Sunday, December 25, 2011

No rights without accountability: Message of New Year 2012

New year 2012 is approaching. World is witnessing the public demand of the accountability with all National and International players and public bodies.
PVCHR is also thriving same values and spirit in India. With this spirit, we asked the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of India about communication between Government of India and Mrs.Margaret Sekeggya, UN Special Rapporteur regarding her visit to India. After the judgment of Central Information Commission in India (CIC decision CIC/SG/A/2011/002227/15945 Dated 25/11/2011, I received the information as follows:

Communication Between Government of India and Special Rapporteur of situation of Human Rights defenders

We wrote last email to all our friends on 18 January 2011 and posted on blog on same day.

In above email, we say, "As the truth is out in open, I offer my unconditional apology to Mrs. Margaret Sekaggya and to her office. However, I continue to think that UN being a public body must come under serious public scrutiny. In the meeting I also drew everybody's attention to a strange coincidence, i.e.,  I was working under the  representative of the working group present in the meeting when I received threat on my life from the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh. He did not come to support me then nor does he speak for me today, even though I and my family continue to remain under threats.  But he is a very important person in planning the programmes for the mission. Sitting on the dais with Mrs. Sekaggya, he talks on building solidarity and networking among Human Rights Defenders across the country.  Mrs. Sekaggya, this is also a trend in India affecting the Human Rights Defenders and must be noted by your office.

 During the meeting I came to know that the Government of India (GoI) put several restrictions on the movements of the Mrs. Sekaggya. I strongly condemn this decision of the GoI. I along with other civil society groups will try to access all the communications between the office of the Special Rapporteur and the GoI under Right to Information Act and initiate necessary campaign to make the Government more cooperative to the UN System in future."

Please visit and read few related Links:

We are sharing this information among masses, policy makers and think tanks to initiate the dialogue with Indian Government and UN system for their accountability towards common masses living in remote villages also. It is high time to launch a global process for 'no right without accountability in Globalization.'

Waiting your kind support for establishment of a democratic world based on justice, liberty, non-violence and secularism.

Wish you a very Happy New year 2012.

With warm regards,

Lenin Raghuvanshi

Dr. Lenin
Executive Director/Secretary General -PVCHR/JMN
Hatred does not cease by hatred, but only by love; this is the eternal rule.
--The Buddha
"We are what we think. With our thoughts we make our world." - Buddha
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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Dear All,

This Christmas, on behalf of all the marginalized people we work with, we would like to say a huge thank you for your support.

In 2011 you have helped marginalized people in India to break free from the cycle of poverty,hunger,torture and organized violence . They are gaining  confidence enabling them to claim their rights and access vital government services.

From all of us at PVCHR ( would like to thank you for joining us in 2011 and we look forward to sharing news from the MARGINALIZED PEOPLE whose lives you are helping to transform in 2012.

With thanks and best wishes,  
Dr. Lenin
Executive Director/Secretary General -PVCHR/JMN
Hatred does not cease by hatred, but only by love; this is the eternal rule.
--The Buddha
"We are what we think. With our thoughts we make our world." - Buddha
This message contains information which may be confidential and privileged. Unless you are the addressee or authorised to receive for the addressee, you may not use, copy or disclose to anyone the message or any information contained in the message. If you have received the message in error, please advise the sender by reply e-mail to and delete the message. Thank you.

2012 Olympics, the perpetrators of the Bhopal disaster will sponsor the Games

2012 Olympics, the perpetrators of the Bhopal disaster will sponsor the Games
Nirmala Carvalho
The plastics multinational Dow Chemicals will not appear on the billboards of the Olympic stadium in London, whose value is circa 7 million pounds (8.3 million euros). Satisfaction of athletes, politicians and NGOs opposed to the sponsor. According to Lenin Raghuvanshi, human rights activist, it is important to "create consumer awareness, the true agent of change in the event of unethical policies."

Mumbai (AsiaNews) - The organizers of the Olympic Games have announced that plastics multinational Dow Chemicals linked to the disaster in Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh) is no longer a sponsor of London 2012. Indian and British human rights groups, politicians and athletes had strongly attacked the initial decision of the Games Committee to accept the funds of the company. Dow, in fact, is the current owner of the chemical plant responsible for the 1984 industrial accident that killed at least 20 thousand people, with still visible consequences for the local population.

The brand of the corporation would have appeared on the billboards around the Olympic stadium, 900m long and 20m high, to the value of 7 million pounds (8.3 million euros). As per contract, Dow still had the possibility to of a further five panels for advertising, but made known it did not wish to accept out of respect for the "anti-pollution policies" of the Olympics. The company has always rejected the accusations, pointing out that it has acquired the former Union Carbide plant in 2001.

According to Lenin Raghuvanshi, human rights activist and director of Pvchr (People's Vigilance Committee on Human Rights), "this protest has been positive and symbolic, because the Olympics attract the attention of the entire international community." However, the organizers of the Games "should be careful not to go to sponsors that, in some way, may have been involved in genocide."

He also emphasizes that "every time you target business from the negative or unethical aspects, it is essential that activists involve consumers, because they are a powerful force to achieve a real change of political and economic mechanisms." For this reason, Raghuvanshi says, "First we should start a campaign in the Indian civil society, given that Dow India has a turnover of 500 million dollars."

Regarding the Bhopal tragedy, the activist recalls that "for the victims - who are mostly Dalits, tribals and other minorities - there is no systematic form of rehabilitation, or appropriate compensation. This causes still huge frustration. "

Caused by a leak of 40 tons of methyl isocyanate (cyanide) from Union Carbide pesticide plant, the Bhopal disaster is considered one of the worst environmental tragedies in history. At least 3,500 people died in the early hours of the incident and a further 20 thousand in the months ahead. The permanently disabled were put at over 150 thousand. Even today, hospitals in the area account for about 6 thousand people a day with respiratory, motor and brain problems associated with the contamination of the territory. However, the Government of Madhya Pradesh, considers the area out of danger.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

They were such criminals that they even mistreated my two-months-old daughter

उत्तर प्रदेश, राष्ट्रीय ग्रामीण स्वास्थय मिशन मे हुए रुपये 1851 करोड के घोटाले के सम्बन्ध में।

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: 2011/12/17
Subject: उत्तर प्रदेश, राष्ट्रीय ग्रामीण स्वास्थय मिशन मे हुए रुपये 1851 करोड के घोटाले के सम्बन्ध में।

सेवा मे,                                                 17 दिसम्बर 2011


राष्ट्रीय मानवाधिकार आयोग

   नई दिल्ली

विषय:- उत्तर प्रदेश, राष्ट्रीय ग्रामीण स्वास्थय मिशन मे हुए रुपये 1851 करोड के घोटाले के सम्बन्ध में

अभिनन्दन !!!


       मै, आपका ध्यान 17 दिसम्बर 2011 के अमर उजाला की खबर  "1,851cr NRHM fund doesn't show in accounts: CAG  " पर आकृष्ट करना चाहता हुँ.[i]

       लेख है कि, उत्तर प्रदेश राज्य मे जनकल्याणकारी स्वास्थय योजना "राष्ट्रीय ग्रामीण स्वास्थय मिशन" मे रुपये 1851 करोड का घोटाला पाया गया है । भारत के नियंत्रक एवम महा लेखा परीक्षक (कैग) की रिपोर्ट के अनुसार जनता के स्वास्थय हित हेतु निर्धारित इस धनराशी का घोटाला विगत 4 वर्षो मे हुआ है । लेख है कि, इस योजना मे भ्रष्टाचार को उजागर करने के सम्बन्ध मे दो मुख्य चिकित्साधिकारियो डा0 वी.के.आर्या की अक्टुबर 2010 मे तथा डा0 वी.पी.सिंह की अप्रैल 2010 मे ह्त्या हो चुकी है । इन हत्याओ के आरोप मे गिरफ्तार डिप्टी सी.एम.ओ. वाय.एस. सचान की जेल मे सदिग्ध अवस्था मे मौत हो चुकी है ।

          महोदय, इस सम्बंध में निवेदन/मांग है कि  उपरोक्त घोटालो एवम ह्त्याओ की निष्पक्ष उच्च स्तरीय् न्यायिक जांच करायी जाय, दोषीयो पर आवाश्यक कार्यवाही की जाय एवम उपरोक्त धनराशी की वसूली कर जनकल्याणकारी कार्यो मे खर्च किया जाय । महोदय, कृपया, अतिशीध्र आवश्यक कार्यवाही करने का कष्ट करे ।  


डा लेनिन

(महा सचिव)

मानवाधिकार जन निगरानि समिति

एस.ए. 4 /2 ए,दौलतपुर,वाराणसी




विक्षिप्त युवक की मन्दिर परिसर मे पुलिस द्दारा निर्मम पिटाई के सम्बन्ध में।

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: 2011/12/17
Subject: विक्षिप्त युवक की मन्दिर परिसर मे पुलिस द्दारा निर्मम पिटाई के सम्बन्ध में।

सेवा मे,                                                 17 दिसम्बर 2011


राष्ट्रीय मानवाधिकार आयोग

   नई दिल्ली

विषय:- विक्षिप्त युवक की मन्दिर परिसर मे पुलिस द्दारा निर्मम पिटाई के सम्बन्ध में

अभिनन्दन !!!


       मै, आपका ध्यान 17 दिसम्बर 2011 के अमर उजाला की खबर " पुलिस ने दिखाई बेरहमी, नपे" पर आकृष्ट करना चाहता हुँ.[i]

        लेख है कि, उत्तर प्रदेश के कौशाम्बी मे पुलिस द्दारा एक मानसिक विक्षिप्त युवक की पुलिस समुह मे निर्मम पिटाई की है । युवक मन्दिर मे भगवान की मुर्ति को पकडकर बैठा था। कुछ लोगो ने पुलिस से इस बात की शिकायत की । पुलिस वालो ने युवक को मन्दिर से जबरद्स्ती बाहर निकाल रहे थे,युवक ने मना किया तो उसे वही पर लाठी और डंडे से सामुहिक रूप से पीटना शुरु कर किया । युवक को बेरहमी से पीटने के बाद पुलिसवालो ने उसे मन्दिर के बाहर उसी हालात मे छोड दिया

          महोदय, इस सम्बंध में निवेदन/मांग है कि पुलिस द्दारा विक्षिप्त युवक के पुनर्वास की बजाय इस अमानवीय व गैर सम्वैधानिक कृत्य के लिये दोषी पुलिसकर्मीयो बर्खास्त किया जाय तथा युवक के पुनर्वास हेतु आवश्यक कार्यवाही की जाय ।महोदय, कृपया, अतिशीध्र आवश्यक कार्यवाही करने का कष्ट करे ।  


डा लेनिन

(महा सचिव)

मानवाधिकार जन निगरानि समिति

एस.ए. 4 /2 ए,दौलतपुर,वाराणसी




Sunday, December 11, 2011

New Brouchure of PVCHR

"To get in touch with the many problems, still existing in Indian society, this Brochure should be a Symbol to “feel” and don’t forget, what’s still worth to fighting for – the beauty and variety of India and its people. Don’t leave them behind!" – Dr. Lenin Raghuvanshi, CEO PVCHR

Saturday, December 10, 2011

अन्तर्राश्ट्रीय मानवाधिकार दिवस पर यातना व संगठित हिंसा के खिलाफ रैली

Convention of human right defenders held

VARANASI: On the eve of Human Rights Day (December 10), a convention of human right defenders was held at Paradkar Bhawan by the People's Vigilance Committee on Human Rights (PVCHR) on Friday.

Addressing the convention, the speakers expressed concern on the increasing threats to human right defenders. The state president of People's Union for Civil Liberties (PUCL), Chittaranjan Singh, advocated for proper security to human right activists and said the state and democratic forces should come forward for their protection and establish rule of law. The people should be informed about the Human Rights Day and Human Rights Defender's Day to know their rights, he said. Speaking on the occasion, other speakers also pointed out the cases of human rights violation by police. They also condemned the life threat given to PVCHR general secretary Lenin Raghuvanshi.

The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) in its message believes that December 9, which is the day when the Declaration on Human Rights Defenders was adopted by the United Nations on December 9, 1998, be declared as Human Rights Defenders Day to acknowledge and pledge continued support to the human right defenders who are working for the creation and sustenance of a rights aware and rights respecting civil society.

The message of NHRC was also circulated on the occasion. According to NHRC message, the nation as well as international community around the world are increasingly realising and acknowledging the role and contribution of human rights defenders in strengthening the human rights regime throughout the globe. The NHRC considers the human rights defenders as its partners in the endeavour to fulfill its role as an institution for promotion and protection of rights of common man. The NHRC understands that there are many security risks for human rights defenders and they have to tread a very risky and difficult path to perform their tasks. The problems and harassment of the human rights defenders are in the knowledge of the NHRC and it has always made sincere efforts to ameliorate the problems.

The inaugural session was followed by the testimonials of human rights defenders. Many human rights defenders including Duryodhan Reddy from Orissa, Mahatm Mushahar from Jaunpur, Mangala Rajbhar from Varanasi, Mohammed Salim Ansari from Mordabad, Ram Kripal and Muharram Ali from Ambedkar Nagar and Managal Singh from Mahoba were also felicitated on the occasion for their works. The PVCHR will also organise rally and a march at the district headquarters on Saturday on the Human Rights Day.

Friday, December 09, 2011

NHRC message marking the UN declaration on Human Rights Defenders on the 9th December
The National as well as international community around the world are increasingly realizing and acknowledging the role and contribution of Human Rights Defenders (HRDs) in strengthening the human rights regime throughout the globe. The NHRC considers the HRDs as its partner in the endeavour to fulfill its role as an institution for promotion and protection of rights of common man.

The NHRC understands that there are many security risks for human rights defenders and they have to tread a very risky and difficult path to perform their duties/tasks as a Human Rights Defender. The problems and harassment of the HRDs are in the knowledge of the NHRC and it has always made sincere efforts to ameliorate the problems. Measures like Focal Point for Human Rights Defenders, dedicated website space for HRDs and sensitization of functionaries of both state and non state actors, through workshops/trainings/seminars/meetings, have gone a long way in making the voice of the HRDs heard and restoration of their identity as promoter and protector of human rights.

The Commission believes that 9th December, which is the day when the Declaration on Human Rights Defenders was adopted by United Nations on 9 December 1998, be declared as Human Rights Defenders Day to acknowledge and pledge continued support to the HRDs who are working for the creation and sustenance of a rights aware and rights respecting civil society.
Declare 9 December as human rights defenders day
Dr. Lenin, a renowned human rights defender, demanded to declare 9 December (the Declaration on human rights defenders was adopted by United Nations on 9 December 1998) as human rights defenders day at a meeting of hundreds of human rights defenders, coming from different parts of the country, held at Paradkar Bhavan in Varanasi under the aegis of PVCHR (Peoples ‘Vigilance Committee on Human Rights) under European Union(EU) project on reducing the police torture of Muslim Minority , Research and Rehabilitation Centre on Torture(RCT) and Human Rights Defenders Alert. He announced the protection of human rights defenders as the need of the hour and stressed that the state cannot avoid its responsibility to take care of rights activists in the light of Article 2 of the Declaration on human rights defenders by United Nations.

Mr. Chitaranjan Singh, National Secretary of Peoples Union for Civil Liberty was also present at the meeting and presided over the meeting of human rights defenders. In his presidential address Mr. Singh demanded that National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) should strive for its independent investigating mechanism so that it could be able to conduct prompt, independent and impartial investigation into a case of rights violation. He shared his experiences at the meeting regarding his personal involvement into strenuous movement conducted for the establishment of State Human Rights Commission in the state of Uttar Pradesh.

Many human rights defenders like Buddhi Narayan Toppo, a tribal young human rights defeders from Sonebhadra, Govidsharan from Allahabad, Mangal Singh from Mahoba, Parvez from Kaushambi, Sanjay singh from Jalaun, all victimised for their activities, were present at the meeting and submitted their testimonies before the gatherings, which made the occasion a sorrowful event. Budhiram Toppo was sent to jail in false cases, tortured and threatened to kill for working on the land rights and right to life of the tribal communities in Sonebhadra. Mr. Sanjay singh whose father late Lalla Singh was killed for their work of human rights was awarded with ‘Jan Mitra Samman’ at the occasion. Mr. Harishchandra alias Bhothu Musahar, a survivor of police torture, was also honoured at this occasion by offering him Rs. 5000 and a Shawl. However, at the same time it inspired the gathering of rights defenders to take the issue of violation of rights of rights defenders seriously and a call was made to involve civil society to intervene immediately and effectively.

Mr. Anil Parashar, joint registrar and focal point-Human Rights defenders of NHRC was also present in the meeting. He assured the rights defenders present at the meeting that NHRC is aware of the rights of them and it sends its recommendation to the Central and State governments regarding measures taken to protect the rights of the victims by means of compensation or taking action against the perpetrators. He also said that the annual reports of NHRC are sent to the Parliament as to discuss on the issue of human rights violations.

Mr. Sunil Sahasrabuddhe, a reputed Gandhian in the city and a rights activist said at the meeting that there was an important role of rights activists in the society but it is ironic that the human rights defenders have been facing hostilities for a long time. They are being harassed and implicated in false criminal cases. According to Mr. Sunil, the right to life of the people is getting bad to worse day by day.

At the meeting of nearly 260 Human Rights defenders of 45 organizations it was decided to convene a national level meeting on coming 9 December in Varanasi order to celebrate human rights defenders day and to raise awareness about the rights of human rights defenders.
Link for more details about human rights violation in UP:

Thursday, December 08, 2011

Death threats to human rights defender Dr. Lenin Raghuvanshi

Message of Vice President of PVCHR, Mr. Nageshwar Patnaik on occassion of A Day for Human Rights Defender

Even after 65 years of independence, India is having mammoth human rights problems. Lack of accountability for security forces and impunity for abusive policing including police brutality, extra-judicial killings, and torturing of under-privileged section of the populace continue to vitiate the atmosphere questioning the maturity of our democracy.  What is shocking most and highly condemnable is that human rights workers and their families are being killed, tortured, ill-treated, disappeared, threatened, arbitrarily arrested and detained, falsely charged and under surveillance because of their legitimate work in upholding human rights and fundamental freedoms. To stem such a rot, there is an urgent need for handholding of all stake holders, human rights organisations and most importantly people need to be sensitised to become more vigilant and pro-active. Media, civil society, institutions which have been playing a significant role in exposing  perpetrators of human rights violation, must be further sensitised to achieve the goal of a country sans human rights abuse.
Varanasi,India on 9 December 2011
Please contact Mr. Nageshwar Patnaik at

Tuesday, December 06, 2011

गौहर अजीज खुमानी के गिरफ्तारी मे दिल्ली पुलिस द्दारा माननीय सर्वोच्च न्यायालय के निर्देशो की अवहेलना करने के सम्बन्ध में

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: 2011/12/6
Subject: गौहर अजीज खुमानी के गिरफ्तारी मे दिल्ली पुलिस द्दारा माननीय सर्वोच्च न्यायालय के निर्देशो की अवहेलना करने के सम्बन्ध में

सेवा मे,                                                 6 दिसम्बर 2011


राष्ट्रीय मानवाधिकार आयोग

   नई दिल्ली

विषय:- गौहर अजीज खुमानी के गिरफ्तारी मे दिल्ली पुलिस द्दारा माननीय सर्वोच्च न्यायालय के निर्देशो की अवहेलना करने के सम्बन्ध में

अभिनन्दन !!!


       मै, आपका ध्यान 3 दिसम्बर 2011 के टुसर्किल.नेट की खबर " Police violated Supreme Court guidelines while arresting terror accused " पर आकृष्ट करना चाहता हुँ.[i]

        लेख है कि,  दिल्ली एवम अन्य जगहो पर हुए बम विस्फोट की साजिश मे दिल्ली पुलिस शक के आधार पर लोगो को (विषेशकर मुस्लमानो को) उठा रही है । इसी प्रकरण मे दिल्ली पुलिस ने गौहर अजीज खुमानी, सामाजिक कार्यकर्ता एवम व्यावसायी को कथित इंडियन मुजाहिद्दिन को वित्तीय सहायता पहुचाने के लिये उठाया है । एक सप्ताह बाद भी पुलिस ने गौहर के घरवालो या रिश्तेदारो को उठाये जाने (गिरफ्तारी) की सुचना नही दी । दिल्ली पुलिस का यह कृत्य माननीय सर्वोच्च न्यायालय के डी.के.बसु बनाम पश्चिम बंगाल केस मे जारी निर्देशो का उलंघन है।

          महोदय, इस सम्बंध में निवेदन/मांग है कि पुलिस द्दारा गौहर के घर वालो को सुचित नही करना गैर कानुनी कृत्य है। माननीय सर्वोच्च न्यायालय के निर्देशो का पालन नही करने वाले पुलिसकर्मियो पर कार्यवाही की जाय। कृपया, अतिशीध्र आवश्यक कार्यवाही करने का कष्ट करे ।  


डा लेनिन

(महा सचिव)

मानवाधिकार जन निगरानि समिति

एस.ए. 4 /2 ए,दौलतपुर,वाराणसी



Sunday, December 04, 2011

हुजूर मैं डायन नहीं हूँ

Article on witch hunting in Lokmat

Saturday, December 03, 2011

Protect the life of Dr. Lenin: NHRC asks DGP of UP

Protect the life of Dr. Lenin: NHRC asks DGP of UP

By TCN News,

New Delhi: Taking strong notice of the death threat to Dr. Lenin Raghuvanshi, eminent human rights activist and Secretary General of Peoples' Vigilance Committee on Human Rights (PVCHR), National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) on Friday asked Director General of Police (DGP) of Uttar Pradesh to take steps to protect the life of Dr. Lenin.

NHRC in its meeting on 2nd December (Friday) decided to issue notice to DGP, calling for a detailed report within 7 days. The NHRC also asked the state top cop to "take steps to protect the life of Dr. Lenin Raghuvanshi and the witness in Sohrab case."

Dr. Lenin in July this year had highlighted the mysterious murder of Gorakhpur resident Sohrab Khan in an area of the district that is known to be stronghold of Hindu Vahini, an extremist group believed to have full support of Gorakhpur BJP MP Yogi Adityanath. Dr. Lenin in his letter to state governor, NHRC and other authorities had mentioned the activities of Hindu Vahini and Yogi's support to it.

Dr. Lenin Raghuvanshi on 29.11.2011 received a threat on his mobile number. The caller threatened him of death. The caller introduced himself as J.P. Mishra, resident of Gorakhpur. The caller threatened him (Dr. Lenin) that he will shot him dead and can do anything.

In his letter to NHRC on 30.11.2011, Dr. Lenin said the threat has come because the PVCHR had made a complaint in Sohrab killing case, Gorakhpur, in which name of Adityanath had appeared. Dr. Lenin requested to conduct a high level enquiry against the culprits and provide security to him and witness in Sohrab case.

The NHRC in its order has also sought protection to the witness.

जान से मारने की धमकी दिलवा रहे हैं योगी आदित्यनाथ


जान से मारने की धमकी दिलवा रहे हैं योगी आदित्यनाथ

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गोरखपुर के सांसद योगी आदित्यनाथगोरखपुर के सांसद योगी आदित्यनाथ

गोरखपुर के सांसद और गोरक्षपीठ के पीठाधीश्वर योगी आदित्यनाथ पर मानवाधिकार कार्यकर्ता लेनिन रघुवंशी ने आरोप लगाया है कि वे उन्हें जान से मारने की धमकी दिलवा रहे हैं. इस संबंध में लेनिन रघुवंशी ने राष्ट्रीय मानवाधिकार आयोग से शिकायत भी की है जिसके जवाब में मानवाधिकार आयोग ने राज्य के एडीजी को एक नोटिस जारी करके जवाब तलब किया है.

डॉ लेनिन रघुवंशी पूर्वी उत्तर प्रदेश के मानवाधिकार कार्यकर्ता हैं और मानवाधिकार संगठन पीवीसीएचआर के निदेशक हैं. पीवीसीएचआर पूर्वी उत्तर प्रदेश में मुख्य रूप से सांप्रदायिक सौहार्द और गुण्डागर्दी के खिलाफ काम करनेवाला मानवाधिकार संगठन है जिसका मुख्यालय बनारस में है.

गोरखपुर के सोहराब हत्याकांड में पीवीसीएचआर गवाहों का बचाव कर रहा है जिसमें योगी आदित्यनाथ भी आरोपी है. योगी आदित्यनाथ के भय से गवाह पीछे न हट जाएं या योगी के गुण्डे गवाहों को चुप न करा दें इसलिए मानवाधिकार संगठन उनकी मदद कर रहा है. ऐसा लगता है इसी भय से योगी आदित्यनाथ के इशारे पर अब फोन पर लेनिन रघुवंशी को धमकियां दी जा रही हैं.

डॉ लेनिन का कहना है कि 29 नवंबर को मोबाइल नंबर +94757251733 से उनके मोबाइल पर फोन आया और फोन करनेवाले व्यक्ति ने अपना नाम जेपी मिश्रा बताया. उस व्यक्ति ने लेनिन को धमकियां और केस से दूर हो जाने की हिदायत भी दी जिसके बाद लेिनन ने मानवाधिकार आयोग को पत्र लिखकर इस बारे में शिकायत की है. लेनिन की शिकायत पर तत्काल कार्रवाई करते हुए मानवाधिकार आयोग ने उत्तर प्रदेश पुलिस को नोटिस जारी करते हुए जवाब तलब कर लिया है.

उत्तर प्रदेश के सोनभद्र जिले मे 500 बच्चो की अकाल मौत के सम्बन्ध में।

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: 2011/12/3
Subject: उत्तर प्रदेश के सोनभद्र जिले मे 500 बच्चो की अकाल मौत के सम्बन्ध में।

सेवा मे,                                                 3 दिसम्बर 2011


राष्ट्रीय मानवाधिकार आयोग

   नई दिल्ली

विषय:- उत्तर प्रदेश के सोनभद्र जिले मे 500 बच्चो की अकाल मौत के सम्बन्ध में

अभिनन्दन !!!


       मै, आपका ध्यान 3 दिसम्बर 2011 के विस्फोट . काम की खबर ' अकाल मौत के गाल मे समा गये 500 नौनिहाल  ' पर आकृष्ट करना चाहता हुँ.[i]

      लेख है कि,  उत्तर प्रदेश के सोनभद्र जिले मे विगत 15 दिनो मे चिकित्सकीय सुविधाओ के अभाव मे 500 से अधिक बच्चो की असामयिक मौत हो गयी । साथ ही अभी भी कई बच्चे मौत के कगार पर खडे है । जिला प्रशासन इन आदिवासी बहुल गावो मे चिकित्सकीय सुविधाये लगभग नही के बराबर उपलब्ध करा है । आदिवासी इलाज के लिये झोलाछाप डाक्टरो और आर्थिक सहायता के लिये सुदखोरो पर निर्भर है कारण है  एक बच्चे के इलाज पर लगभग रु 4000- 5000 का खर्च आना ।

          महोदय, इस सम्बंध में निवेदन/मांग है सोनभद्र मे तत्काल चिकित्सकीय सुविधा एवम आर्थिक सहायता उपलब्ध करायी जाय,मृतक बच्चो के परिवारवालो को मुआवजा तथा जिम्मेदार अधिकारियो/कर्मचारियो पर कार्यवाही की। कृपया, अतिशीध्र आवश्यक कार्यवाही करने का कष्ट करे ।  


डा लेनिन

(महा सचिव)

मानवाधिकार जन निगरानि समिति

एस.ए. 4 /2 ए,दौलतपुर,वाराणसी


मानवाधिकार कार्यकर्ता डा0 लेनिन के मो0 न0 - +91-9935599333 पर फोन कर जान से मारने की धमकी देने के सन्दर्भ मे.

Response of DGP office of UP in case of death threat to Dr. Lenin.Special Operation Group started inquiry.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: UP Police Computer Cetre Lucknow <>
Date: 2011/11/30
Subject: Fwd: मानवाधिकार कार्यकर्ता डा0 लेनिन के मो0 न0 - +91-9935599333 पर फोन कर जान से मारने की धमकी देने के सन्दर्भ मे.
Cc: Detention Watch <>

The complaint of Sh Lenin is being forwarded to your kind attention and response.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Detention Watch <>
Date: Tue, 29 Nov 2011 20:44:47 +0530
Subject: मानवाधिकार कार्यकर्ता डा0 लेनिन के मो0 न0 - +91-9935599333 पर फोन कर जान से मारने की धमकी देने के सन्दर्भ मे.

सेवा मे,                                                              29 नवम्बर, 2011

      पुलिस महानिदेशक महोदय,

             उत्तर प्रदेश - लखनऊ !

विषय :- मोबाईल न0- +94757251733 से मानवाधिकार कार्यकर्ता डा0 लेनिन के मो0 न0 - +91-9935599333 पर फोन कर जान से मारने की धमकी देने के सन्दर्भ मे.

      मै डा0 लेनिन रघुवंशी, पुत्र- सुरेन्द्र नाथ सिह, निवासी- म0 न0 - सा 4/2ए., दौलतपुर, वाराणसी (उत्तर प्रदेश)
 का रहने वाला हू. मै मानवाधिकार जननिगरनी समिति का सन्योजक और वर्तमान मे महासचिव हू, समिति मानव अधिकार संरक्षण, सम्वर्धन के लिए प्रयासरत है तथा कानून के राज स्थापित करने मे विश्वास रखती है. 

      आज दिनांक 29 नवम्बर, 2011 को मो0 न0:- +94757251733 से कई बार बंक काल (missed call) आया तथा 5:27 P.M. बजे इसी नम्बर से प्रार्थी के मो0 न0 :- +91-9935599333 पर फोन कर लगातार गाली देते हुए बोला- " मानवाधिकार मतलब ....(गाली देते हुये), तुम्हे उठवा लेंगे, ज्यादा बनोगे तब गोली मरवा देंगे" जैसी धमकी दिया ! उस समय प्रार्थी कार्यालय मे बैठक मे था और पूरी तरह से विचलित हो गया ! उस दौरान समिति के कई सदस्य भी उपस्थिति थे !

      बैठकी के बाद जब प्रार्थी द्वारा 6:22 P.M. बजे, उस नम्बर पर फोन किया गया, लेकिन उधर से किसी प्रकार की आवाज़ नही आयी, उसके बाद फिर फोन किया गया, फोन पर उधर से आवाज़ आयी. प्रार्थी उनसे परिचय और कहा के रहने वाले है पूछा, तब वह आदमी बोला- " मेरा नाम जे0पी0 मिस्रा है, मै गोरखपुर का रहने वाला हू, मेरी ताकत और मेरे बारे मे तुम्हे पता नही, मै कुछ भी कर सकता हू, बेटा मेरा सम्बन्ध कई लोंगो से है, तुलसी सिह को जानते हो, समझ जाओ, किस प्रकार का आदमी हू, मुम्बई मे भी रहा हू ...., मै कुछ भी कर सकता हू, तुम प्रदेश के मुख्यमंत्री या राज्यपाल रहो, कुछ भी करने की औकात मै रखता हू, समझे" इस तरह की धमकी देते हुये बोला- "तुम्हारी औकात ही क्या है, द्स हज़ार - बीस हज़ार वेतन पाते होंगे !"

        विदित हो कि गोरखपुर के सोहराब हत्याकांड मे उच्चस्तरीय सघन जांच चल रही है, जिसमे समिति द्वारा जांच कर मेरे हस्ताक्षर से लिखा - पढी की गयी थी, उस मामले मे माननीय योगी आदित्य नाथ (सांसद, भा0ज0पा0) का नाम भी सामने आ रहा है, यह फोन करने वाला भी गोरखपुर का रहने वाला बताया, तथा उसके बातो से लगा कि वह सांसद जी का करीबी है, क्योंकि वह मुझे कोई सरकारी अधिकारी समझ रहा था ! वह अपने को कभी द0 अफ्रिका तो कभी अमेरिका से बात करने की बात कह रहा था !

        यहा यह भी कहना चाहूगा कि समिति वंचित समुदायो जैसे - अल्पसंखयक, दलितो और अति वंचित समुदाय मुसहर के अधिकारो को सुनिश्चित करने के लिये संघर्षरत है, इसी सन्दर्भ मे कई भू-माफिया, उच्चजाति के लोंग शोषक वर्ग के है, के विरूध्द गरीब दलितो की जमीनो को कब्जा मुक्ति हेतु सवर्ण जाति के दबंग भू माफियाओ के खिलाफ मेरे द्वारा उच्चस्तरीय लिखा पढी की जाती है तथा शासन - प्रशासन द्वारा व आयोग द्वारा मेरे प्रार्थना पत्र पर दोषियो के खिलाफ सख्त कार्यवाही की जाती है.  इसी सन्दर्भ मे दुर्गा गौड. (अहरक खास के रहने वाले) के मामले मे भी ब्राह्मण जाति के लोंग सम्भावित दोषी है ! जिसमे मैने 15 जून, 2011 को आपके आयोग तथा पुलिस माहानिदेशक, लखनऊ को आवेदन पत्र भेजा था ! जिससे यह लग रहा है कि इन सभी धमकियो व मानसिक प्रताडना के पीछे दबंग, भू-माफियाओ तथा अराजक तत्वो की मिली भगत से मुझे मानसिक रूप से परेशान किया जा रहा है !  

        हमलोंग एक लोकतांत्रिक और संविधान द्वारा संचालित व्यवस्था वाली देश मे निवास करते है, जहा कानून सर्वोपरी है.  मानवाधिकार कार्यकर्ता को इस तरह से मानसिक प्रताडना देना व शोषण किया जाना व इस तरह की हमलो व दिये जा रही धमकियो से प्रबल आशंका है कि मेरे साथ भविष्य मे किसी भी समय किसी भी तरह की अनहोनी घटना घट सकती है !

       ऎसी स्थिति मे उक्त प्रकरण मे उच्च्स्तरीय जांच कराकर मानवाधिकार कार्यकर्ता के जान माल की रक्षा व मानसिक प्रताडना से निजात दिलाया जाना आवश्यक और न्यायसंगत है !               

                     अत: महोदय से निवेदन है कि मामला की उच्चस्तरीय जांच कराते हुये सम्भावित दोषी पर कठोर से कठोर कानूनी कार्यवाही की जाए और प्रार्थी व गवाहो को सुरक्षा प्रदान करने की कृपा करे !     

                                                                                                              डा0 लेनिन


                                                                                    (महा सचिव)

                                                    मानवाधिकार जन निगरानि समिति
                                                     एस.ए. 4 /2 ए,दौलतपुर,वाराणसी




Friday, December 02, 2011

India: Renewed death threat against human rights defender Dr Lenin Raghuvanshi

India: Renewed death threat against human rights defender Dr Lenin Raghuvanshi

Notice of NHRC to DGP of UP:India: Death threats to human rights defender Dr. Lenin Raghuvanshi


Notice of NHRC to DGP of UP:India: Death threats to human rights defender Dr. Lenin Raghuvanshi

Renewed death threat against human rights defender Dr Lenin Raghuvanshi

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Front Line Information <>
Date: Fri, Dec 2, 2011 at 5:40 PM
Subject: Renewed death threat against human rights defender Dr Lenin Raghuvanshi
To: Dr Lenin Raghuvanshi <>

2 December 2011

Re: India – Renewed death threat against human rights defender Dr Lenin Raghuvanshi

On 29 November 2011, human rights defender Dr Lenin Raghuvanshi received a death threat via mobile phone. Lenin Raghuvanshi is the Secretary General and Executive Director of the Peoples' Vigilance Committee on Human Rights (PVCHR). His human rights work focuses on advocating for the basic rights of marginalised groups in Indian society. Front Line has previously expressed its concern on several occasions regarding threats and calls to cease their human rights work received by Lenin Raghuvanshi and the staff of the PVCHR between April and May 2008, as well as the death threats received in July 2009 and December 2007.

On 29 November, at 5.27pm, Lenin Raghuvanshi received a phone call from phone number +94757251733. The caller verbally abused the human rights defender and commented on human rights, before threatening to kill him, saying "If you speak too much you will be shot out".

About one hour later, having publicised the threats on his Facebook page, Lenin Raghuvanshi attempted to call the person back in order to ascertain his identity. The caller answered the second call and identified himself as J P Mishra, a resident of Gorakhpur. He said, "You do not know about my power. Son, I have relations with many people (...) I lived in Mumbai I can do anything. (...) understand, I have the power to do anything." The caller spoke in Bhojpuri.

After receiving this information, Lenin Raghuvanshi immediately sent the Chairman of the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) and the Director General of Police an email informing them of what had transpired. This information was re-sent the following day by mail. The NHRC registered the complaint as Case No. 49995/24/34/2011.

Lenin Raghuvanshi is currently working on the case of Mr Sohrab Khan, who was murdered in the night of 23 March 2011 in Gorakhpur district of Uttar Pradesh State. The caller mentioned that he is a resident of the same district.

Front Line believes that the death threat against Lenin Raghuvanshi is directly related to his legitimate human rights work, particularly his investigation into the murder of Sohrab Khan and his work in the defence of the rights of marginalised groups. Front Line is seriously concerned for the physical and psychological integrity and security of Lenin Raghuvanshi.

Front Line urges the authorities in India to:

  1. Carry out an immediate, thorough and impartial investigation into the death threat against human rights defender Lenin Raghuvanshi, as well as previous threats, with a view to publishing the results and bringing those responsible to justice in accordance with international standards;

  2. Take all necessary measures to guarantee the physical and psychological integrity and security of Lenin Raghuvanshi;

  3. Investigate reports of death threats and other forms of intimidation against human rights defenders in India, and adopt immediate measures to ensure their protection;

  4. Guarantee in all circumstances that all human rights defenders in India are able to carry out their legitimate human rights activities without fear of reprisals and free of all restrictions.