got information that again Mr. Vinod Kumar Gupta and his father Ram Lal Gupta were illegally detained and faced the police brutality in the custody at Phulpur police station of Varanasi as many cases of custodial torture and deaths reported in various part of Uttar Pradesh in India.
Case detail:
Mr. Vinod Kumar Gupta and his father Mr. Ram Lal Gupta were released on 18th February, 2010 night at 8 pm. As on 12th February, 2010 night approximately at 11:30 in the night 5-6 policemen in the civil dress with the shop owner son Mr. Vicky Gupta came to Vinod Gupta house. They forcefully detained entire family including women's and children also. Vinod Kumar Gupta's wife was alone in the house and she was being sexually assault by the police and they hit her dignity by using abusive language. On 13th February, 2010 they released Vinod Kumar Gupta mothers' Gaytri Devi and they also hit on her knee. They also took mobile phone of Vinod's brother the numbers are: +91-9792731268, +91-9305754951 and +91-9336280429.
After being released Ram Ji Gupta informed ,"During the time of illegal detention I was kept in three police stations i.e. Cholapur, Phulpur and Sindhaura (police outpost). In the custody they severely tortured us and compel us to drink the urine and put petrol in the ear of Vinod. Now we are living life in threat and expecting to be killed by the shop owner. Due to this incidence my other sons are being dismissed from their jobs due to fear of powerful shop owner."
On 13th February, 2010 Seema faxed letter to appropriate authorities and PVCHR sent letter to Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh and Chairperson, National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) about the incidence.
Prior to this, Mr. Vinod Kumar Gupta released on 1st February, 2010 after nine days of illegal detention on the immediate intervention and advocacy. Please see the petition on the URL:
Please see the given below URL to watch the testimonies:
- Vinod Kumar Gupta:
- Ram Ji Gupta:
- Dr. Lenin Raghuvanshi:
Other relevant Information:
Uttar Pradesh has a notorious distinction in police brutality cases in India. Recently reported two custodial deaths as the men in the lockup died after being beaten up with lathis and rifles by policemen in Allahabad. Another case of police brutality registered in Amethi of Uttar Pradesh where police inspector beating up a Dalit woman to extract a confession while a woman constable views as a mute spectator has emerged. The policeman, identified as SHO of Musafirkhana police station Kailash Dwivedi, was caught on camera beating up a Dalit woman and tearing her clothes. Sangeeta Kori was the woman being questioned in connection with her husband's murder. Please see the URL: The video, available from a newsfeed by The Times of India is available above mentioned cases are clear cut violation of order/instruction of Honorable Supreme Court in case of DK Basu V/S Government of West Bengal as guideline of detention. Please see:
The primitiveness of this institution is reflected in its intellect that still depends on brute force as an accepted means of crime investigation. Its colonial mindset is echoed in the acts of police officers, who believe that it is their lawful right to punish people at will.
According to the information received National Human Rights Commission 23852 & 21014 cases has been registered in year 2008 & 2009 respectively in Uttar Pradesh. According to Government statistics, the number of custodial deaths has registered an increase in the last fiscal by 70 compared to 2006-07.
Prevention of Torture Bill ( Prevention of Torture Bill, 2008) is more important piece of legislation, the Prevention of Torture Bill, 2008 is subjected to the legislative deepfreeze since the day it was drafted.
Government's lack of interest in the issue is reflected in the Bill. The Bill, a mere 477 words in a page and half, not only fails to meet international standards against torture, but also falls short of the country's own domestic jurisprudence on the issue developed by its courts, in particular the Supreme Court of India. The Bill, like practice of police, represents yet another institution in the country, its legislature, and its collective intellectual dishonesty.
Sample letter
Subject: Please take preventive and punitive measure to stop further police brutality in custody in Uttar Pradesh.
I want to draw your attention towards the case of Mr. Vinod Kumar Gupta and his father Mr. Ram Lal Gupta were released on 18th February, 2010 night at 8 pm. As on 12th February, 2010 night approximately at 11:30 in the night 5-6 policemen in the civil dress with the shop owner son Mr. Vicky Gupta came to Vinod Gupta house. They forcefully detained entire family including women's and children also.
I am informed that Vinod Kumar Gupta's wife Seema was alone in the house and she was being sexually assault by the police and they hit her dignity by using abusive language to kept her. On 13th February, 2010 they released Vinod Kumar Gupta mothers' Gaytri Devi and they also hit on her knee. They also took mobile phone of Vinod's brother the numbers are: +91-9792731268, +91-9305754951 and +91-9336280429.
Ram Ji Gupta stated, "During the time of illegal detention I was kept in three police stations i.e. Cholapur, Phulpur and Sindhaura (police outpost). In the custody they severely tortured us and compel us to drink the urine and put petrol in the ear of Vinod. Now we are living life in threat and expecting to be killed by the shop owner. Due to this incidence my other son is being dismissed from their jobs."
I am also informed that on 13th February, 2010 Seema fax letter to appropriate authority and PVCHR sent letter to Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh and Chairperson, National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) about the incidence.
Prior to this Mr. Vinod Kumar Gupta released on 1st February, 2010 after nine days of illegal detention on the immediate intervention and advocacy.
I am also informed that recently Allahabad reported two custodial deaths as the men in the lockup died after being beaten up with lathis and rifles by policemen. Another case of police brutality registered in Amethi of Uttar Pradesh where police inspector beating up a Dalit woman to extract a confession while a woman constable views as a mute spectator has emerged. The policeman, identified as SHO of Musafirkhana police station Kailash Dwivedi, was caught on camera beating up a Dalit woman and tearing her clothes. Sangeeta Kori was the woman being questioned in connection with her husband's murder.
Therefore it is kind request to take appropriate action to prevent further prevention police brutality in the custody and to direct each police official follow the D.K Basu Guideline VS State of West Bengal.
Thanking You
Sincerely Yours
Please write letter to
1. Director General of Police
1-B.N. Lahiri Marg/Tilak Marg,
Lucknow Fax: 0522-2206120, 2206174.
Ph: 0522-2206104 .
2. Chief Minister
Government of Uttar Pradesh
Chief Minister's Secretariat
Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
Fax: + 91 52 2223 0002 / 2223 9234
3. Inspector General of Police
Varanasi Zone
Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh
4. Senior Superintendent of Police
Varanasi, SSP Office
Kachahari, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh
5. Mr. Chitambaram
Home Minister
North Block
New Delhi 110 001
Fax: + 91 11 23794833
6. Chairperson
National Human Rights Commission
Faridkot House, Copernicus Marg,
New Delhi, PIN 110001
Tel.No. 23384012
Fax No. 23384863
Thank you.
Urgent Appeals Programme
Peoples' Vigilance Committee on Human Rights (PVCHR)
Testimony of Vinod Kuamr Gupta Son of Shri Ram Ji Gupta, Jila-Jaunpur
Shocking: UP cop assaults woman on camera-News-Videos-The Times of India
Friday, February 19, 2010
INDIA Historic verdict by Supreme Court to allow independent investigations in states - Asia News
AN "act" not pleasing enough
Thursday, February 18, 2010
From Mahatma Gandhi to Sharmila
Policeman Beats Dalit Woman | Video | UP Inspector Suspended | Husband Murder Confession - Oneindia News
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
From Gandhi to Sharmila Campaign
From Gandhi to Sharmila Campaign touched Varanasi City today with the PVCHR and the Just Peace Foundation (JPF) jointly organised a public meeting at Vishwajoti Communication Centre, Nepali Kothi, Cantonment areas on 16 February 2010. JPF is organising the campaign form 30 January, the day Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated to 14 March the day Irom Sharmila was born.
Irom Sharmila has been on a hunger strike demanding the repeal of the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act, 1958 following the massacre of 10 civilians by the Armed Forces on 2 November 2000. She was arrested in on charges of attempt to commit suicide and kept as a high security prisoner. Amnesty International, on 29 January 2010, has already made a public statement stating that criminalizing Sharmila is in violation of the international law. JPF believes that criminalization of Sharmila is nothing less than murder of the very spirit of Gandhi.
The campaign is to gather support of Sharmila's struggle and to demand the repeal of AFSPA. Government of India's own Jeevan Reddy Committee (2005), the Administrative Reform Commission headed by the present Union Law Minster Dr. Veerappa Moilly and the Working Group on Confidence Building Measures headed by the present Vice President Mr. Hamid Ansari have consistently recommended the repeal of AFSPA.
An Armed Forces Special Powers Amendment Bill 2009 was listed for discussion in the last winter session of the parliament, but it was not brought up for discussion. We are expecting that the matter will come up during the budget session of the Parliament starting from 22 February 2010.
In the meeting various organization and other peoples’ participated and decided to start signature campaign and launch pomplet “Listen the voice of Iron Sharmila” in the entire state from 8th March i.e. International Women Day to 14th March.
The Campaign which started in 30 January 2010 at Imphal has travelled to Arunachal Pradesh and Delhi and in now in Varanasi City and further proceeds to Bangalore and Kerela. Irom Singhjit (brother of Irom Sharmila) and Babloo Loitongbam of the Just Peace Foundation are in Varanasi City soliciting support for the repeal of the AFSPA.
Peoples’ Vigilance Committee on Human Rights (PVCHR) with the grass root organization of Manipur, Wide Angle sent open to the parliamentarian of both houses. Please visit the URL:
Campaign Against AFSPA
Monday, February 15, 2010
India: Minority human right Defender threatens to raise the issue of the minority weaver
Lehartara pond on way to revival - Varanasi - City - The Times of India
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Right to Food initiative of PVCHR: Watch the scenario of the future of INDIA
Statement of PVCHRs' Director on custodial violence and HRDS
Custodial torture in India video on CastTV Video Search
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Ground Report India (GRI): India: Minority human right Defender threatens to raise the issue of the minority weaver.
India: Minority human right Defender threatens to raise the issue of the minority weaver.
India: Minority human right Defender threatens to raise the issue of the minority weaver.
Issue: Impunity, Intimidation, right to live with dignity
13th February, 2010
Dear Friends
Peoples' Vigilance Committee on Human Rights (PVCHR) got information from its associated Human Rights Defender Aftab Alam being threaten by the village head of Bhatti, as he highlighted the issue malnutrition, tuberculosis and hunger death in the Lohta locality of Dhannipur(Bhatti), weaver dominated area of Kashi Vidyapith Block of Varanasi district in India.
Case detail:
Aftab Alam son of late Shamshuddin is permanent resident of Dharmariya (Lohta), Kashi Vidyapith block of Varanasi district, Uttar Pradesh. Mr. Aftab Alam is weaver. He is associated Human Rights activist in Peoples' Vigilance Committee on Human Rights (PVCHR) and currently working as consultant fellow on education in the project funded by Sir Dorabji Tata Trust (SDTT) and is elected member of Block Development Committee (BDC).
On 9th February, 09 when Aftab Alam went to Dhannipur village for his routine visit, meanwhile he got life threatening call from mobile no. +91-9936036962 at 12:16 pm on his mobile phone +91-8081961866. Village head of Bhatti Mr. Sujeet Yadav alias Lakkad Pahalwan and other influenced people gave threat and abuse Aftab not to again enter in this area.
After two hours Aftab Alam informed the entire incidence to Mr. Harun Shah. While returning from Dhannipur (Lohta) in the way Mukhtar Ahmad stopped and inquired about the case of Istiyaq Ahmand. Aftab Alam highlighted the case of Istiyaq Ahmad for immediate relief and he gave letter to village head. (Istiyaq Ahmad is resident of village Sabha Bhatti. Istiyaq is weaver and from last three month he is unable to do work due to serious illness. His wife stitches blanket and earn 10 -15 Rupees in a day and hardly manage to meet the two ends of her three children).
Meanwhile village head with few other influenced people arrived and threat him "walk off and don't come back here". Aftab Alam gently said "what is my mistake? Why you are behaving like this. They forcefully tried Aftab Alam to sit on his motor bike and other person was assisting him. Aftab Alam cried for help, Gulzar Ahmad initiated for help, but on the threat of the influenced person he back foot and did not dare to proceed against the village head.
Aftab Alam got panic after facing the unexpected life threatening incidence and anyhow managed to rid away from any unexpected happening. PVCHR and Aftam wrote a letter to DGP and NHRC in this regard.
Background Information:
Since 2004 Aftab Alam is working on the weavers issue in the area of Lohta, a weaver dominated area. He highlighted the issue of malnutrition, tuberculosis and hunger death and the condition of weavers after plight of the weaving industry. In May 2008 he highlighted the malnourishment of 14 children in Dhannipur. Administration admissions there were 106 children suffering from severe malnutrition in Dhannipur alone. This is happening because auxiliary health staff assigned to look after the children does not visit the area. 30 quintals of grains meant for distribution among the poor weavers of the village was lying undistributed till Ishrat breathed his last. He brought the issue at German Radio.Please visit given below URL for more information:,
Sample letter
Subject: please take immediate action to save the life of the minority human rights defender for highlighting the issue of the minority weaver.
Name of Victim:
Mr. Aftab Alam, Human Right Defender
Name of Alleged Perpetrator:
1. Village Head, Sujeet Yadav alias Lakkad Pahalwan
2. Other influenced person
Date & venue of the incidence: 9th February, 2010, Dhannipur village
Respected Sir/Madam
I am writing to express my concern regarding Aftab Alam son of late Shamshuddin is permanent resident of Dharmariya (Lohta), Kashi Vidyapith block of Varanasi district, Uttar Pradesh. Mr. Aftab Alam is weaver. He is associated Human Rights activist in Peoples' Vigilance Committee on Human Rights (PVCHR) and currently working as consultant fellow on education in the project funded by Sir Dorabji Tata Trust (SDTT) and is elected member of Block Development Committee (BDC).
I am also informed that 0n 9th February, 09 when Aftab Alam went to Dhannipur village for his routine visit, meanwhile he got life threatening call from mobile no. +91-9936036962 at 12:16 pm on his mobile phone +91-8081961866.. Village head of Bhatti Mr. Sujeet Yadav alias Lakkad Pahalwan and other influenced people gave threat and abuse Aftab not to again enter in this area.
After two hours Aftab Alam informed the entire incidence to Mr. Harun Shah. While returning from Dhannipur (Lohta) in the way Mukhtar Ahmad stopped and inquired about the case of Istiyaq Ahmand. Aftab Alam highlighted the case of Istiyaq Ahmad for immediate relief and he gave letter to village head. (Istiyaq Ahmad is resident of village Sabha Bhatti. Istiyaq is weaver and from last three month he is unable to do work due to serious illness. His wife stitches blanket and earn 10 -15 Rupees in a day and hardly manage to meet the two ends of her three children).
Meanwhile village head with few other influenced people arrived and threat him "walk off and don't come back here". Aftab Alam gently said "what is my mistake? Why you are behaving like this. They forcefully tried Aftab Alam to sit on his motor bike and other person was assisting him. Aftab Alam cried for help, Gulzar Ahmad initiated for help, but on the threat of the influenced person he back foot and did not dare to proceed against the village head.
Aftab Alam got panic after facing the unexpected life threatening incidence and anyhow managed to rid away from any unexpected happening. .
Since 2004 Aftab Alam is working on the weavers issue in the area of Lohta, a weaver dominated area. He highlighted the issue of malnutrition, tuberculosis and hunger death and the condition of weavers after plight of the weaving industry.
Therefore this is kind request to take appropriate action to save the life of the Human Right defender and to provide immediate relief of 1000 Rupees to Mr. Istiyaq Ahamd to prevent further hunger.
Thanking You
Sincerely yours
Please write letter to
1. Mr. Rahul Gandhi, Member of Parliament and General Secretary of Congress I, 11 Tuglak Lane, New Delhi. Email:
2. Dr. Sayeda Hameed, Member,Planning Comission, Yojana Bhawan,
Sansad marg,New delhi Pin-110001,India
3. Mohamed Shafi Qureshi, Chairperson, National Commission for Minorities, 5th Floor, Lok Nayak Bhavan, Khan Market, New Delhi 110 003 Tel. 24615583, Fax 24693302, 24642645, 24698410, E-mail:
4. Shri Salman Khurshid, Minister of State (Independent Charge)
for Minority Affairs, Joint Secretary (Admin), 11th Floor, Paravaran Bhawan, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi - 110 003, Phone No 011-24364271.
- Ms. Mayawati, Chief Minister, Government of Uttar Pradesh, Chief Minister's Secretariat, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, INDIA, Fax: + 91 52 2223 0002 / 2223 9234, E-mail:
- Director General of Police, 1-Tilak Marg, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, INDIA
Fax: + 91 522 220 6120 / 220 6174, E-mail: - Inspector General of Police, Varanasi Zone, Varanasi District, Uttar Pradesh, INDIA
E-mail: - Senior Superintendent of Police, Varanasi, SSP Office, Kachahari, Uttar Pradesh
INDIA, E-mail:
Thank you.
Urgent Appeals
Peoples' Vigilance Committee on Human Rights (PVCHR)
Articles of/on/by Lenin & Shruti: Lifes' an unending for a riot victim
India: Lenin Raghuvanshi, Indian activist: "The Pope shows the world the way for peace" | Spero News
Friday, February 12, 2010
Custodial torture in India: a case of driver of rich person
Lenin Raghuvanshi, Indian activist: "The Pope shows the world the way for peace"
Lenin Raghuvanshi, attivista indiano: "Il Papa indica al mondo la via per la pace"
Il direttore della Commissione indiana per i diritti umani, commenta il messaggio del Papa per la Quaresima: "Il mondo ascolti le parole del pontefice, sono la via che serve a tutti noi per combattere l'ingiustizia".
Delhi (AsiaNews) – Il messaggio di Benedetto XVI per la Quaresima del 2010 "dimostra che il pontefice conosce benissimo e comprende i problemi che affliggono l'umanità. Inoltre, è importantissimo il sostegno che esprime agli attivisti per i diritti umani e a coloro che combattono per la democrazia". Lo dice ad AsiaNews Lenin Raghuvanshi, direttore della Commissione indiana per i diritti umani e premio Gwanju (il "Nobel asiatico") nel 2007.
Il bene comune e la dignità umana, che il Papa sottolinea come requisiti fondamentali per l'umanità intera, "sono imperativi etici per tutti noi. La mancanza di cibo, acqua, lavoro e salute sono fattori che incidono sull'uomo e creano disparità inaccettabili. Esistono situazioni, che Benedetto XVI dimostra di conoscere, in cui gli uomini vivono in una situazione sub-umana: ebbene, queste sono inaccettabili".
Secondo il Papa, la giustizia non rende all'uomo la totalità del suo dovere: "Questo pensiero è il più importante, per la situazione attuale dell'India. Soltanto questa mattina ho incontrato un ragazzo musulmano, vittima di violenze interreligiose a cui la polizia non ha reso giustizia. Ora non può lavorare, e non si può curare: dove si trovano la responsabilità e il senso di giustizia dello Stato, in casi come questi? Persone innocenti diventano vittime e , con la compiacenza del governo, perdono il diritto a vivere con dignità la propria vita".
Per questo, "è fondamentale che i governi e i leader mondiali ascoltino e accolgano l'invito di Sua Santità. Che, da parte sua, ha ricordato come i cristiani siano chiamati a contribuire alla creazione di società giuste, dove tutti possano ricevere quello che serve a vivere secondo i propri bisogni e dove la giustizia sia resa più viva dall'amore".
Benedetto XVI "parla di amore e oggi, in società come quella indiana piagata dalle tensioni, è essenziale che venga ascoltato. Il sospetto e la sfiducia devono piegarsi alla verità. Il messaggio del Papa è un sentiero verso una cultura della pace che possa sradicare le fonti di ingiustizia, provvedere a una vera ed uguale distribuzione delle risorse, in cui tutte le persone possano vivere con dignità e senza distinzione di ogni tipo. La giustizia e i diritti umani devono divenire la strada verso la pace". (N.C.)
Lenin Raghuvanshi, Indian activist: "The Pope tells the world the way for peace"
The director of the PVCHR, said the Pope's message for Lent: "The world will listen to the words of the Pope, are the way that serves us all to fight injustice."
Delhi (AsiaNews) - Benedict XVI's message for Lent 2010 "shows that the Pope knows and understands very well the problems that afflict humanity. Furthermore, it is important that expresses support for human rights activists and those fighting for democracy. " He tells AsiaNews Lenin Raghuvanshi, director of the peoples' Vigilance Committee on Human Rights(PVCHR) and premium Gwanju (the "Asian Nobel") in 2007.
The common good and human dignity, the Pope stressed that the basic requirements for all humanity, "are ethical imperatives for us all. The lack of food, water, work and health are factors that affect humans and create unacceptable disparities. There are situations, which Benedict XVI shows to know, where people live in extreme sub-human: Well, these are unacceptable. "
According to the Pope, does not do justice to man the whole of his duty: "This thought is the most important for the present situation in India. Only this morning I met a Muslim boy, a victim of inter-religious violence in which police had not done justice. Now I can work, and you can not cure: where are the responsibility and sense of justice of the state, in cases like these? Innocent people become victims and, with the complacency of the government, they lose the right to live their lives with dignity. "
Therefore, "it is essential that governments and world leaders listen and accept the invitation of His Holiness. That, in turn, pointed out how Christians are called to contribute to the creation of just society where everyone can get what you need to live according to their needs and where justice is made more alive by love. "
Benedict XVI speaks of love and today, in societies like India plagued by tensions, it is essential to be heard. Suspicion and mistrust must bow to the truth. The Pope's message is a path towards a culture of peace that can eradicate the sources of injustice, provide a true and equal distribution of resources, in which all people can live with dignity and without distinction of any kind. Justice and human rights must become the way to peace. " (N.C.)
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Dr. sayeeda Hamid view after hearing weaver
case of custodial torture in India
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Lenin Raghuvanshi - Google Profile
Use Your Fundraising Skills to Win Human Rights for the Most Marginalized People in India - Fellow Dr. Lenin Raghuvanshi |
Tuesday, February 09, 2010
Malnutrition report published in Hindi newspaper
Monday, February 08, 2010
National Human Rights Commission - New Delhi
Varanasi police firing victim Abdul Rahman appeals for help |
Sunday, February 07, 2010
Voice of Bharat
National consultation on testimonial therapy
pvchr on Vodpod
Parade Iklan Search for Pvchr
People’s Tribunal on Human Rights » South Asians for Human Rights - Promoting Democracy, Upholding Human Rights
Saturday, February 06, 2010
Raup village,malnutrition and NHRC
National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi, India |
Case Details of File Number: 4197/24/69/09-10 | |
Diary Number | 13365 |
Address | SA 4/2 A, DAULAPUR, VARANASI, |
Name of the Victim | 18 CHILDREN OF GHASIA VILLAGE |
Address | VILL- GHASIA, |
Place of Incident | GHASIA |
Date of Incident | 1/1/1991 |
Direction issued by the Commission | An SMS was received in the Commission intimating thereby that according to a BBC, Hindi telecast, 18 children of Raup village of Sonbhadra had died due to malnutrition. The Commission took cognizance of the matter and called for a report from the Chief Secretary, Govt. of UP, Lucknow vide Commission's communication dated 4.5.09. Pursuant to the direction of the Commission, a report dated 24.10.09 was received from the DM, Sonbhadra, enclosing therewith a report dated 13.10.09 of the Chief Medical Officer, Sonbhadra, and a report dated 31.8.09 of the District Supply Officer, Sonbhadra. It was reported that the cases of malnutrition have been located and necessary steps have been taken to improve their health condition. Their condition is improving after the steps taken. A joint statements of several alleged victims of malnutrition with their signatures has been enclosed with the report. The Commission has perused the report. The District Administration is reportedly alive to the problem of malnutrition and steps have been taken in this regard. Under the circumstances, further intervention of the Commission in this matter is not necessary. Accordingly the reports are taken on record. The case is closed. |
Action Taken | Concluded and No Further Action Required (Dated 1/1/2010 ) |
Status on 2/6/2010 | The Case is Closed. |
Friday, February 05, 2010
INDIA: Please immediate support to Mr. Abdul Rahman survivor of Bazardiha police firing for his further treatment
Mr. Abdul Rahman s/o Mr Abdul Badd resident of house no. N 13/1202, Lamhi Sarai Surjan, Bazardiha, under jurisdiction Bhelupur, Varanasi. Abdul Rahman is among one of the eight injured survivor's of police firing happened on 11th March, 09. The FIR lodge against the alleged perpetrator case no. 122A/09 under section 302, 307, 147,148, 149, 504, 506, 337, 295, of Indian Penal Code. The case of Bazardiha police firing is already under consideration of NHRC in case no: 52089/24/72/08-09.
Previously in the letter Dr. Lenin Raghuvanshi demands for the (1) To provide compensation to the families of the deceased and injured persons. (2) To direct National authority to order state & district authority for the fair investigation by the independent agency such as state CBCID. He further added in his demanded for the implementation of Section D of Prime Minister's New 15 Point Programme for Welfare of Minorities and letter was sent to appropriate authority. Mr. P. Chitambaram, Minister of Home Affair took cognizance on the petition.
Only soon after the incidence Mr. Abdul Rahman got medical treatment on the mercy contribution of the community people and even till today. He is languishing life on other as he often got lunch from his neighbour house and even looks other for his rest of food. As the bullet pierced through his left thigh and turned him into a physical wreek. Please see the photos:
PVCHR with RCT provide psychological support through testimonial therapy and medical support. Mr. Abul Rahman was diagnosed in Al-Noor Trauma Clinic and he was referred to Institute of Medical Science (IMS), Banaras Hindu University (BHU) for the further treatment. On 4th February, 2010 he was diagnosed in IMS, BHU enrollment no. 3227 registration no: 2483/10 and doctor suggested for bone grafting and the total expense for the treatment will be one lakhs (one hundred thousand) rupees. "After hearing the huge amount for the treatment, I felt very bad from inside and I lost my hope and thought now I have to spend my life on the generosity of others. If I get medically support, I'll be again stand on my leg and start on my own self," says, Abdul Rahman
Therefore it is kind request to direct state authority to provide immediate medical support to Abdul Rahman to continue his further treatment and allotment of BPL (red) ration card to sustain article 21 of the Indian constitution.
Please contribute for the further treatment on the given below bank detail:
FCRA No. | 136760102 |
Name of bank | UCO bank |
Address of Bank | Pandeypur, Varanasi, U.P India |
Bank account number (Foreign contribution) | 20110100001170 |
Bank account name/beneficiary | Jan Mitra Nyas Trust |
Please see the given below link for further information:
IMS prescription
Shakil prescription
Response From Home Minister of India
FIR lodge against the alleged perpetrators
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