Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Press Announcement


Testimony to improve psychosocial wellbeing and promote advocacy for survivors of torture and organised violence

16 – 17 April 2009

Vishwya Yuvak Kendra, New Delhi

Peoples’ Vigilance Committee on Human Rights (PVCHR), India, in collaboration with the Rehabilitation and Research Centre for Torture Victims (RCT), Denmark, is holding a two-day National Consultation at Vishwa Yuvak Kendra, New Delhi. The theme of the consultation, organised from 16th to 17th April 2009, is ‘Testimony to improve psychosocial wellbeing and promote advocacy for survivors of torture and organised violence’.

In order to search for consensus on future plans for the introduction and use of testimonial therapy, the National Consultation has the following objectives:
 To increase the awareness of how torture engenders psychological symptoms in survivors and how it affects their daily life
 To integrate testimony into political campaigns, including the national campaign for the ratification of United Nations Convention against Torture (CAT) and the national domestic law against torture.
 To explore the possibility of creating alliances with different political organisations and stakeholders in India concerning the fight against Torture and other Organised Violence (TOV)
 To promote the psychosocial well-being of survivors of TOV.

Prior to the National Consultation, a pilot project was launched by RCT, Denmark and PVCHR, India with the purposes of: 1.) building the capacities of Human Rights organisations in India to provide testimonial therapy, and 2.) to assess the utility and applicability of the testimonial method for the human rights work in India.

The testimonial method was originally developed in Chile during the military dictatorship in 1970s. It has been successfully used in the psychotherapeutic treatment of refugee survivors of torture in many countries and it has also been an advocacy tool employed by different human rights movements. Most recently, principles of cognitive behavioural exposure therapy and testimony therapy have been combined as narrative exposure therapy for the treatment of traumatised survivor of war and torture.

During the pilot project, spanning six months, 3 Training of the Trainers workshops were conducted in which 40 human rights activists and community workers, who were already working in their communities, were trained. Guided by the trainers, participants capitalised on the skills developed during the workshops to develop a manual, as well as a Monitoring & Evaluation system to quantify the outcomes and compare various psychosocial parameters before and after the intervention.

Utilizing the testimonial method, 85 survivors of torture gave their testimonies. 65 (76%) were male and 20 (24%) were female. 61 are primary victims and 24 are secondary victims. 72 (86%) were Hindu, 8 (9%) were Muslim, and 6 (7%) were Christian. 8 (9%) belong to upper castes, 39(46%) were OBC, 18 (21%) were dalits and 20(24%) belonged to tribal communities.

During the first two sessions of the ‘Capacity Building’ workshops, testimonies were written and in third session victims of torture participated in a delivery ceremony. The trainee therapists also followed up with survivors to assess their feeling after the intervention.

Victims treated with testimonial therapy demonstrated significant improvements in World Health Organisation indicators for human well being (WHO 5). All of them expressed their satisfaction with the process, especially the public delivery ceremony. This ritual apparently became a “turning point” in the healing process. By recording their stories and externalizing their private pain, survivors reframed their experiences to take on a social meaning within the context of human rights affirmation, and thereby regained their self-esteem and dignity.

For more information about PVCHR see: www.pvchr.org, www.pvchr.blogspot.com

For more information about RCT see: www.rct.dk

Contact number in India: +91-9935599333
National Consultation

Monday, March 30, 2009

भूख से मरते बच्चों के लिए लेनिन ने छेड़ी मुहिम


भूख से मरते बच्चों के लिए लेनिन ने छेड़ी मुहिम

भूख से होने वाली मौतों की खबर लेनिन अक्सर अखबारों में पढ़ते हैं। सोनभद्र। आदिवासियों के विकास के लिए सरकार ने कई योजनाएं बनाईं लेकिन इन योजनाओं का फायदा भ्रष्ट अधिकारियों को मिलता है और आदिवासी बद से बदतर हालात में जीते हैं। प्रशासन की इसी बेरुखी की वजह से उत्तर प्रदेश के एक गांव में लोग भूख से मरने लगे। ऐसे में सिटीजन जर्नलिस्ट डॉ. लेनिन ने इस मामले को उठाया और इन लोगों को रोटी का हक दिलाया।

डॉ. लेनिन पेशे से एक डॉक्टर हैं। उनकी लड़ाई एक ऐसे मुद्दे को लेकर है जिसने दुनिया के सबसे बड़े लोकतंत्र का सर शर्म से झुका दिया है। बात कर रहे हैं भूख से होने वाली मौत की और उन लोगों के हक की जो लोग दो वक्त की रोटी के लिए भी तरसते हैं।

भूख से होने वाली मौतों की खबर लेनिन अक्सर अखबारों में पढ़ते हैं। 2005 में सोनभद्र जिले के एक गांव की ऐसी ही एक खबर उन्होंने अखबार में पढ़ी। सोनभद्र के रॉप गांव में भूख के कारण 16 बच्चों की मौत हो गई। लेनिन ये सोच कर हैरान रह जाते हैं कि संसाधनों और विकास की तमाम योजनाओं के बावजूद कैसे लोग भूख से बेमौत मर जाते हैं।

फिर उन्होंने रॉप गांव जाने का फैसला किया। इस गांव में तकरीबन 72 परिवार रहते हैं जो कि घसिया आदिवासी जनजाति से सबंध रखते हैं। लेनिन ने देखा इस गांव में लोगों की हालत काफी खराब थी। 16 बच्चे मौत की आगोश में सो चुके थे और दो बच्चे गंभीर रूप से बीमार थे।

इन लोगों को एक वक्त की रोटी भी नसीब नहीं थी जिस वजह से इन्हें अपनी भूख मिटाने के लिए पेड़ के पत्ते खाने पड़ते थे। यहां अधिकतर बच्चे कुपोषण के शिकार हैं जिसका कारण था खाने की कमी। पैसे की तंगी के कारण इन लोगों के बीपीएल कार्ड भी नहीं बने थे। लेकिन प्रशासन सोया रहा और लोग बेमौत मरते रहे।

प्रशासन कहता है कि ये मौत कुपोषण के कारण हो रही हैं। लेकिन सच ये है कि जो लोग कई दिनों तक खाना नहीं खाते उनके लिए कुपोषण एक बीमारी नहीं बल्कि मजबूरी है। डॉ. लेनिन ने इस समस्या के हर पहलू को बारीकी से समझा और एक रिपोर्ट तैयार की। इस रिपोर्ट को उन्होंने मानवाधिकार आयोग के सामने पेश किया।

मानवाधिकार आयोग ने भी माना कि मामला कुपोषण का नहीं भूखमरी का है। उत्तर प्रदेश के मुख्य सचिव को एक नोटिस भेजा गया। नोटिस मिलते ही सोया हुआ प्रशासन जाग गया। और उसके बाद स्वास्थ्य विभाग ने बच्चों के इलाज के लिए गांव में कैंप लगाया। 154 घरों में अनाज का इंतजाम किया गया और इसके साथ ही इन आदिवासियों के बीपीएल कार्ड भी बने।

भूखमरी सीधे तौर पर कमाई और रोजगार से जुड़ी है। रॉप गांव में एक भी व्यक्ति पढ़ा लिखा नहीं है। लोगों के पास रोजगार नहीं और उनमें जागरूकक की कमी है। ये लोग अपने अधिकारों के बारे में भी नहीं जानते। कुछ लोगों मदद से डॉ. लेनिन ने यहां एक स्कूल बनवाया। भविष्य में कोई भी भूख के कारण मौत का शिकार न हो इसके लिए उन्होंने यहां अनाज बैंक का निर्माण कराया। लोगों के सहयोग से लेनिन ने 4 रिक्शा 100 बकरियां आदिवासियों के रोजगार के लिए उपलब्ध कराए ताकि ये लोग आत्म निर्भर बन सकें।

भूख से मरते लोग भारत की एक शर्मनाक हकीकत हैं। सवाल ये है कि जब सरकार ने इनके लिए योजनाएं बनायी हैं तो ये योजनाएं इन लोगों तक क्यों नहीं पहुंचतीं। दो वक्त की रोटी हर आदमी का बुनियादी हक है और ये सरकार की जिम्मेदारी है कि हर आदमी को उसका बुनियादी हक मिले।

fromMahendra P. Singh

dateWed, Apr 1, 2009 at 9:09 PM
subjectRe: भूख से मरते बच्चों के लिए लेनिन ने छेड़ी मुहिम

hide details 9:09 pm (1 day ago) Reply

Dear Dr. Lenin,
Thanks for all the good work you are doing. Sorry, I cannot spare time to be with you but my best wishes are with you.

Professor Dr Mahendra P Singh

Vice Chancellor
The WB National University of Juridical Sciences
12 LB Block, Sector III, Salt Lake City
Kolkata 700098, INDIA
Tel.: +91-33-2335
0510 (Direct)
+91-33-2335 0534/7379 (Ext. 204)
Fax: +91-33-2335 7422

Sunday, March 29, 2009



I am 36 years old and had been a practising lawyer. I live in S 11/24, Choukaghat, which falls under the jurisdiction of Jaitpura police station in Varanasi. My elder brother, Dr. Amardeep Gupta, has a clinic adjoining my house. We were leading a quite a normal life but suddenly, on 28th December 2007, Municipal Corporation demolition squad accompanied by a posse of policemen a barged inside my brother’s clinic to demolish the encroachment, without any prior notice. Municipal Corporation officials informed that the clinic would be demolished as encroachments are being cleared in the city. My brother tried to plead to the demolition squad that his clinic is in authorised space and it does not fall within the purview of encroachment. But it all fell in the deaf ears. Municipal officials asked my brother to walk out of the clinic as they wanted to demolish it. At that moment, I was in the court and my brother phoned me. I rushed to my brother’s place, when I reached there I saw the squad had demolished a portion of the clinic. Still, we could not know who launched this demolition drive.

Next day on 29th December 2007 at 11 am, city magistrate escorted by a posse of policemen led by Chetganj and Jaitpura Circle Officers and Municipal Corporation demolition squad reached the clinic to demolish the remaining portion. I and my brother showed them the legal documents pertaining to the clinic and the approved map of the locality. Seeing that they howled on us in unison, ‘neither we want to see any papers nor listen to you’. Police officers directed the constables and other subordinates to push both of us to the standing jeep. When we were approaching the jeep, 4-5 policemen encircled us and started raining incessant blows with lathis (long cane tipped with a metal blunt). One among them had been was continuously hammering lathi blows on one side of my leg. It continued till the lathi had broken.

However, kicking and thrashing by the police was in most savagery manner. Due to continuous blows my right feet started dangling and sustained grievous injuries in my left arm, shoulder and other parts in my body. After incessant beating, police wanted us to board the three-wheeler tempo. My brother could board it but I failed to do as I could not stand on my feet.

Then, a policeman physically dragged me to the Vikram tempo. I was quite frightened seeing myself bleeding profusely. Police took us to Jaitpura police station. Constant beating made me thirsty and my throat parched so I could not breathe easily. It seemed as if I would die instantaneously. I requested for a glass of water from the police, and then they responded that they would give me tea instead of water for quenching our thirst. Then I told them at least to give me a cup of tea but they failed to provide that even. Even in that situation, police continued abusing us and used nauseating epithets to humiliate us. I was writhing with pain and not in proper frame of mind. After being informed, my wife and Bhabhi (elder brother’s wife) reached the police station. Police shamelessly abused them and drove them away and didn’t allow them to meet us.

Till 2.00 pm noon, due to loss of blood I was unconscious and police scared by that got me admitted to Kabir Chaura Hospital. When I was conscious I was worried as it came into my mind that I won’t be able to stand on my own feet. My wife came to meet me at the hospital. Seeing me dejected my wife generated confidence in me. As the Government hospital lacked the facilities, so I was shifted to Lakshmi Medical Centre where Dr. SN Dubey at Lakshmi Medical Centre operated me. After my discharge from the hospital I was completely confined to my bed for three months. A metal rod was implanted in my right leg but still I suffer from excruciating pain. Again I was operated by Dr. Shakil Ahmed, who took the bone from my hip and grafted it onto my fibula. Still, I suffer from excruciating pain and it’s difficult for me to walk. Intermittently, pus oozes out from my leg and doctor had advised surgery to replace the metal rod implanted in my right leg.

Police savagery let loose on us, which would be etched in my mind for years together. This makes me quite despondent. The abusive language of CO Chetganj still reverberates in my ears, who said, “Beat him continuously and break his leg to make him physically handicapped, so that his life is spoiled forever.”

If anyone is at fault then legal actions should be initiated against them but not to be beaten mercilessly to make them physically incapacitated. Later we came to know that police had shown their anger suspecting us of stone pelting. Still now we could not know who indulged in pelting stones during the demolition drive. When police was beating us, we did not run away. Still that rolls in my mind like a film, which I am unable to forget it. Today whenever I see police officials I seethe with anger and express my hatred against them.

Police booked us under different sections of IPC and lodged criminal cases against us. We were granted bail by the Court. We were quite enraged by the fact that police, who unleashed unbound savagery on us, rather framed criminal case against us. Our family had to spend over Rs. 1 lakh on me and my brother’s treatment.

Criminal case and police torture on us had damaged lot of our credibility in the society. Financially we were pushed to shambles. My legal practice suffered a setback. I was so mentally broke, that whenever I try to stand on my feet, excruciating pain makes the police brutalities fresh in my mind. Coupled with that, society’s disdainful attitude makes our life horrible. The incident has so deeply affected us that we are hesitant enough to take any initiative. In our matter, police terrorised so that we are not dare to raise any voice against them.

While talking to you, it seems to us that there are people with whom we can share our pain. We are happy that some people are there to lend their helping hand to us. Lawyers and doctors extended their support to us. We want to regain our social prestige. We want that whatever false charges police had framed against both of us should be withdrawn.

Now I am unable to walk and had to stop practicing in the Court. My wife working as a teacher in private school had to quit her job as she had to take care of me. I need immediate surgery but precarious financial condition impedes that. The risk of right leg being amputated looms large on me, if the operation is not done immediately.

Friday, March 27, 2009

INDIA: Food security is a key for preventing Tuberculosis in India

AHRC statement: INDIA: Food security is a key for preventing Tuberculosis in India.Please see link:


Times of India published about report of PVCHR and AHRC.Please see link:


Thursday, March 26, 2009

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

PMO intervens in Police Beating of Dalit Dharkar of Varanasi in India

PMO intervens in Police Beating of Dalit Dharkar of Varanasi in India.See the details of case:


In context with PM Office

Uttar Pradesh Government
The office of Chief Secretary

No.: 1140/MS/PM/2009
Lucknow : date : 6th march, 2009

Sri Lenin Raghuvanshi
People’s Vigilance Committee on Human Right
SA- 4/2A, Daulatpur,
Context of Prime minister office:10/03/2009-PMP1/23648, date 18.02.2009

Date of application: 29.01.2009

Your application annexed with abovementioned context of Prime Minister Office has been received in this office for necessary action.
This letter is forwarded, to the Secretary, Public Complaint Department, Utter Pradesh Secretriate, Lal Bahadur Shastri Bhawan, Lucknow for action as per rule. Kindly communicate for further necessary quarry.

Chandra Prakash
Private Secretary

Monday, March 23, 2009

Open letter to Election Commission of India in case of police firing on Muslim Minority

The Chief Election Commissioner
New Delhi

Subject: in relation to grant of compensation to the victim of communal rioting taken place at Bazardiha in Varanasi

Respected sir,
This is to bring in your kind notice that on 11th march, 2009 the Uttar Pradesh police had fired indiscriminately on mob which results in death of two young people and injury of eight people. Mohammad Moin Akhtar aged about 22 years son of Mr Mukhtar Ahamad resident of Galla Bazardiha under Bhelupura police station, and Khalikujjama aged about 19 years son of Mohammad Salim resident of Rajanagar Murgipatola under Bazardiha police station had been died in consequence of police firing. The police started firing without giving warning nor had it used tear gas to disrupt the mob. PVCHR had reported the case to India Today magazine, which can be seen on http://indiatoday.intoday.in/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=32039§ionid=4&issueid=96&Itemid=1In this regard the government declared compensations to the family of deceased and the injured people. This is declared under as an emergency assistance so it does provide extra benefits to the government nor does it give mileage to any party This does not belong to any political parties so it does not violate the code of ethics of election. The people who had been died and injured are mostly belong to weavers. The pathetic condition of weavers is known by all though various publication. Besides this they became the victim of communal rioting, taken place in Bajardiha. Though the family of deceased and injured people faces irreparable loss and they are living in trauma but the compensation granted to the families of deceased and injured people would provide some relief.

Name of Victim:
1. Mohammad Moin Akhtar (died) aged 22 years son of Mr Mukhtar Ahamad resident of Galla Bazardiha under Bhelupura police station,
2. Khalikujjama (died) aged 19 years son of Mohammad Salim resident of Rajanagar Murgipatola under Bazardiha police station
3. Abdul Rahman (Injured) aged 17 years son of Abdul Badd
4. Akbar Ali (Injured) aged 25 years son of Asagar Ali
5. Mohammad Asalam (injured) aged 25 years son of Shobarati
6. Gulzar Ahamad (Injured) aged 20 years son of Nasim Akhatar
7. Abdul Salaam(Injured) aged 20 years son of Dildar Ahamad.
8. Dildar (Injured) son of Sageer
9. Ansar Ahamad(Injured) son of Sharfuddin
10. Vaseem Ahamad (Injured) aged 24 years son of Riyaz Ahamad

Name of Perpetrators:
1. Shamsher Singh In-charge of Bazardiha police out-post
2. R.B. Singh Station House Officer of Bhelupur police station
3. Babu Lal local leader
4. Vijay Vishawakarma, local corporator
5. Other police men who involved in firing.

Facts of the case: the police started firing when the Muslim community people went to submit their complaint that some communal Hindu group were creating nuisance by throwing color over religious place of Muslim community. Shamsher Singh In-charge of Bazardiha police out-post had overlooked their complaint, which is masque near the Gausia Madarasa. This place is surrounded by Muslim inhabitant and it is very far from the Hindu locality At the same time both the community started to throw stone over each other. At the occasion police came and took favour of communal Hindu group and started firing over the mob. In consequence of this firing two young people had lost their life while eight people had been injured. The injured have been admitted in a Luxmi Medical and Surgical Centre, a private hospital in Varanasi. However some political person and intellectual class convinced the people of both the community so no communal rioting could take place.
However a Shanti Samiti ( Peace Committee) had been set up by the District administration comprising administration, police and hindu and muslim leader. Two day before the holi and barawafat when the meeting of the committee took place it was suspected that some communal people were trying to disturb the communal harmony at holi, but it was overlooked which resulted in this unfortunate event.
Actually the administration and the police system remained failing in dealing with this type of situation. From the last three year the efforts were being made to decolorize the holi festival by disturbing communal harmony and it is expected that this year those people would try to do the same, but no necessary precaution has been taken. From the last three years these people were organizing Matkafod (people are making pyramid and the top person breaks the clay pot which drench the entire people) near muslim populated area where more than ninety percent population are muslim. This ceremony was held in leadership of Babu Lal and Vijay Vishawakarma. It expresses their intention to disturb communal harmony, which is started from last 3-4 years.
400-500 unknown people had been accused for different sections of IPC, but Babu Lal and Vijay Vishawakarma have not been accused who are the real culprit. The administration is favoring itself by saying that when the police men had no option instead of firing then they opened fire at mob.
However the fact is that the people, who were dead or injured, were not the part of mob. The deceased Khalikujjama, had gone to play the cricket and became the prey of police bullet. Mohammad Asalam was returning from in-laws house, the police caught him beat and in last they open fire on his head. When the PVCHR team visited the place of occurrence the inhabitants of the place were showing them fired bullets, as one resident Mr. Shakil Ahamad was showing that bullet was entangled in his window. All of these exhibit how the police have acted indiscriminately.
Apart form that the police had forced the family member of Mohammad Moin Akhtar to buried his dead corpse at 3:00 am of 12th march, 2009 while the family members were requesting to bury it in day time as their culture prohibits to bury dead corpse in night.
On 14th march, 2009 it has been published in newspaper that Mukhtar Ahamad, the father of deceased Mohammad Moin Akhtar, lodged FIR against Shamsher Singh In-charge of Bazardiha police out-post, R.B. Singh Station House Officer of Bhelupur police station, Babu Lal local leader, Vijay Vishawakarma, local corporator, Sanjay Nath Tiwari Station House Officer of Sigra police station, Rajkumar and Mata Prasad under section 302, 307, 147,148, 149, 504, 506, 337, 295, of Indian Penal Code. The new Station House Officer of Bhelupur police station G S Sarana assured that the communal rioter would be arrested soon. It is outcome of amplification of the voice of survivors.

It is therefore most respectfully requested that kindly take the matter seriously and urgently and allow the government to provide appropriate compensation to the family of deceased and injured people so that they could be provided some relief.

Yours faithfully

Dr Lenin


Please write to in solidarity:
1.Chief Electoral Officer
Official Address 20-Bahukhandi Bhawan,First Floor
Uttar Pradesh Sachivalaya,Lucknow
Phone 0522-2238106
E-mail ceoup@up.nic.in
For any Election related query,please call our Helpline Number
Helpline Number 0522-2200674
2.Chief Election Commissioner,India

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Open letter to Election Commission of India

Dear Sir,

Greetings from UP Election Watch & PVCHR

I want to draw your attention towards Belwa village of Police Sation Phulpur of Varanasi district. Mr. Rajendra Tiwari, the Village Headman who held the post unchallenged for about 30 years immediately realized the threat to his unchallenged power. He had contested the election formerly through his wife when the seat was reserved for a woman candidate.

Taking the reference of news published in the front page of the Hindu on 22nd February, 2002.On 21st February, 09 in the final phase of polling the assembly election of Uttar Pradesh, one BJP activist was killed and another seriously injured as supporters of the party traded gunfire with Apna Dal workers near a polling station. Women of Dalit and OBCs communities of Belwa stage a protest on Thursday after they were allegedly prevented from voting by the higher castes. http://www.hinduonnet.com/2002/02/22/stories/2002022203020100.htm

Secondly the security should be provided to the contestant of the village panchayat election. On 17 August 2005, Mr. S. N. Giri, an accepted figure and human rights activist working for the dalits and the backward community filed his nomination as a candidate against Mr. Rajendra Tiwari. Mr. Tiwari and his men threatened Mr. Giri and told him that if he did not withdraw his nomination he and his colleague Mr. Lenin Raghuvanshi of People’s Vigilance Committee for Human Rights (PVCHR) and their family members would be assassinated.

Thirdly The Tribunal headed by Justice K. Sukumaran (Retired Judge, Kerala and Mumbai High Courts) visited the districts of Varanasi and Chaundoli between February 16 - 17, 2002. They visited the villages of Narketi, Babatpur and Belwa. On February 17, 2002 a public hearing was held in Varanasi at which people from Piyari Gaon deposed as well as individuals who were victims of human rights violations.
The terms of rnquiry were: (1) Victimisation of Dalits (2) To investigate into police firing on peaceful protests and (3) Torture and illegal detention by the police. http://www.combatlaw.org/information.php?article_id=116&issue_id=15

So, therefore in view of above mentioned circumstance it most respectfully submitted that the polling booths of the Belwa secondary school needs to be transferred to Primary school Barepur Belwa as secondary school is surrounded by the upper caste people. So, that dalits and marginalized may cast their vote without any fear and their constitutional right may be ensured.

Yours Sincerely

Dr. Lenin
Ashoka Fellow
2007 Gwanju Human Rights Awardee
Secretary-Association for Communal Harmony in Asia (ACHA)


Please write to in solidarity:
1.Chief Electoral Officer
Official Address 20-Bahukhandi Bhawan,First Floor
Uttar Pradesh Sachivalaya,Lucknow
Phone 0522-2238106
E-mail ceoup@up.nic.in
For any Election related query,please call our Helpline Number
Helpline Number 0522-2200674
2.Chief Election Commissioner,India

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Letter to NHRC,India on right to privacy of PVCHR

Date: 17th March, 2009

The Chairperson
National Human Right Commission
New Delhi

Subject: in relation to non-receipt of letter by PVCHR.

Respected Sir

We would feel highly obliged to you if you kindly draw your kind attention on the problem faced by People’s Vigilance Committee on Human Rights (PVCHR) due to non-receipt of its official letters. As your letter dated 27/11/2008 case no. 39217/24/2005-2006 and 30/10/2008 case no. 39214/24/2005-2006, you had submitted that the complainant had not preferred to send his comment and the complainant appears to be satisfied with report. So case is closed. However the truth is that the complainant had not received the letter along with report for comments. Apart from these many official letters can not reach to the official address. It is known that the Intelligence Bureau is screening and banning the incoming and outgoing letters of PVCHR, so the letters could not reach to the destination, due to which no proper communication can be made, and it adversely affects the act of organization. The Supreme Court of India upheld in People’s Union for civil liberty Vs Union of India that Right to Privacy is included under right to life and personal liberty guaranteed in Art 21 of the Indian Constitution. Screening letters without reasonable cause is direct violation of right to privacy; the state can interfere in this right when it is necessary for emergency and national security. However the irony is that Intelligence Bureau is violating this right without any reasonable cause. PVCHR is a human right organization and working to ensure the basic right of the most vulnerable class of the society i.e. women, children, dalit, deprived, and marginalized class. It also tries to eliminate situations, which give rise to exploitation of vulnerable and marginalized groups and to start a movement for a people friendly society (Jan Mitra Samaj) through an inter-institutional approach. With view to achieve the objectives of the organization it advocates the matter related to human right violation through letters to various authority and institutions and receives the letter to follow-up the case. If its letters are screened and banned, how can it work in the direction to achieve its objectives?
In view of the abovementioned circumstances it is most respectfully submitted that kindly persuade the appropriate authority to stop the banning of official letters, so that the organization can works up to full extent and the people may be benefited with organization work.

Yours faithfully

Dr. Lenin

Sunday, March 15, 2009

What is bigger tragedy: Clash or penury?


What is bigger tragedy: Clash or penury?
14 Mar 2009, 2142 hrs IST, TNN

VARANASI: What Bajardiha- one of the most densely populated areas in Varanasi- witnessed during Holi festival was really a tragic incident that claimed two lives and left many injured. The wound may heal with the passage of time, but what exactly would continue to prick the minds is the pathetic and deteriorating condition of the local natives- mostly weavers, who have been struggling for survival, particularly after the slump in the weaving industry.

The natives of the area with a population of about one lakh are bound to live in appalling condition and facing evils like malnutrition, hunger, poverty and unemployment. Though, government-sponsored programmes, like handloom weaver cluster programme, are there to improve their condition, they continue to live in penury.

"We have started mini cluster programme for the handloom weavers in Bajardiha area to improve their economic condition," said assistant director (handloom) KP Verma when contacted on Saturday. According to him, along with Bajardiha, the mini cluster programme is also going on in other areas like Saraiyya, Lallapura (in city) and Harsoh (in Araziline block), Sarai Mohana (in Chiraigaon block) and Dulhipur (Chandauli). The size of each cluster is 300-500 handlooms.

Besides, three other clusters are in operation under the Integrated Handloom Cluster Development (IHCD) programme sponsored by the office of development commissioner (handloom), Union ministry of textiles. An Ahmedabad-based entrepreneurship development institute of India- an autonomous body- is working for the cluster development of weavers. "We have targeted existing 5,000 looms in Ramnagar, Lohata and Kotwa areas of the district for their development," informed Pramod Srivastava, associate faculty of the institute and handloom cluster development.

Verma informed that the Central government had decided to begin a mega cluster programme for handloom weavers in Varanasi with an investment of Rs 70 crore. "This programme will be started at only two places in the country Varanasi in UP and Shivsagar in Orissa," Verma told TOI, adding that the baseline survey and diagnostic study of the project had been completed. The mega cluster programme, which would cover around 25,000 handloom weavers, would be run under public-private partnership, he informed.

Besides the development programme, the government also runs welfare programmes for weavers like health insurance scheme and Mahatma Gandhi Bunkar Bima Yojana. "We have distributed health insurance cards to 85,000 weavers in the district, while 10,000 weavers have been covered under Mahatma Gandhi Bunkar Bima Yojana," Verma informed.

With these development and welfare programmes, it seems that the problems of weavers are going to end. But, in reality, the condition of most of them is still pathetic.

According to a rough estimate, around 60 per cent weavers have abandoned their traditional occupation and either migrated to other cities in search of livelihood as unskilled labourers or became rickshaw-pullers or brick-kiln workers due to the prevailing slump in the industry. Even officials admit that thousands of handloom units in Varanasi have been closed. As per the weaver's census (conducted in 1995-96), there were 1.24 lakh weavers and 75,000 handlooms in the district. It has been estimated that about 60,000 handlooms are currently in operation.

According to Dr Rajnikant, president of Human Welfare Association, an NGO working for the weaver community, the handloom industry had been a source of livelihood for around 10 lakh people in the region. Another member of NGO- Peoples Vigilance Committee on Human Rights (PVCHR)- Lenin Raghuvanshi held the policies of state and Central governments responsible for the weavers plight. The PVCHR has documented suicide cases within the weaver community and identified 47 suicide deaths that occurred between 2003 and 2007. About half of the suicide cases were related to hunger and malnutrition. Approximately another 30 per cent of the suicides were related to poverty and economic hardships. "All the suicides could be linked to the shame created by such poor conditions that leave weavers unable to care for their families and hence they opt to end their life instead," said Raghuvanshi.

Fact finding report on police firing on Muslim in Varanasi of India


On 11th march, 2009 the Uttar Pradesh police had fired indiscriminately on mob which results in death of two young people and injury of eight people. Mohammad Moin Akhtar aged about 22 years son of Mr Mukhtar Ahamad resident of Galla Bazardiha under Bhelupura police station, and Khalikujjama aged about 19 years son of Mohammad Salim resident of Rajanagar Murgipatola under Bazardiha police station had been died in consequence of police firing. The police started firing without giving warning nor had it used tear gas to disrupt the mob. PVCHR had reported the case to India Today magazine, which can be seen on

Background of the case:
The police started firing when the Muslim community people went to submit their complaint that some communal Hindu group were creating nuisance by throwing color over religious place Mosque near Gausia Madarasa of Muslim community. It is noted that there is no Hindu families are living.Shamsher Singh In-charge of Bazardiha police out-post had overlooked their complaint. At the same time both the community started to throw stone over each other. At the occasion police came and took favour of communal Hindu group and started firing over the mob. In consequence of this firing two young people had lost their life while eight people had been injured. The injured have been admitted in a Luxmi Medical and Surgical Centre, a private hospital in Varanasi. However some political person and intellectual class convinced the people of both the community so no communal rioting could take place.
However a Shanti Samiti (Peace Committee) had been set up by the District administration comprising administration, police and hindu and muslim leader. Two day before the holi and barawafat when the meeting of the committee took place it was suspected that some communal people were trying to disturb the communal harmony at holi, but it was overlooked which resulted in this unfortunate event.
Actually the administration and the police system remained failing in dealing with this type of situation. From the last three year the efforts were being made to decolorize the holi festival by disturbing communal harmony and it is expected that this year those people would try to do the same, but no necessary precaution has been taken. From the last three years these people were organizing Matkafod (people are making pyramid and the top person breaks the clay pot which drench the entire people) near muslim populated area where more than ninety percent population are muslim. This ceremony was held in leadership of Babu Lal and Vijay Vishawakarma. It expresses their intention to disturb communal harmony, which is started from last 3-4 years.
400-500 unknown people had been accused for different sections of IPC, but Babu Lal and Vijay Vishawakarma have not been accused who are the real culprit. The administration is favoring itself by saying that when the police men had no option instead of firing then they opened fire at mob.
However the fact is that the people, who were dead or injured, were not the part of mob. The deceased Khalikujjama, had gone to play the cricket and became the prey of police bullet. His parent is in full sock and trauma.They are not talking with any one. Mohammad Asalam was returning from in-laws house, the police caught him beat and in last they open fire on his head. When the PVCHR team visited the place of occurrence the inhabitants of the place were showing them fired bullets, as one resident Mr. Shakil Ahamad was showing that bullet was entangled in his window. All of these exhibit how the police have acted indiscriminately.
Apart form that the police had forced the family member of Mohammad Moin Akhtar to buried his dead corpse at 3:00 am of 12th march, 2009 while the family members were requesting to bury it in day time as their culture prohibits to bury dead corpse in night.

Name of Victim:
1. Mohammad Moin Akhtar (died) aged 22 years son of Mr Mukhtar Ahamad resident of Galla Bazardiha under Bhelupura police station,
2. Khalikujjama (died) aged 19 years son of Mohammad Salim resident of Rajanagar Murgipatola under Bazardiha police station

3. Abdul Rahman (Injured) aged 17 years son of Abdul Badd
4. Akbar Ali (Injured) aged 25 years son of Asagar Ali
5. Mohammad Asalam (injured) aged 25 years son of Shobarati
6. Gulzar Ahamad (Injured) aged 20 years son of Nasim Akhatar
7. Abdul Salaam(Injured) aged 20 years son of Dildar Ahamad.
8. Dildar (Injured) son of Sageer
9. Ansar Ahamad(Injured) son of Sharfuddin
10. Vaseem Ahamad (Injured) aged 24 years son of Riyaz Ahamad

Name of Perpetrators:
1. Shamsher Singh In-charge of Bazardiha police out-post
2. R.B. Singh Station House Officer of Bhelupur police station
3. Babu Lal local leader
4. Vijay Vishawakarma, local Corporator
5. Other police men who involved in firing.
Linkage of urgent appeal in hunger alert about Bajardiha issued by AHRC on 4th May, 2007 which is as follows:

On 14th march, 2009 it has been published in newspaper that Mukhtar Ahamad, the father of deceased Mohammad Moin Akhtar, lodged FIR against Shamsher Singh In-charge of Bazardiha police out-post, R.B. Singh Station House Officer of Bhelupur police station, Babu Lal local leader, Vijay Vishawakarma, local Corporator, Sanjay Nath Tiwari Station House Officer of Sigra police station, Rajkumar and Mata Prasad under section 302, 307, 147,148, 149, 504, 506, 337, 295, of Indian Penal Code. The new Station House Officer of Bhelupur police station G S Sarana assured that the communal rioter would be arrested soon. PVCHR has highlighted the matter and amplified the voice of survivors.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

2 killed in Varanasi by firing of communal police and hindu fascist forces


India Today published about the killing of minority weavers in Varanasi.Please see:

Activists of Bunkar-Dastkar Adhikar Manch(Forum on rights of weavers and artisans) informed PVCHR that police started firing on Muslim in Bajardeeha of Varanasi in India.I and Virendra Yadav visited District Government Hospital and Laxmi Hospital,where two and six people injured with police firing respectively. Two people died due to police firing by police.All are from minority.PVCHR informed to all major newspaper,allied system and political parties.All political parties except BJP came joined and worked jointly for survivors.Mr. Farook Sheikh of Bollywood immediately supported and intervened.

Incharge of police station and police out-post suspended.

Sir/madam, since this is serious matter related with the schedule caste so kindly take the matter as urgent.
1. Honorable T. V. Rajeswar
Governor of Uttar Pradesh
Raj Bhavan, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
Fax: + 91 522 222 3892
E-mail: hgovup@up.nic.in
2. Mr. Justice Hemant Laxman Gokhale
Chief Justice Allahabad High Court
Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh
E-mail: rg@allahabadhighcourt.in
3. Ms. Mayawati
Chief Minister
Chief Minister's Secretariat
Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
Fax: + 91 522 223 0002 / 223 9234
E-mail: csup@up.nic.in
4. Secretary to the Government
Uttar Pradesh State Government
5th Floor – Lal Bahadur Sastri Bhavan
Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
5. Inspector General of Police
Varanasi Zone
Varanasi District, Uttar Pradesh
E-mail: igzonevns@up.nic.in
6. Mr. Vikram Singh
Director General of Police
1-Tilak Marg, Lucknow
Uttar Pradesh
Fax: + 91 522 2206120, 2206174
E-mail: police@up.nic.in
7.Senior Superintendent of Police
Varanasi, SSP Office, Kachahari, Uttar Pradesh
E-mail: sspvns@up.nic.in

8. District Magistrate
Varanasi, Kachahari, Uttar Pradesh
Fax: + 91 542 2501450

9. Home Minister
North Block
New Delhi 110 001
Fax: + 91 11 23794833
10. Ms. Meira Kumar
Minister for Social Justice and Empowerment
D-1029, New Friends Colony
New Delhi - 110065
Fax: + 91 11 23382683
E-mail: min-sje@sb.nic.in
11. Dr. Manmohan Singh
Prime Minister
7, Race Course Road, New Delhi 110011
Fax: + 91 11 23019334
Email: pmosb@pmo.nic.in
12.The National Commission for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes
Government of India
5th Floor, Loknayak Bhawan
Khan Market
New Delhi 110003
Tel: + 91 11 2462 0435
Fax: + 91 11 2462 5378
13. The Chairperson
National Human Rights Commission of India
Faridkot House, Copernicus Marg
New Delhi 110001
Fax: +91 11 23384863
Email: chairnhrc@nic.in

Pt.Vikash Maharaj:icon of Benaras classical music and vice president of PVCHR

Pandit Vikash Maharaj is one of the leading Sarod performers of India. Born as a 14th generation musician in to the oldest and most widely respected Banaras gharana(Indian musician family) in 1957 in Varanasi, he received his early education within his Gharana as a Tabla player from his father Late Pandt Nanku Maharaj also known as Bengal Tiger.

As a teenager, Vikash developed a natural inclination towards learfing the Sarod. His mother inspired him to change instruments and organized Sarod lessons from the late guru Shri Rajesh Chandra Moetra ji of the prestigious Maihar Senia Gharana. Like both of his grandfathers, Late Pandit Bade Ram Das ji and the Late Pandit Kanthe Maharaj ji, his maternal uncle Padma Vibhushan Late Pandit Kishan Maharaj and Late grand teacher Ustad Bade Allauddin Khan Sahib. One can see in Pandit Vikash Maharaj's Sarod recital the excellent combination of Swar (Tone) and Laya (Rhythum) that has been passed down from generation to genaration.

As well as holding onto his family's tradition, Pandit Vikash Maharaj is also well known for his unique approach to the instrument. Having his early education focused on Tala (Rythum) and having devoted himself to two Gharana, he has a wide understanding of music that sets him apart from other performers. From this special emotions, the melody and fluency he expresses on his instrument speaks of deep emotions and moods with clarity and precision rarely heard on the Sarod. His interest and knowledge of the healing benefits of music make listening to his Sarod a truly powerful experience.

Pandit Vikash Maharaj is a selected artist from I.C.C.R. (Foreign Ministry Govt of India). He has also featured National and International Radio and T.V.

International Performances....

Germany, France, Italy, Switzerland, Holland, Belgium, Sweden, Norway, Finland, U.S.A. New Zealand, Australia, Thailand, Bangladesh, Singapore and Japan and many more.. While overseas he performed with famous performers John Handy, Paul Horn, David Freisen, Paul Swartz, Lenart A Berg, Peter Geiger, Dom Um Romao, Prof. Band Konard, Art Handle, James Pinker, Tom Bailey, Issa Tucker and John Ellis ect. The events in which he performed include the International Leprosy Eradiction Festival (Organised by Ex- German President Honorable Mr. Karl Castin). The Sabadh recital in the loving memory of Late smt Indira Gandhi held in the indian Embassy Germany, the WOMAD music festival, the Diwali festival, Splore and many others.

Vikash Maharaj has also composed and performed on over many CD's and DVD's which are available in both the national and international markets. He has composed his own creations of Raga's (indian melodies) such as Shraddha, Night Wind, Shanti, Samadhi, Song for my son, Ganga, Heart of Purab and Hinglaj. He composed music for documentary film The Holiwater Project (NZ) which will be very soon coming in the Market.

Pandit Vikash Maharaj has performed as a special invitee in several famous festivals and concerts. These include Ganga Mahotsav, Badri Kedar Utsav, Buddha Mahotsav, Uttar Pradesh Parva, Luchnow Mahotsav, Bhatkhande Jayanti, Avadh Sandya, Anahad (Bharat Bhavan Bhopal) Sankat Mochan Sangeet Samaroh, I.T.C. Sangeet Parishad, Iternational Science Congress Ranchi (JH), 50th Anniversary of U.N. UNICEF, Oxfam and the festival of U.S.S.R. in India.

In his music carrier he got so many music awards and honours, some as Sarod Maetro from Bengali Club Lucknow, Sarod Wizard by Bokaro club Bihar, Sarod Shiromani by Gopio, Radhakirishnan Award
by Avantika, Paharua by Dr.Shanbhu Nath Foundation, Guru by Punjab Keshari, Ganga Ratna by Akhil Bhartiya Yuva Commitee, Siti Ratna by Zee T.V, Viday Bhausan by Prateek Shansthan ect.
Please see his play:

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Peoples' Election Manifesto to all political parties by PVCHR

All citizens of India have the right to equality before law, and equal access to educational and economic opportunities.

They have the right to freedom from discrimination based on gender, color, caste, creed, or geographical origin.

To those who fall prey to recruitment by the merchants of violence, extremism and terrorism, the nation should offer more wholesome ideas and tools so that they can effectively deal with their life problems.

And dialoging should be initiated with those whose ideas, beliefs and practices are not to our liking, instead of ostracizing and demonizing them.

To start with our elected representatives must -

Root out corruption – Corruption diverts valuable resources away from what and whom they are meant for.

Ensure the rule of law – Difficulty faced by the poor and the minorities in accessing competent police and court services and educational and vocational opportunities alienates them from the society.

Provide for basic human rights – Without availability of adequate food, clean water, safe environment, shelter, and primary health services citizens face unnecessary hardships.

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Jharkhand: A state of terror in India



Statement by Peoples’ Vigilance Committee on Human Rights (PVCHR) and Jharkhand Jan Sanskriti Manch

On 6th March, 09 at 6 pm in the evening Mr. Saukhat Marandi lost his life in the Rajendra Medical College Hospital (RMCH), Ranchi, he was one of the victims of the police firing in Kathikund, District Dumka of Jharkhand State. Mr. Saukat Marandi died due to the negligence of doctors in the hospital. he was not also properly diagnosed and treated in the hospital. It is the violation of Right to life with dignity which is guaranteed by Article 21 of Indian Constitution.

It is noted that on 6th December, 08 in the pre announced people’s program to protest by courting arrest after paying homage to Martyr Sidhu Kanu. They did not warrant such a heavy police presence and excessive use of force resulting in killing of one Lukhiram Tudu and other 15 were severely injured. Mr. Lukhiram Tudu died due to not timely medicine and owing to excessive bleeding. Police brutally beat up, abused and took into the custody those who were taking the wounded to the hospital. The wounded were treated in contempt and inhumanly even their bodies were dragged like dead dogs.

The people’s peaceful protest against land acquaintance for building dam for power plant is two and half year old, however it took definite shape after notices were published in early May, 08 for acquiring about 264 acre land of two villages Aamgachi and Pokahriya of Kathikund police station of Dumka district. Entire inhabitant united in their resolve to protect their land –only means of life and livelihood - in the absence of any development which leads into huge displacement.
It is fact that 25 lakhs Jharkhandi people were displaced due to the many anti –humane development schemes. These people were not rehabilitated and now their condition is more awful than earlier.

Under the Santhal Pargana Tendency Act, there is no provision to sell or purchase their land, but Indian Government as a neo colonial mindset imposing the Brahmical culture on the indigenous Santhal tribes. In the same way administration is also behaving with this tribe as an enemy which leads into unlawful police firing, arrest, beating and negligence of the health services too, Tribal detainees.

We learned through the testimonies from the survivors of Kathikund in training workshop jointly organized by RCT, PVCHR and CREJ at Ranchi that Mr. Raven Soren, one of the victim were injured with the bullet fire and still he did not receive any medical treatment and the compensation. Mr. Shiv Lal Soren was transferred from RMCH to All Indian Institute of Medical Science, (AIIMS). Where doctors didn’t take out the bullet from his neck, he was discharged from the AIIMS and now he is detained in the medical ward of the prison in Ranchi. It is proved that Jharkhand is not the state of their own people but it is the state of terror for benefits of the corporate and the rich people.

Again police killed 2 people and many were severely injured while they were protesting against the kidnap of three children in Bano of Sindega District. There is no any rule of law in the state of Jharkhand. But the contrary this is the state of the extension of the British and forget the struggle of Birsa Munda.